Chapter 10

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       I turned on the bed unable to sleep. I don't know how dad would feel knowing what I'm doing, knowing that I gave my life away to a man who thinks so lowly of me. He(dad) always wanted the best for me, wanted me to find true love.

     "Ma'am." A soft voice interrupted my thoughts. The voice was shaky and low like that of a maid. I opened the door staring at the maid, why was she awake at this hour of the night. "Sir wants you at the playroom now." I nodded following her, I was in my pajamas.

     "Dean?" I called lowly as I entered the room. His figured immediately grabbed my wrists roughly and tied it to something above my head. He tore off my pajamas leaving me totally unclad since I wore nothing beneath. "What...aah." I yelled in pain as he whipped me from behind me. I was tied in such a way I was standing but I couldn't move my hand. He bent down, tied my legs apart and whipped me again causing me to shiver in pain.

      This was not sensual, this fucking hurts a lot. He whipped me the third time and my head slumped back as I cried. He was flogging me with anger and I didn't like it. Another whip followed and I was slowly losing consciousness. He whipped me again and now I could feel warm liquid on my back. I knew that whip wasn't ordinary, the pain was too much. It was the type that draws out flesh when withdrawn from the body after impact. As though the whip has sharp spikes on it.

        He whipped me the last time before untying me and I felt my limp and bloody body being thrown on the bed. He spread my legs and fucked me so hard and rough that I lost consciousness.


     I woke up feeling uncomfortable as pain embraced my whole body. I whimpered sitting up, I was now in my room but still naked. My pussy was sore and hurts so much, my back was in pain and my bedsheets were stained. I lifted myself up and dragged myself to the bathroom. Setting the shower to the temperature I wanted I limped inside.

      The hot water burned the whip marks making me bite my teeth in pain as tears freely flowed down my cheeks. I've never been physically abused before, never. My pussy hurts so bad I couldn't even touch it without wincing in pain. I was helpless. I didn't know why he did what he did last night but I knew I would die before the three months would be up, I could feel death calling unto me.

     I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me as I entered the room. I looked at my back in the large mirror beside a walk in closet. My skin looked horrible, long whip marks littered there, and they were swollen. I could see inside the flesh since nothing covered it, the whip had removed the top flesh. They were really irritating and an eye sore.

    I sat on the floor with my knees to my face crying. I didn't sign up for this, to be used when angry. I got dressed and sat back on my bed. A knock came followed by my door gradually opening. A woman in her late fifties walked in, her eyes landed on mine.

     "Follow me, let's apply something on those wounds." She gestured kindly. I stood up and followed her quietly. She reached a door and opening it, she entered, I followed her in. It was like a hospital, only it looked small. All the equipments were there and three different doors leading elsewhere. She led me to the first door, a ward.

      She told me to lie on my stomach and I obeyed, removing my top too on instinct. She smiled sweetly at me and brought an ointment. Carefully, she rubbed it on my back soothingly at first, but gradually she began applying pressure, like she was massaging the swollen lines. I bit my lips hard to keep in my screams and soon I tasted a metallic taste, my blood.

     "Put your top back on. It would heal soon." I sat up with my teary eyes as I wore it back on. "You can leave now dear." She spoke kindly again and I nodded leaving the room. I quietly looked around the house, I was walking somehow odd due to the discomfort between my legs.

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