Chapter 11

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     I fell asleep as soon as Zoey left my room. I was exhausted so I needed the sleep badly. I blinked yawning. It was evening, going to the bathroom, I showered. I did not even know what to do, I had about an hour before my shift at the club. My phone vibrated beside me.

     "Hello?" I spoke into the phone. It was an unknown caller.

      "Hey. Its Jack. Come to the club now, with Dean. I can't reach his line." Jack spoke up calmly and I nodded.

     "Okay." I replied remembering he couldn't actually see me. I ended the call and changed into my boots and wig as I left my room to look for Dean. I didn't know his bedroom, all I knew was his office and the playroom. "Hi. Do you know where Dean is?" I asked a maid cleaning the living room.

     "Yes. But he doesn't want to be disturbed." She spoke smiling nicely at me.

      "Take me there, its urgent." I replied flashing her my fake smile, hers dropped immediately. She nodded and walked away, I followed her. She led me to his room and walked away, I knocked on the door quietly.

      "Who's there?" Lil's shrill voice replied and she opened the door. She was on panties and a bra, she smiled looking at me. "If it ain't the sub." She sighed. Turning to the room she entered living the door wide open for me to enter.

     I ignored the tug in my heart and entered. Dean sat on the bed shirtless as he looked at us, at me. Lil crawled on top the bed and kissed him, and he of course kissed her back before squeezing her breast, she released a moan.

     "Uhm Jack wants us to come to the club. He said he couldn't reach you." I spoke calmly now ignoring their make out session. None of them  seemed concerned by my presence.

     "So you are dressed to go strip I suppose?" Lil's annoying voice spoke up, I looked at her then nodded, I was a lot better than this morning, so I wasn't sore. Dean stared at me.

     "Go wait downstairs for me." He said and I left the room, closing the door quietly. I didn't know why but I felt horrible. I actually felt like his slut while Lil was like his girlfriend, his love. I know he didn't love me or anything, but at least he could be decent. I felt like an actual whore seeing them make out. He had not even kissed me before.

      I sat on the couch waiting patiently for him. Maybe they'd even have a quickie before coming down. Ugh I'm acting like a jealous bitch. He calls me a whore, well look at him. Lil came down the stairs smiling at me, she was dressed up.

     "Hey pretty, loved the show?" She asked sitting beside me.

     "I was pretty bored but sure did." I sassed back. I was sassy but still at the same time quiet. She chuckled putting her hand over my shoulders.

      "We'll be sure to keep that in mind next time." She smirked and I just wanted to pull all her hairs out. I shrugged her arm away from my shoulders. Dean walked down almost immediately.

    He held his hand out for me to hold. I stood up walking to him but before I could place mine, Lil placed hers slightly hitting me. I froze as they walked out. Following behind like a lost puppy, I entered the front seat while they both sat at the back seat.

      I still couldn't get the hurt out of my chest. I knew I was feeling mad, almost as though I was jealous but I wasn't. I couldn't be jealous when I didn't feel anything towards him, maybe I just feel like they should be more decent. I looked at the driver, he wasn't feeling the way I felt, he was not bothered. Then why was I?

    We arrived and I left the car hurriedly. I was so uncomfortable through out the ride. Entering the club I smiled, I sat on the bar looking around. I was 5 minutes early but since I was serving first before my strip show, it didn't matter.

     "You look weirdly unhealthy." Ciara complemented noticing me, it is a compliment, you'd see. "I love it." She smiled widely at me, see? A compliment.

     "Don't I? Want a tutorial?" I asked smiling at her. She was mean but at least it's who she has always been.

    "Eh I'll pass." She smiled evily ordering a girl out harshly. The girl squirmed in fear and went to do as told, I smiled sickly seeing myself in the girl. "I heard you're a submissive to Mr Flair." She spoke up giving me a shot. "Its on the house." She shrugged cleaning the bar.

     "You heard right. Thanks." I motioned to the drink and she just nodded.

     "Alright. You are up. Get serving." She ordered giving me the serving apron. I tied it and started working. Melanie didn't even join me throughout, making the work more tiring. People serving and taking orders are usually in twos or threes as it gets really stressful.

     "Ciara have you seen Mel? I'm stressed out." I sighed dropping the tray. I gave her the order and she started placing the drinks on the tray for serving.

    "She's in the boss's office. I'd get you a replacement soon." She replied putting the last glass on the tray. A replacement? I wanted to do this with my best friend, not someone else. I sighed going to serve the drinks.

     I resigned yes, but the letter was not approved therefore I'd keep working till it gets approved. I knew it was not going to be approved, after all, Mel is the little of the owner. I rubbed my forehead dropping their orders with my fake smile.

     "Alright get on stage. Its time to strip." Ciara ordered taking the tray from me and giving it to another girl. I removed the apron and went to get changed. I sighed looking at the stage, I don't even know how stripping without Mel would be like.

     I walked up stage and everyone began clapping. Holding the pole I twirled around it as I had seen some single strippers do, after several stupid strip tease, I walked off stage frustrated. Even the claps were low and discouraging.

     I sat on my chair staring at the mirror. I changed back and was about leaving the club when someone held  my hand, I turned back my eyes landing on Greg. I shrugged my hand away leaning on the wall, anyone could tell I was tired.

     "Where's your girlfriend?" He asked looking around for Mel.

      "I don't know." I replied honestly and simply. He could see I was tired but trust him to go on being a jerk.

     "You stripping alone is hilarious. Like you couldn't even earn a cheer. Tell me, how much did you make." Nothing. I made nothing.

     "I didn't make anything. Look Greg, I know you hate me and all, and you are here to laugh to my face. But please could we do this another time? I'm tired." I sighed looking down rubbing my temples.

     "I miss you." He muttered and my eyes snapped up to his quickly, he wasn't smirking, he looked, serious?

     "I'm leaving." I sighed leaving him there. The cold wind hit me clearing my head. Do I miss him? Maybe I missed my natural life with him, and not my present crazy one. But miss him? I relaxed by the wall while waiting for a cab.

     "Em?" Mel touched me lightly, I looked at her tired. "Why are you here? Where's Dean?" She asked curiously.

     "Where were you?" I asked her ignoring her question. She smiled staring at me.

    "With my daddy." She said entering her little space. I smiled at her, it was genuine. No matter what happened between us, I still loved and cared about her, so much.

    "You guys are so perfect for each other, though I think he doesn't like me."

    "He doesn't." Mel confirmed looking upset. "He thinks you are a bad influence." She smiled at me shaking her head, I've noticed she's less crude with her words nowadays.

    "I thought Dean was supposed to be with you two?" I asked remembering we all came together.

    "Oh he was. He left like five minutes ago with Lil." He left me here? "I'm sorry, I know you are not happy with your condition and its been long we talked like the best friends we are. We should hang out tomorrow." She suggested and I nodded with a smile.

    "Definitely. I'd be going now. Say hi to your daddy for me." I joked stopping a cab. She laughed and I closed the door with a smile, I told the driver the address and he drove off.

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