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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I sat there in shock. To scared to speak. I wanted to say yes but no words were coming out of my mouth. I quickly nodded my head and had a smile from ear to ear.

I hugged Luke tightly and we both snuggled under the blanket. Luke grabbed my hand and started to run circles with his thumb in my hand.

I snuggled my head on Luke's shoulder and let my thoughts drift off and I watched the rest of the movie.


"Hey Luke!" Calum yelled from the ground. "Did you? You know."

"Yes Calum." Luke stated.

All the boys started cheering and Luke and I just smiled.

We were all being weird until I said something random.

"I want Ice Cream!" I yelled.

"Why don't we go get some from across the street?" Luke said.

I nodded my heard furiously and I got my shoes on. When my shoes were on I grabbed my flannel and beanie. Luke grabbed his flannel and we headed out the door.

When we walked out the door I went over I the elevator and waited for Luke to hurry up. I pressed the main floor button and we went down. Luke grabbed my hand and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel his cold metal lip ring on my skin.

The elevator door opened and we headed out the hotel hand in hand. As we crossed the street I was swinging our hands back and forth.

"So what kind of ice cream do you want?" He said as we headed into the little store.

"Definitely chocolate chip cookie dough! That's my favorite."

"Okay! We will get cookies and cream too!"

"Sweet!" Excitingly grabbing Ice cream from the freezer. I decided to also grab a tub of butterfinger Ice cream for the fun of it.

After we grabbed the Ice cream and payed for it we headed back to the hotel.

To be honest with you I was really scared for this relationship. I'm wondering how far this will bring us.

"Ice cream!" Michael yelled.

"Mine!" I yelled back just as loud.

Michael stepped back, "I'm just kidding jeez just the cookie dough one is mine!"

The boys laughed and grabbed the other 2 tubs of ice cream.

I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and sat on the couch.

In a few minutes Luke came to the couch and sat down next to me with a big bowl of ice cream and a spoon.

"Can I have some gorgeous?" Luke said in my ear.

I instantly felt my face start burning red. Luke just laughed and took some if my ice cream. I pouted but when he gave it back I was smiling again.

I ate the ice cream I could and gave the tub to Luke. I was pretty hyper considering it was now 3 in the morning.

After I got up to go to the bathroom Luke and I fell asleep on the couch.


"Wake up love birds!" Ashton yelled at us. I instantly shot my head up and almost punched him.

"Violent much?" He said to me.

"Sorry. It's a habit of mine."

"It's okay but get Luke up."

I shook Luke a few times but he wouldn't wake up. I finally slapped his stomach and he woke up.

After we all got dressed and I did my makeup we made sure we had everything and got on the tour bus.

"Okay, we are heading to Tulsa and yeah let's go over some rules. Okay 1st rule. No sex." Ashton spoke.

I felt my face get really red and I saw Luke's blushing a shade of pink as well.

"At least while we are on the bus." I took the pillow next to me and hit Ashton really hard.

"Ow! Stop being such a violent person!"

"It's not my fault you can't keep your mouth shut."

"Whatever okay if you finish the food in here at least throw the box away, Luke."

As Ashton kept blabbing his mouth I was laying down and had my feet on Luke and my back on the arm rest thing.

I sat there staring at his eyes and how his chest moves. Luke looked over at me and saw me staring.

He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and he patted my leg.

I didn't realize Ashton was done talking until Luke started talking to me.

"When are we going to tell the fam we are dating?"

"Whenever you want."

"Maybe tomorrow, we could do a twit cam and post it on twitter."


"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

All the boys said different things but one of them I was interested in.

"What was that Michael?" I asked slowly turning my head towards him.

"I said let's play Black Ops!"

"Oh it's on."

Michael passed me the controller and I turned it on. Once he got to the main screen he selected the free for all mode.

When the game started I instantly started killing people.

"I will slay!" I yelled standing up on the couch.

"NO!" Michael yelled.

"Ha! I slayed! I killed you! HA!"

"You cheated! That's not fair!"

"Oh boohoo Mikey, I won fair and square!"

"Okay children that's enough!" Luke yelled.

"Luke" Michael and I whined in sync.

"Sorry babe." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Whatever, Luke! How come I don't get any apologizing?" Michael yelled.

Luke rolled his eyes and slipped his hands around my waist.

I smiled and looked up at him.

I really wanted to kiss him but I couldn't. At least not yet. I had reasons why, I'm just not ready to share them with anyone yet.


Hey lovelies so I'm thinking about starting another book. I kind of want to just because I'm having like super bad punk feels rn. But I love you don't forget to



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