Chapter One: Freedom? Not Welcome.

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Killua's POV
Just like usual, I'm sitting by my room's window, staring outside. The sky is blue and below me there's a garden I asked to be built.

I didn't always like nature, I remember disliking it because it was dirty...worms and dirt, so when I made my request to build the garden, my family was shocked. They were also kind of worried but I don't know why. There's not a lot I remember before or after that.

'This is boring!' I say to myself, I don't have any friends. I'm not allowed to go to school... I can't go anywhere outside our castle so it's lonely...The only person I really am 'friends' with is my little sister alluka, but that doesn't count! I love her of course but I've always wanted an actual friend.

'Whatever.' I close my eyes and let sleep take me away.

"KILLUAAA! MOM AND DAD'S CALLING YOU!" my little sister alluka called to me along with some violent knocking. 'oh come on.' I thought to myself but still went. "Thanks alluka!" I pat her head. "No problem, onii chan!"

We both go down to mom and dad. "Morning, mom and dad." I say with my usual fake smile, however, they weren't smiling.

"Goodmorning, killua and alluka. Alluka, you can go. Killua stay here and have a seat." Dad says very seriously, usually, alluka would be crying saying she wants to stay with me, but she noticed the seriousness in their tone and decides to nod and leave.

"Killua... We've been thinking about this for a while now."

I'm scared, I can't read their faces or tone. It's sad? It's disappointment? But also not? I don't know! That's why I'm scared. The last time I heard this tone was a long time ago when I did something really bad. I don't remember what I did though.

"Your mom and I have been discussing this and we hope you cooperate,"


"We hope this won't come off as a burden to you"


"But since you liked none of the girls invited to our party..."


"We planned your marriage."

They took my freedom away.
They took my freedom of having friends,
my freedom to have fun,
to live my life,
and now, they're taking my freedom to love...


Hey guys! This is my first fanfiction so I'm sorry if it's not very good— also, I'm trying my best to keep them long, this one is a bit shorter than the others because it's only really an introduction to everything happening. I hope you guys understand! ⭐(^_^)💧

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