Ch. 23: A familiar face

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||SOOOOOOOOOooooo... yeah, I got nothing, enjoy the video- wait- No- Wrong thing. Enjoy the chapter||

               William groaned as he opened his eyes. Picking his head up he tried to move his arms but they wouldn't budge. William tried moving his legs instead but couldn't do anything with them either. Shaking his head lightly he blinked his eyes and forced himself more awake. Blearily looking around William saw that he was in a garage.

              Looking down to see why he couldn't move William saw that he was tied to a chair. "What?" William rasped testing the bonds of rope. They were tight and strong. The dark garage was suddenly filled with light as a someone opened a door and walked in. William squinted at the sudden bright light. The persons details were completely hidden; they looked completely black. They slowly and carefully walked in, shutting the door behind them. 

          When the garage was completely dark again William could barely make out where the person was. He focused on where they were as best he could though and didn't take his eyes of of them. "Who are you? What do you want with me?" William tried to growl out, his voice was to hoarse to sound menacing though. He didn't get a response either, his captor just kept walking around the garage.

             "I'm not taking my eyes off you." William informed them. Not to mention his eyes were adjusting to the dark again and could almost make some details. "I thought you could recognize me no matter what, that what you said." the stranger finally spoke. Their voice was familiar, so familiar; William just needed to place- "Wait-" before William could say anything else the stranger walked to the door and flipped on the lights. 

          William squeezed his eyes shut while his captor quickly strode in front of him. When he opened his eyes William took a sharp intake of breath at who was standing tall in front of him, glaring down.




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