Chapter 35

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Joey kept pacing the living room, he occasionally stopped to think then continued. He repeated the process leaving me bored at his dull entertainment.

"Calm down Joey. I'm sure Drew would stand by you. He won't take shit from them."

"That's not the issue Em. I got disowned, typically, I'm like homeless and all." I stood up from the very comfortable couch, may I add, and walked up to my friend.

"You are not homeless. They don't deserve you, I keep telling you, " I paused dramatically before going on. "I think Drew wants to meet them and make them feel horrible for what they did. He likes crossing boundaries. And with you, he'd jump a fucking cliff." Joey didn't smile, even though this was the part a small grateful smile comes in.

"I'm just nervous. I don't want him to hate me after meeting them, my mom especially." I scoffed. Drew hate Joey? As if!

Drew had asked Joey to take him to his family members. My moms had already met him and Diane loved him so much, Ernie too.

Initially he disagreed, telling Drew his mom and sister hates his sexual orientation. That only made Drew even more eager. I bet he wants to piss those pissy bitches off more. Ha, the rhyme!

"You think Drew could hate you? He's my brother and this is the first time I'm seeing him so smitten, " I smiled as Joey's cheeks turned pink. Its about time I started doing the teasing. "He won't hate you, you two might end up making out in front of your mom." He chuckled feeling a lot relieved.

I walked back towards the couch with Joey behind me. We plopped down on the couch and focused our attention on the sloppy rom-com displaying on the six inch television.

"Joe." Diane squealed hugging him immediately she entered the house with Ernie behind. Ernie smiled at her beautiful wife and son in-law to-be. Seeing Ernie become this better and well behaved always left me looking like a smiling idiot. Who would blame me?

Drew and I came to a conclusion last week to call our moms by their names to ease the confusion, which occured a lot. We called them mom to their face, but when its just us, its Ernie and Diane.

"Good evening Diane, you look splendid." He commented winking at her. She laughed.

"You don't look bad yourself. How are you?"

"I'm good." She nodded before actually noticing my presence.

"Aw my baby." She came to me and lightly pinched my cheeks lightly like some little kid. I pouted on instant looking like an actual kid. The room boomed with laughter from the three out of four occupants. I found myself joining a minute later.

"Is Drew home?" Diane asked going to the kitchen to grab a drink, I guess. Ernie sat on the couch opposite ours looking at the screen.

"I doubt. He told me wanted to pick something at Lake hill." Ernie smiled collecting the orange drink from Diane. It was her favourite fruit drink. "Thanks love, you been served anything Joey?" Ernie asked sipping her drink.

Only Diane called Joey, Joe. She says it makes her feel a lot more special.

"I have. Thanks." Ernie nodded and Diane sat on the arm rest of the couch Ernie was sitting on already. The couple soon started glancing at us and next thing they were kissing. In the living room, in front of a visitor. Drew and I were familiar with it already but Joey!

"Mom! Could you not?" I asked gesturing towards Joey who acted absent minded. He was totally into this scene! The idiot. "You, get up." He laughed standing up with his hands up in surrender.

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