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We walked into the airport hand in hand. Michael was carrying my luggage and the rest of the boys and Liz followed behind. "I only have about 10 minutes until they're going to call my flight." I say sighing.

"I know baby, it's going to be okay. You have my number and you have my skype and face time I follow you on everything baby it's gonna-"

"Luke shut up." I mumble on his lips kissing him. The intercom suddenly had my flight called. I sighed and looked at Luke's bright blue eyes filled with sadness.

My eyes began to tear up and I hugged him for dear life. "I love you so fucking much Luke." I whispered to him. A tear slipped down my face and I quickly wiped it away.

Just then another tear slipped and it felt like I was being stabbed in the heart. Because I love this boy. I truly do.

I walked away from him and went up to Calum. He pulled me into a huge hug so tight I could barely even move my body.

"I'm gonna miss you baby girl." He says and kisses me on the head. I look up and smile at him and hug him one last time.

Next I walk over to Mikey. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and picked me up in the air, spinning me.

"Mikey!" I yell and laugh at the same time, getting a couple stares but it's not like people are judging, the airport is the one place where families reunite and leave each other. It's pretty sad and that's why I hate airports.

"Love yeah darling." He said putting me down and kissing my cheek.

Ashton instantly walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Be strong baby girl we all love you, Skype if you need anything or need to talk. I'm just a call away." I teared up and hugged him again.

I walked over to Liz and said my goodbye and gave her a giant hug.

I walk back over to Luke and the final call for the plane was said. I sighed and Luke was looking down, obviously sad.

He kissed me one last time and finally I leaved. All the boys stood next to Luke looking really sympathetic. I took my luggage and did what I needed to do with it.

I got on the plane and was seated next to a fairly young girl wearing a Sleeping With Sirens shirt. I sat down and she smiled shyly at me.

This girl is going places.


"I love your shirt." I say. We've been on the plane about 30 minutes by now. She took her earbuds out and smiled.

"Thanks, you listen to them?"

"Yeah girl! What's your name?"

"Uh, Bailey."

"Nice to meet you I'm Ferrin." I extended my hand to shake hers.

I looks at her phone and saw that she was playing a My Darkest Days song.

"You know hon, Pornstar dancing is not that appropriate." I say. She giggles and nods.

"It's probably one of my favorite songs though!" I laugh and grab my phone out of my pocket.

"So how old are you?" She asks me.

"I turn 16 soon!" That reminds me. I turn 16 in less than a month.  Woah.

"I turn 13 soon." She says to me.

I turn and smile at her. She's a good kid. I sit forward and plug in my head phones and start playing some Seether.

I didn't wanna go back home.


Holy shit. Sorry this Is just kinda a filler chapter lol I DYED MY HAIR!!!!!! Omg it makes me happy lol. I'll update again tonight maybe cuz I'm bored asf

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