Chapter Six: A Gungi tournament

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Killua's POV

"Well anyways, I still have to introduce killua to the other villagers! See you later bisky!" Bisky waves bye to us and both smile.

I'd be happy right now if I hadn't encountered someone who knew who I was. Hopefully she sticks with the lie I told.

Time skip

Gon introduced me to a couple of other friends he had. I remember a couple of them like sushi, four eyes, kite, palm and alooot more. We hadn't even realised it was already noon.

"Killua! Let's go to the ternament!"
"Yeah!" I follow gon to the tree where a ninja turtle and a snotty girl sit down and play gungi. Almost the while town watched and it was kinda funny how the ninja turtle kept losing to the snotty girl. Kurapika and leorio were also there watching.

"Do you think mayor meruem will win?" Gon asked.
"Mayor meruem? The snotty girl?" I assumed since she's been winning all the recent matches.
"Nope, the green fella!"
"Oh... Nah. I don't think he can win, not today at least." gon smiled and the rest of the ternament went on. The so called mayor never actually won in the end.

"Lets go meet them now!" Gon said.
"Can we?"
"Sure we can!" I nod in response and we go over inside a tree.

"Gon? What brings you here?" 'Meruem' asks.
"Well I want you guys to meet my new friend, killua!"
Meruem looks at me with a confused look.

"What's the Prince doing here?"

When he said that, my heart dropped. I started to sweat and replied with "Prince? Why does everyone keep calling me a Prince..? Haha."
Meruem looked confused but also as if he understood why I lied. "Well maybe it's because of your clothes, haha." he played along.
"Anyways gon, I'll have a talk with killua for now since he's new! I'll let him out in a little while" Meruem said. Gon only nodded and went outside.

"Your family is looking for you"
"I know. Please don't tell gon. I do have my reasons."
"Mind telling me your reasons then?" I hesitate a bit but realised I had no choice.

"My parents arranged me for marriage. I tried speaking up about it but they didn't even listen. I don't know when I'll come back but I'm kind of happy here with gon... I know this won't do anything but..."
"Alright, I understand. I won't tell gon but please try your best to fix this. You can leave now. I really wish you luck." Meruem said.

"M-meerueeem! Help-"
"Well, I gotta go now! See ya! Tell your boyfriend that too!" meruem says rushing over to the snotty girl. Wait. Did he just say boyfriend? I blush at the thought and try hiding it with my hand. I rush over to gon who was no where to be seen.

"Hey, killua! Look, look!" gon said facing upside down, hanging from the door.
"G-gon?!" I say a bit panicked.
"K-killua?!" he says trying to imitate me with his tongue out. I roll my eyes and tell him to go down. He goes down and clings onto me.
"Killua, you're so soft!" he says, still clinging onto me. I get flustered by what he says and I let him cling onto me til' we get back to his home.

"What are you doing hanging onto killua, gon?" Aunt mito asked with a smirk. "Is there something I don't know about?"
"What are you talking about aunt mitooooo?" he whines. Aunt mito just laughs and I carry gon up to his room.

"So, killua... Did you enjoy today?"
"Yeah! It's been awhile since I actually did."
"That's great, killua! What did meruem talk to you about by the way?"
"He told me to have a great time while I stayed. I also told him my reasons for being here."
Gon smiles. "By the way, you can sleep on my bed! I'll prepare my own bed!"
"Are you sure?" I say a bit guilty.
"Yeah, after all, you're my best friend!" what he said made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

Well, I've been feeling this ever since I've been hanging around him. Maybe this is why illumi told me not to have friends? Will my stomach explode? I shake these thoughts off and say goodnight to gon.


Hii~ I'm sorry this took 5 days to write(I'm also sorry its short)! I've been a little busy these days. Also- I'm sorry for any mistakes I make in this. I'm going to try and make either longer chapters or shorter ones (but updates are faster). Anywaysss see you guys next time!

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