The Last Night

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The sun went down and I turned to Luke and smiled, having a great idea. Nobody was at the beach besides us and the boys. I stood up and pulled off my shorts.

He looked up at me like a puppy dog because he was confused. I slowly took off my straps of the swim suit and then pulled it past my breasts.

I had my back turned to Luke and I finally took off the rest of my bathing suit.

"Skinny dipping!?" I heard Calum yell. I knew the boys liked to get naked so why not?

"Sharks sleep at night, they're never out at night it's the only time I'll swim." I said. I jumped into the water, naked.

When my head popped up from the water I saw that all the other boys besides Luke were undressing.

"Luke it's okay." I say. Michael jumped into the water, naked, and we all laughed at him. Next, Calum jumped into the water.

I looked at Luke and he slowly started to undress as Ashton finally jumped into the water.

Luke finally got undressed and then dives into the water. I clap my hands and swim up to him when his head re appears at the surface.

"Good job hon." I whisper to him, kissing his lips. He smiled throughout the kiss and we forget that we are naked.


"What time is it?" I ask as we walk into the hotel we are staying at tonight.

"9:14" Ashton replies. I nod my head and go into the kitchen.

"I'm really hungry." I say as is rummage the full cabinets of food.

I saw some chocolate pop tarts and grabbed them out of the box. I then saw some double stuffed Oreos and grabbed them as well.

I decide to see if we have ice cream.

"Fuck ya!" I scream as I open the freezer.

Luke ran into the kitchen and since he was wearing socks he slid all over the place and drifted into the counter.

I laugh and grab the vanilla ice cream from the freezer.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Mikey asks.

I don't answer but instead I turn on some music. After Midnight by Blink-182 came on and I swayed my hips to the music.

I grabbed the blender that I found in the cabinet and put a couple pop tarts in there. Then I shoved some of the Oreos in the mixer.

Next I decide to put ice cream in the blender. I put about 5 giant scoops in there then put on the lid.

"We'll stagger home after midnight, sleep arm and arm in the stairwell." I sung quietly to myself.

I started the blender and everything mixed. I grab some caramel and put it in the mixer.

"Where the hell does all this food come from? Does Liz know just what I need?"

I giggled to myself and made sure everything was blended and stuff. I took off the lid and grabbed some cups.

With just my luck Milkshake by Kelis came on. I instantly started to sing as loud as I could as I poured the milkshake evenly into 5 different cups for the boys and I.

"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard!" I sung laughing to myself and picking up 2 cups bringing them to Calum and Michael.

I grabbed another one and gave it to Ashton then picked up the last one and spun around and ending up staring into Luke's eyes. I kissed him passionately and gave him his shake I made.

"Holy shit this is good!" Michael yelled taking another drink of it. I laughed and the Pierce The Veil cover of Beat It came on. I took a quick drink of the milkshake and then ran around and sung the song.

I was really in the mood so I decided to have a lot of fun. I grabbed Luke's hands and dragged him to the middle of the kitchen and began sliding around him on my socks.

"Just beat it!" I yelled whenever Vic sung it. "No one wants to be defeated!" I began to do my dance while holding Luke's hands. It was a weird dance but it mostly involves moving my feet around in a sort of shuffling and just wailing my arms around.

I collapsed to the floor and reached up to the counter grabbing my milkshake. "This is really fucking good." I say to myself.

"Good job baby." Luke says. I look up at him and smile. I saw that Ashton was putting the stuff away from the milkshake and I shrug my shoulders.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Ashton says as he puts away the ice cream.

"We are not sleeping I'll tell you that much. It's our last night together and I'm going to make it the best night ever." I say taking a big gulp of my milkshake.

I stand up and then drink the remains of my shake and put the cup in the sink. "So, let's play truth or dare!" Calum yells. I smile and nod my head.

We all walk to the living room area and all sit down in a circle.

"Who goes first?" Luke asks. I point at him and he rolls his eyes and laughs.

"Okay um, Ferrin truth or dare?"


He thought for a few seconds and then finally said, "I dare you to sing a song. Well part of a song you like."

I instantly start to sing King For a Day. "Red for the cancer, red for the wealthy, red for the drink that's mixed with suicide everything's red." I sung. I stopped right there and didn't want to song the rest because I realized I just used my screaming voice like Vic does on the last part.

The boys all stare at me with wide eyes and then start cheering. I roll my eyes and laugh at myself. "Mikey T or D?"

"Truth me."

"Tits or ass?"

"Is that even a question? Oh boobs of course!" He says smirking and looking at Calum.


"Dare!" I laugh and lay my head on Luke's lap. He brought his hand to my head and started to play with my hair and 'pet' it.

"I dare you to wall twerk!" All of us laugh really hard and then Cal went to the wall that was clear and attempted to twerk. I was laughing so hard at this point I was crying.

We dared each other more ridiculous things and asked weird questions until we all took a break and checked Instagram and Twitter and Facebook.

I saw that Sleeping With Sirens was going to be in the recording studio near my house next week.

"Ah!"I scream. All the boys shot there eyes near me. "Sleeping with Sirens. Cali. Near my house. Oh my god."

"Seriously?" Luke asks he walks over to me and looks at my phone. A smile spreads across my face and I hug him and kiss him.

The rest of the night we watch scary movies. I don't want the night to end. Because I'll have to go back home and I don't want to.

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