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I give Liz my present to her she opens the card and reads it. She then opens her present. I decided to get her a heart necklace with diamonds on it that says 'no matter what me and your son go through, you're forever my mum'.

"Aww thanks baby!" She says. I nod my head and Mikey gives her his present.

She opens it and it's a brand new kitchen aid blender and mixer. She laughs and gives him a hug. Next Ashton gives Liz his present from him and his siblings.

"It's from all of the Irwin family." He says. She smiles and opens uo to find a $100 visa gift card and a silver infinity necklace that is engraved with 'the Irwin family'.

"Awe thank you Ash!"

Next, Luke gives her his present. It's in a small box and she opens it up and gasps.

She takes it out and is a ring, it says 'you're little boy is growing up but he's always yours' it was gold and had diamonds in it. "Thank you Luke."

She says. I smile and grab my presents to the boys. "So it's not much but yeah"

I give the boys there presents and they take out the piece of paper that's in there. "No way! You got us Blink 182 tickets! How did you score those! I love you!" Luke practically tackled me and so did the other boys.

"I also got you flannels." They each looked at there new flannels and smiled in awe. The boys decided to give me the presents for me. I opened Michael's and it was at least $300 worth of different colored hair dye.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much." I hugged Mikey and kissed his cheek and Ashton gave me his present.

"So it's not much but yeah." he says in his adorable Kangaroo accent. I opened it up and gasped.

"Dude!" he looked at me "Not much? This must've cost a fortune!" He shook his head and I stared in awe. What I've always wanted is sitting right in front of me. A Polaroid. Ashton hugged me and i set it aside so i could play with it later. Calum gave me a card and inside was a $200 gift certificate to hot topic.

"Do you realize how many band Ts i can get with this?" I squealed as Molly came and licked my face. This dog is so cute. Luke finally gave me his present. There was new 5sos merch that hasn't been released yet I smile and hug and thank him when I see a little box at the bottom. I grab the box and open it up. I look at Luke and he's sitting there with a smirk on his face.

I'm holding a white gold necklace with diamonds in it and it's in the shape of a heart. This time it was my turn, I tackled him in a hug and kissed his lips with the wonderful feeling of his lip ring on mine. "That's enough you two." Liz said. I giggled and sat on Luke's lap as he put the necklace on me. All the boys gave each other funny gifts, but what else can you expect.

"Okay I got a present for everyone." Luke's dad pulled a giant box into the living room and all the boys and I walked over to it. The box wasn't closed all the way so I slowly opened it up when it fell to it's side and a puppy ran out.

"You got us a puppy!?" we all said in sync. I sat on the floor and the puppy ran up to me and made me fall on the floor.

"Help me!" I screamed. Calum took the puppy from me and helped me stand up. "Is it a girl?" Of course Michael grabbed the puppy and checked.

"Well, it does have a vagina so yeah i think so." We all laughed and Luke asked what breed she was.

"She's a husky." I said.

"We need a good name." Ashton says. We all think for a few minutes.

"I got nothing." I said.

"Same." Ashton sighs.

We look at MIchael and he shakes his head the we look to Cal. "Nope."

"Luke?" I ask.

"What about Quinn? I mean we all love Sleeping With Sirens and Kellin."

"Wow Luke, you used that head of yours!" Michael said as we all laughed. We all huddled around Quinn and made her feel like home until of course, she pooped on the floor.

"Well, Luke she likes you the most I think you take this one." I say.

He rolled his eyes after everyone agreed with him and he picked up the poop. This puppy is going to leave us pooped. Ha. no pun intended.


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