Tulsa and parks

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"We're here!" I yelled as I jumped on top of Luke. He groaned and I tapped on his forehead until he opened his eyes.

All the boys came out of there bunks and were actually excited to be awake. I quickly slid my black vans on and ran outside. We were in Oklahoma.

It was really pretty here. It was a mixture of a city and country all in one.

Luke came outside shortly after me and he came up and hugged me.

"Beautiful isn't it." He whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

"Luke!" I yelled. He seemed startled but he kept his grip when I tried to get out of it. "Let go!" I yelled. I wanted to go meet the One Direction boys that had just showed up.

"No you can't fangirl over them. Leave them alone." Luke said to me.

I quickly hung my head in shame and stopped trying to go meet them when I could hear Niall yell something, "it's alright lad, she can come over here!"

I quickly raised my head and looked at Luke. He smiled and let go of me. I ran over to the 5 boys and didn't want to fangirl over them so I just stood there in shock.

I decided to go and hug Niall. He hugged me back. His hug was warm and soft. Next I hugged Louis. Then Harry, Zayn, and Liam.

I'm not really a "fan" but I do have a thing for the boys. And by that I mean. Niall come here sexy man.

I talked with the boys a little and got selfies with them when it was time to go.

"Are you going to be okay?" Luke said to me.

"I don't know, I can't tell if the crowds will give me a panic attack or not."

"Just hold my hand tight okay baby?" He said kissing my cheek.

We got into a black car that had tinted windows that would take us to the arena.

Once we got there, lots of girls were there. I could here insults being thrown at me and Luke quietly comforted me.

We hurried inside and I got in without having a panic attack. I fixed my beanie and quietly went over to sit on Luke's lap.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. Then he whispered in my ear.

"After the show tonight, I want to go out with you alone without the boys."

I nodded my head and closed my eyes to get thoughts out of my head.


"How was the show babe?" Luke said to me.

"Ew get away your all sweaty."

"Don't pretend you hate it!" He said. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch.

After the boys took quick showers and got dressed we went to the hotel.

"Okay guys we are going out tonight so please don't be to crazy." I said as I finished my last bit of makeup I was doing.

The boys nod there heads not taking there eyes away from FIFA.

Luke and I walked out of the hotel and started to walk down the street.

"It feels really good out here." I said. The temperature was about 61°F and that was how I like it.

He nodded his head and we continued walking. We got to a little park with no kids around it of course because it was dark.

I saw a carousel and immediately ran towards it. I jumped on and it spun a little bit. Like ran towards it and started to spin me.

I made sure I was in the middle so I didn't fly off and it got spinning really fast. Luke jumped on and held on for dear life.

At this point we were laughing our heads off. When it stopped spinning I moved to the edge of the carousel and dangled my feet off of it.

"Luke," I whined. "I need help!" He rushed over to me and held out his hand. I freely took it and hopped up almost falling over, but he snaked his arms around my waist before I could fall.

"Let's go over to the swings!" Luke said. I ran over to meet him and sat on the open seat.

I first used my feet to start and get high and then I pumped them to get as high as I could.

"I can get higher than you!" I yelled at Luke.

"Did you just challenge me?" He said trying to get high as possible.

"I think I did." I began to pump my legs again and got higher and higher.

"Fine I give up!" Luke yelled. I cheered in excitement and slowed down the swing.

"Tell me a story about you on a swing. Maybe we can get to know each other better." Luke said.

"Okay well, in second grade. It was valentines day and snow was on he ground and stuff, and I was swinging and flipped backwards onto my face and i like fainted for 5 seconds and I think I got a black eye. But I was at school and I liked a 5th grader and he came and helped me up and took me to the office! My step mom had to come bring me pain killers and it was just, it was a moment that we all laughed at."

At this point I bursted into a fit of giggles and so did Luke.

"That's really funny."

"I know it is! Just the 5th grader part I can't believe I liked a 5th grader!"

As we calmed down I went over to go sit on Luke's lap. I sat down and he moved the swing a little but with his feet touching the ground.

I moved my legs so they were on his side and I looked into his eyes. I want to kiss him, I really do. I can't because I don't know how.

I could feel his breath on my lips and I slowly closed my eyes. Suddenly I felt his perfect lips on mine. The contact of his lip ring felt kind of weird. But I liked it.

He only slightly kissed me, he started to detach his lips from mine and I opened my eyes looking at him.

He gave me a slight smile and I gave him one back.

"Luke," I whispered, "you're going to have to show me how to do this stuff, but that was wonderful." He smiled and brought his lips back to mine. The kisses were slow, yet very passionate.

After a few minutes of being in silence Luke whispered to me "Hey we should get back, it's almost 10:30 and we haven't eaten anything."

I smiled and cupped his cheeks kissing him once more. I couldn't wait for more of those kisses and what was about to be farther ahead.


Hey y'all sorry this took so long to update I was thinking about what I wanted to write. I might be writing a lot this week/weekend if I don't have to much school work because umm well haha funny story,

Let's just say Mother Nature took it's toll. I'm in lots of pain but I have the most "fantasies" when it's that time.

I also brought home my bean bag chair and so idk it like gives me a really comfy place to write and I love it!

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I love you!

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