Chapter 13

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      We laughed sitting on a bench in a park. He told me his childhood stories, how he always led Zoey into trouble and then got often seen as a good twin. It was amazing hearing this side of Zoey, so far I think she's a rude bitch. Joey however is fun to be with, he's open minded.

     "Its 3, we should probably head back." I suggested placing my arm on his shoulder and relaxing on it.

     "You're going to the ball?" He asked looking at me.

     "I don't know. Dean's taking me somewhere by 6." I shrugged looking at the beautiful kids playing around, some laughing with their parents.

     "He's taking you to the ball. Its not really your setting though." He heaved running his hand through his hair.

    "Not my setting?"

    "Yeah. Like crowd and rich snobby people." Oh. I can deal with crowd but rich people? "I'm coming too, so at least you won't feel too lonely." He added smiling.

    "Yeah? Alright c'mon let's go." We stood up and walked back to his car, which was a red maserati.

     "Put it on! Its beautiful Emma." Joey shrieked handing me a floral gown. It looked simple but its simplicity made it unique. It was red and had a large rose shape on the front adorning it. It was sleeveless and long, but had a slit that cut up to my thigh. It was beautiful.

     I laughed and undressed not minding the fact that Joey was there, I loved his company. Dean had booked Lily and I an appointment with a fashion designer, hair dresser and makeup artist. But I went to neither, I didn't feel like it.

    "You need help with that?" He asked lightly touching the zip at the back of the dress. I nodded smiling and he removed my hair before zipping it up. Then he helped straighten my hair. "Well sweetie, your makeup is all up to you." He smiled looking at my perfectly done hair. He was like the best friend I knew I deserved.

     "Thank you so much Joey. I owe you." I hugged him which he responded to. We disengaged. "And not to worry, I'm good with makeups." I smiled widely at him.

    "See you downstairs." He grinned cheekily and left the room. I smiled at my now closed door then started on my makeup. I decided that since my dress was simply unique, I'll do the same with my makeup.

     My phone rang, Dean. I stood up and left the room after putting on my heels. Going downstairs I sighted Dean and Joey. Joey was dressed in a red suit matching my gown, but with no flowers while Dean was dressed in a black suit. Joey smiled on seeing me, Dean stared blankly at me before looking at the other stairs, where Lil descended from. (Her full name is Lily but I call Lil for short)

     She was on a black, beautiful gown. Hers was not simple, it was classic and really beautiful. It brought out her curves and was matching Dean's. Wait, Dean matched outfits with her? I was jealous of her, I'll admit it now. She was really pretty and tall and had this shape every man could die for. She looked matured on black while I looked childish on red floral dress.

     I reached the end of the stairs and walked closer to Joey.

     "Thank you." I smiled sincerely at him. He earlier told me he was going with a blue suit, but he had to change so I wouldn't totally feel left out, it was sweet of him.

    "Didn't think you'd notice, ya welcome." He whispered back. "You're beautiful." He complimented.

    "You're hot." He chuckled. I looked at Dean to see him making out with Lily again. He didn't even compliment my dressing. "I don't like this." I muttered to him. He was looking at them too.

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