36. Goodbye, My Love

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I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won't ever have
anyone like you
Only you, only you
As much as my tears,
I hope you are happy
Goodbye my love

Since filing for divorce, Simon has started to leave early and return late. It is hard for her to see him in person.

     Seeing the visa day is getting closer, Yasmin has to call him to urge him to go through the divorce procedures, but every time she mentions this on the topic, Simon digressed for various reasons, either in a meeting, or with a client, or doing this or doing it, in short, it means very busy.

     Yasmin couldn't help but wonder. She had never seen him so busy before. Why is he getting so busy now that he is getting divorced?

     After thinking about it, again and again, she decided to go directly to the company to find him and see with her own eyes whether it was really so busy that she couldn't even spare time for the meeting. When she arrived at the Sebastian Group, a beautiful woman from the main station greeted her enthusiastically.

      Although this was her first visit to the company, everyone in the company knew that she was the president's wife. When she took the elevator to the ninth floor, Yasmin's eyes were red unconsciously.

     How could she forget that if it were not for Simon Sebastian, she would not be able to overcome the fear of the elevator.

     How thankful she was at that time, but now, instead, she regretted it. If that day, she insisted on not cooperating, insisting on not accepting his help, then everything would be different, she would definitely not fall her heart in that small space, and if her heart would not fall, she wouldn't have suffered so much.

      On the ninth floor, the three words in "The President's Office" came into her eyes.

      She stepped forward and reached out and pushed the door open. Inside was an independent secretary room, behind which was the president's office.

       Chiris looked surprised when she saw her suddenly, and hurriedly got up and greeted: "Yasmin, why are you here?"

       "Where is Simon? I want to see him."

         "Oh, he is in a meeting." Chiris's answer was short of breath.

        Yasmin saw that he was lying in his eyes, and she walked straight forward: "Then I will wait for him inside."

          "Ah, wait a minute." He reached out and stopped her: "I will show you to the lounge. Wait, Si doesn't like visitors waiting in his office directly."

         "I'm not a visitor, I am his wife." She revealed her identity and insisted on pushing the door open. Not surprisingly, she saw Simon sitting at the desk.

      Simon saw her suddenly, and he was quite surprised. He glared at Chiris, and Chiris shook his head helplessly, indicating that he did his best.

       "Isn't it in a meeting?" Yasmin walked up to Simon and asked sharply.
        "Oh, it just ended."

          Yasmin stared at Simon, holding her breath and waiting for him to answer. Simon stared at her for a few seconds before slowly moving her gaze away. She couldn't help but laugh at herself.

          She was already on the road to divorce. What is she still looking forward to? She has already passed the age of dreaming, but why does she need to live like a little girl in a dream and cannot help herself.

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