38. Honeymoon

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Damn, I like me better
when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you

When the plane arrived in Paris safely, Yasmin looked very excited. This is the first time she has set foot on the land of her dreams, and Simon is by her side.

That kind of joy made her want to scream, scream, and tell the world that she is a very happy woman now. Compared with her strangeness, Simon is particularly familiar with the city of Paris.

He often travels here and doesn't think of it anymore. What's special, just seeing Yasmin feel so happy, he also feels happy.

"Should you be tired after sitting on the plane for so long? I have asked Chiris to book the hotel for me, shall we go to rest first?" He consulted Yasmin.

Yasmin shook her head: "I'm not tired. I really want to do something now. Can you cooperate with me?"

"Well, what do you wanna do?"

"Let's find a street full of plane trees, and then hold hands and walk around?"

Simon chuckled, "I thought you wanna go to buy clothes. Isn't that what woman do? And you wanna walk here. You're really different, Nini. "

"Shut up! I warned you before that I'm crazy. You still can go back.... " before she could complete her sentence Simon leaned in and kissed her.

Yasmin's mind went blank.. Simon felt so happy.... Her lips were firm, soft. It was soft like Marshmallow... He craved for more. It was hard for him to stop kissing but he did.

"What's that for?" Yasmin asked shyly.

"To shut you up."

"By the way why did you call me Nini?"

"Usually I wanted to call you Jennie. Which means fair one. You're like that. But I love to call you Nini in short form of Jennie."

Yasmin blushed. She still teased, "From when The Great Simon Sebastian became a dedicated lover?" But when she saw his bitter face she immediately shut up. "Let's travel around, kookie."

"Kookie?" Simon was surprised.
"Oh! It's my nickname for you. Now let's go, " Yasmin replied shyly. Simon chuckled.

He took her to the Champs Elysées with ease, standing in the middle of the road, Yasmin's eyes filled with excitement and tears.

For many years, the scene that he had only dared to think about in her heart, at this moment, really appeared.

She took the initiative to hold Simon's hand, and then walked along the sycamore trees on both sides of the road. In the beautiful autumn, golden sycamore leaves fell on their heads.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the distance between heart and heart became closer.

Simon never knew that it was such a relief to let go of the burden in his heart and try a new relationship. After three years, he could finally live a normal life like a normal person.

They don't know if the Champs Elysées is too long, or they walked too slowly, until night fell, they did not come to an end, Yasmin was very happy, because as long as the road has no end, she and Simon will definitely be able to walk forever. No one knows how far it is forever, but she is very willing to go with him...

"I'm almost exhausted, can I go back now?"

"It's fine." Yasmin nodded with a smile.

The two arrived at a luxury hotel in the city center. As soon as they entered the door, Simon lay down on the sofa and panted heavily.

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