Chapter 29

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"You'd be surprised to see her. She's really different." I heard mom's voice. She was talking to someone outside Drew's room.

I don't usually stay in my room and I have no idea why. I puffed out another one looking at Drew sniff cocaine. No, I don't do drugs.

"Just call her out already." I froze. Dean! Oh my fucking God. Its been two years since I saw him last. All my messed up emotions came crashing back. Drew looked at me.

"Are you okay?" I threw the cigar away and started panicking. Why was I bothered? Because its Dean fucking Flair!

"Where's that mouth thingy?" I asked searching for his mouth spray.

"She's not in her room. Maybe she's in Drew's." Mom's voice broke me out of my thought as her footstep came towards Drew's room.

"Its finished." Shit shit shit. How can he not replace an old mouth spray, I couldn't let them percieve my bad breath.

A knock on the door made me hit my leg against the drawer in freight.


"Hey, chill." Drew held me keeping me stable before opening the door.

"Drew, where's...oh Emma. Dean wants to see you." Mom smiled giving way for me to see Dean. He stared at me, in shock. He didn't care to hide it.

"Emma?" He called in shock. He looked at Drew then me. Drew made sure the tattoos were on my neck and my arms, and they were a lot. So yes, I look like him.

"Em, meet us downstairs." Mom spoke taking Dean away from the room while Drew closed the door.

"Who's that?"

"Dean. Dean Flair." I've told Drew about him once or twice. That was when I told him I was a sex slave.

"He wouldn't hurt you?" I smirked, he wouldn't dare.

"You let her tattoo herself? And she dyed her hair? She's even on low cut!" Dean yelled as I approached the living room. This guy has no right over me, not anymore.

"She's my daughter so you can get out of my house if you don't like her!" Diane yelled back. I was begining to like Diane more than my own mom.

They kept quiet as I entered the living room as all eyes stared at me. My moms left the living room and I wanted to go there and drag them over here.

"I don't wanna see you." I was standing far from him. I wanted to see him, wanted to touch him.

"What's this? This is not you! Crew cut, really? And you even pierced your nose, goodness." He exclaimed running his hands through his hair. The two years apart had kept the feelings in check, but seeing him?

He walked towards me and stopped with a grimace.

"You smoke too?" He half yelled cursing under his breath. "I know your mom was horrible, but this much?" I was starting to think he cared a little too much.

He continued his walk towards me and soon I found myself moving back till I had to stop, thanks to the silly wall.

His fingers traced the bracelet I drew on my neck. "You have tattoos, lots of them and you smoke. Don't you think you deserve to be punished?" The audacity.

"I'm not doing that shit with you, ever again." I hissed at him and he just chuckled.

"Smoking destroys the lungs baby." He whispered and his hand slowly trailed around my throat, he was teasing me and my body was stupidly obeying.

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