Chapter 17

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      I inwardly sighed as the designer lady made me wear a stupid gown. Classy, but not my type. It was literally so tight I could barely breath. Even with my skinny self.

      "Aren't there any other lose dresses?" I humbly asked the snobbish lady, but guess what. She ignored me.

     "Suck in your stomach." What was there to suck in, I was skinny!

     "I can't wear this." I finalized seriously.

      "Well, its this or nothing." Good. I took off the gown and left the office. God I was hungry. I just hope she doesn't get paid for doing nothing.

      I didn't know of any other designer, obviously, but this one was a no. I boarded a cab home and immediately called Melanie.

     "Mel I'm having outfit issues. Are you free?" I asked as soon as she picked.

     "I'm at the club." Her voice was low. She was with her daddy.

      "Alright. Tell Jack I won't be able to come on time for the shift. Family dinner and stuff." I tried hiding the pain in my voice, but I could hear it even though I was the one hiding it.

      "Okay. You'll look great on anything okay?"

      "That helps a lot. Thanks." I ended the call. It would have helped if it was a different situation. But in this case, it wasn't. I couldn't deny the hatred Mr Flair(Dean's dad) had for me.

     I laid on my bed and watched the time clock 7pm. A knock was heard immediately. These people were too punctual for their own good.

     "I'd be there in 5." The knocker left as I saw a shadow of retreating footsteps. I went to my wardrobe and being exhausted, I picked the first thing I saw.

     It was a red straight cut dress with a slit. It wasn't simple nor beautiful, it was very very inappropriate for a posh family dinner, but I couldn't care less. It screamed poverty and the lots. I did a light makeup and made my hair a ponytail. I looked ridiculous. Giggling, I wore my shoes.

      As I left the room, I could hear voices downstairs, at the dining hall. I groaned wondering how late I was. I would surely take all the attention.

     "Emma." I turned to the direction, Zoey. She looked beautiful and well, rich. "You're going in that?" She didn't sound disgusted but her eyes showed it for half a second.

     "Yes." Of late, I was becoming less friendly with people who weren't.

     "You sure? You wouldn't be really pleased if you do." I nodded and she sighed flashing a small smile. "Let's go then." She walked in front of me. As we descended the stairs, all eyes were on me. An elderly woman of about 50 sat there with her legs crossed. She scrutinized me rawly.

     Mr Flair sat at the other end of the table and well, wasn't pleased too. Lil had a stupid smirk on while Dean looked unconcerned. Joey did not even look at me. I sat in between Lil and the woman.

     "Hi." I greeted trying to ease away the silent cold atmosphere.

     "You again. Joey did you invite her?" Mr Flair began rudely. Joey stared at me before quietly shaking his head. "So what the hell is she doing here? Is she family?" He asked with a cold tone I nearly groaned. This family hated me so much.

     "Can we just eat already?" Zoey asked in a low unsure tone.

     "What's this thing doing here? For Christ sake she's irritating. Who invited her?" The woman started in her high pitched and obviously irritated voice.

    "Mom, you don't..." Joey started but was cut short. This was his mom? Where did he get his unique niceness from?

     "You don't tell me what to do! Now who the hell are you?" She turned to me with disgust all over her.

     "She's my submissive." Dean replied coldly just like his dad did.

      "And what is she doing sitting beside me?" Joey's mother yelled making me flinch lightly.

      "Do you really need this submissives? Everyday its a new one for chrissake." His father spoke up eyeing him. The room was quiet after that. Lil prayed for the food and well, everyone took their share. I took last.

     No one talked to me again after that, and I didn't mind. The older adults seemed to like Lil a lot unlike the twins. They discussed family issues, called names I didn't understand and talked about business I couldn't understand either. I was just a moron there as I ate my food slowly.

       Dinner was amazing and I personally had to clear the table when we were done. After which I left for my room. I told them goodnight but as expected, no reply. Locking my room door I sighed. They were still on with the family discussion so I changed into my strip clothes and left through a different door.

      I have never felt so invisible in my whole life. Aside the fact that there were obviously irritated with me, they wouldn't touch the plates after I touched it. As a result, I had to let the adults take their share and the other 'family' members before I could. I was glad to no longer be there.

     "Hey. Sorry I'm late." I smiled at Ciara who carelessly returned it. It was already past my time for stripping, it was now time for serving.

     "I don't care. There's your new strip and serve partner. Your stripping the last time was horrible." She groaned looking at a girl on stage. She was new. So I get a new person as a partner? What else?

     "Thanks. Should I wait till she's done or just start serving?" I asked turning back to Ciara.

     "Whichever you dislike." She barked out orders at a girl. God, Ciara was a strange figure. I left the bar and walked over to my new 'partner' who was coming down stage.

     "Hey. Are you Emma?" She sounded nice. Ugh we might not get along as expected.

      "Yeah. You are?"

      "Riley." She smiled. "Hope you're not gay? I don't want anyone touching me with fucked up feelings." I smiled broadly. Well hello mini Melanie.

      "We are on the same page lovely. Let's go serve."

     "After you." And we started serving.

     Riley was just what I expected. Sweet yet crude. And although she was new, she was good at what she does. She had no kink whatsoever.

     "You keep daydreaming over there and tell me how you gonna make tips." Riley rolled her eyes getting my attention.

     "I don't need 'em. Can you finish up alone?" I was exhausted. Both from the dinner and everything.

     "I'm getting 5% your pay." She smiled wickedly.

    "Sure. 5%." It was just one night, but I was grateful. I left the place immediately.

Introduction didn't take place with Joey's mom for a reason! you like my new character?

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