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I sat in the hospital bed thinking to myself. What is my mom going to do?

Liz had to tell her, but my mom still hasn't come home from her business trip. I sighed and laid back in bed because I was getting a headache.

The nurse came in and started to change my bandage on my arm.

"Hey baby, you can go home today." Luke whispered to me. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek.

When the nurse was done checking on me Luke sat down.

"You should get some rest before you leave, that way your well rested." Calum said.

I nodded my head and tried to go to sleep. I kept opening my eyes and just couldn't though. I looked over at Luke and sighed.

He smiled and started to sing to me.

"She sleeps, alone, my heart wants to come home I wish I was I wish I was, beside you." He sung the rest of the song and soon I was fast asleep.


"Luke!" I whined.

"Yes baby?"

"I need to pee." I said. He looked at me and blinked a few times.

He got up and helped me up with him, being careful of my wrist.

He walked me over to the bathroom and helped me sit down and then left me alone.

I giggled to myself and then told him when I was done. I also told him I needed to change.

The nurse came in to help me
Change because I couldn't move my wrist.


I walked in the door to the hotel and laid down. Luke smiled at me and walked into the kitchen.

"Luke!" I whined.

"Yes?" He said from the kitchen.

"Can you make me some tea?" I ask.

"Already on it!" I smiled at how well he knew me. Because he knows me really well.

I need to apologize to him for what I did. I mean, it was a pretty shitty thing for me to do all of the sudden.

I sighed as I went in to deep thought. My head started to hurt so I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands.

"God dammit, what did I do?" I sighed as I let a tear slip.

"Ferrin it's okay." Luke said as he walked next to me.

"No it's not" I said sitting up then sipping my tea that Luke had just gave me, "I tried and I shouldn't have, I knew you would be hurt but I wasn't thinking."

Luke sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"No sweetie, I'm upset that you didn't come to me and I'm sad you tried, but no I'm not mad at you I could never be mad at you, I just want you to promise me you won't do it again."

I sighed and whispered "I promise." Before dozing off to a much needed sleep.


"I don't want to go! The US tour ended to soon!" I yelled as I got up from my bunk.

"I know right! It's amazing here!" Calum said. I nodded and went to the back of the bus to Find Luke.

"Shower." Liz said. I walked into the kitchen and waited for Luke to get out of the shower.

"So tomorrow you have to go back home, that really sucks." Michael said.

"Yeah," I sighed "I love you guys so much." 

"Awe, hey, chins up we're still gonna keep in touch!" I nod my head and sit next to Ashton at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, I guess." I smile and rest my head on Ashton's shoulder. Luke came out of the bathroom in his black skinny jeans and no shirt. It was an amazing sight.

His hair was wet and it was really hot.

"Sorry I'll put on my shirt you probably don't want to see me shirtless." Luke said.

I glared at him and he put his arms up in defense. I giggled and walked to the bathroom to change my wrist bandage.

"Luke!" I yell as I walked in the bathroom.

He walked over to me and was confused on what he did.

"Clean up your mess! You flood the bathroom when you take showers just clean it up please." I sighed.

He nodded his head and I stood up on my tippy toes to kiss him on his lips.

"Thanks baby."


Hey guys sorry for the wait...

remember to

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