Ch. 12: Confessions and bodies

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(Sorry for not updating sooner. Been surprisingly busy.....I'M SO SORRY THAT IT'S BEEN NEARLY A MONTH)

        Glitchtrap suddenly pounced at you. Caught by surprise you barely managed to move out of the way. You took off running, Glitchtrap following close behind. You ran with Glitchtrap chased you for about an hour (getting your cardio in today, good job) before you ducked into a random room and hid. Your breathing was heavy but you tried to stay quite as Glitchtrap rounded into the room. You held your breathe as he walked around slowly, inspecting the room. You pressed yourself smaller into your hiding spot and prayed that you weren't found.

         Glitchtrap left the room and continued running down the hall. After waiting about 5 minutes you got up and peaked out into the hallway. Not seeing him anywhere around you slowly crept out of the room and quietly jogged the opposite direction Glitchtrap went. You still didn't know where you were, having been paying even less attention with Glitchtrap hunting you down. You sighed and peeked into another room, except, you knew this room, it was Williams room. You sighed in relief, a smile sweeping onto your face.

        You walked in. The place was still trashed (obviously) but you still sat down against the wall. You needed a break and didn't think Glitchtrap followed were wrong. The yellow bunny man soon stepped into the room but blocked the doorway. You bolted up and looked around, trying to find another way out, there wasn't one. Glitchtrap didn't move closer, instead staring at you. Not wanting to be intimidated you stared back. "LeAvE tHiS pLaCe AnD nEvEr ReTuRn.*&^%" he growled out.

       It sounded forced, like he wasn't saying it himself. You looked at him closer, like that would help you. "Glitch, please, I'm sorry for leaving. I should have stayed and let you explain. I'm here now, please tell me that counts for something." you pleaded, hoping that he would talk to you. He tilted his head but didn't say anything.

??? pov

'Were they for real? They wanted to talk to this thing?' I stared in bewilderment at my computer screen. I had never expected this. I looked at my other screen and pulled up his memories. This person was in most of them. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. William Afton, had fallen in love. I looked back st my main screen and sat back in thought. He hadn't done anything wrong since being in the game, if anything he had changed, and for the better. After contemplating I sat back up. 

         I would let William be, for now. Watch him and see what he does. To see if he truly had changed but one wrong move and I'm eradicating him from existence. I typed in the commands and let William have his body back, but made sure that I could keep an eye on him. I could see and hear everything he would say and do. I could even hear his thoughts. No on is going to get hurt if I have a say in it.

Back to normal!!!(crayon song starts to play in the background)

         Glitchtrap suddenly face planted onto the ground. You jumped back in surprise and watched him carefully on the floor. You heard him groan and roll onto his back, his eyes were squeezed shut and he brought a hand to his forehead. You carefully stepped over and kneel'd beside him. When Glitchtrap opened his eyes he instantly looked at you. He bolted up right "(y/n) when did you get here? Why are you here? I'm so sorry, please let me explain. I never wanted to hurt you, wellthatwassortofaliebutIdidn'twanttoanymorebecauseyoumeantomuchtomeandIdidn'twanttoloseyou," 

        Glitchtrap said, talking faster as he went on to the point where you really couldn't understand what he was saying. You put you hand over his mouth to make him stop talking "Glitch, I can't understand a word you're saying. You're talking to fast." you told him. You took your hand away and sat back "I'm sorry for running away, I just got scared. But right now that's not what I want to talk about." Glitchtrap looked at you confused. "What happened to you? Why did you chase me?" you asked. 

GlItCh in the game (William/Glitchtrap X reader)Where stories live. Discover now