5. Bet & Seduction

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I've got an edge in my voice
I feel the sun coming out,
Do you like dancing, baby

The setting sun returning to the mountain exudes a soft light, neither strong nor dazzling, but very warm.

Yasmin returned to her husband's house after finishing her school work.

There was no one in the huge living room. She went straight upstairs, opened the door of Simon's bedroom, walked straight to her secret room, and stopped halfway there.
Footsteps, glanced to the right, suddenly speechless.

Simon actually ordered someone to change the bed. Yesterday it was a white bed and a black bedding. Today, he changed to a black bed and white bedding.

She turned around the bed three times and wanted to break her head.

"I don't understand, what is the reason that makes a man hate women to such an extent... "

Even if she touches his bed, she just needs to change the bed linen. Do we need to change the bed as well? For such a difficult person, it is no wonder that the frequency of divorce is so high.

Yasmin took a long breath, turned and went into her secret room, changed her professional clothes, and went downstairs again.

At this time, there was already a person sitting on the sofa in the living room, Simon's sister, Leah. She had an idea.

Thinking that my sister-in-law is an outspoken person, perhaps I can learn something from her, she thought.

"Leah!" She yelled softly, and the sister-in-law who was immersed in her mobile phone suddenly raised her head, sweetly agreeing: "Ah, sister-in-law."

"Where did mother go?"
"Mom went to shopping. "

Yasmin smiled embarrassedly, sat next to her, looked around, and while the family hadn't returned, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, what's the problem?" The sister-in-law was really good at talking.

"Why does your brother get married and divorced frequently?"

"Hey..." Leah sighed: "Why every newly married sister-in-law likes to ask this question, and they like to ask me?"

Yasmin felt awkward. "I didn't say anything before, but since you asked, let me tell you a little bit. Who makes me like you?"

She looked out the door, lowered her voice and said, "Actually, my brother got married again. The divorce was because he was too indifferent to women, he had no enthusiasm at all, and he was critical on many details.Over time, no matter how rich the material life is, it is difficult for any woman to stick to it."

This point, Yasmin raise her hands in favor."He never let a woman stay in my house for three months. Either you take the initiative to leave, or he tries to force you to leave. Do you know how exaggerated he is?

My fourth sister-in-law stayed in my house for two. Yet, until she left, he didn't even know what her name was. And, it really broke my parents' heart..."

"But why does he want to be like this? Does he have a brain..." Yasmin asked.

"Isn't he sick? I think so too." Leah replied.

"Is he really?" Yasmin covered her mouth in amazement.Although she knew there must be a reason, she didn't think about it at all.

"It's not what you think, it's actually..." Leah spoke.

"Leah Sebestian, did you actually say bad things about your brother behind his back?" A ghostly questioning sound suddenly came from behind, and the two women became stiff.

𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞  👰🏻 Where stories live. Discover now