Chapter 23

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 I'm sorry for the late updates..I need motivation y'all

  "Your mom's downstairs, she wants to see you." I sprang up from my bed with a confused expression. My mom?

   "My mom?" I asked Joey again to be sure. He nodded still standing outside my room. "Uhm, okay. I'm right behind you." Joey awkwardly nodded. Our friendship was strained, not as it use to be anymore.

    He left and after taking calm breaths, I went down and actually, she sat there, discussing with Dean. Zoey just leaned casually by the kitchen door looking cool while Lil sat beside Dean.

    Mom's eyes remained on mine as I reached the end of the stairs. What was she doing here? And why was the whole family here as well?

    "Em. You look, alive." Seriously now? Lil chuckled and I internally rolled my eyes.

    "Why are you here?"

    "What do you mean? I came to see you." Really? She thinks I'm buying this? I sat down opposite her, on the chair 90 degrees Dean's chair.

    "Okay. I'm fine. Anything else?" I was not comfortable with mom and the Flair's in the same room. Really, I was not.

   "Someone's in a sour mood." Lil muttered

    "You won't introduce me to your friends? Or them to me?" She asked and I knew better than to believe she was hurt. She doesn't give up either.

    "Hey guys, my mom. Mom meet Joey and Zoey, Dean's cousins. That's Lily." I introduced pointing hands at them.

    "I'd rather introduce myself. I'm Lily, Dean's girlfriend. She didn't add that part." Lil snaked her hands on Dean, showing her territory.

   "For the time being." Zoey added and Lil gave her the finger.

   "Oh. Okay." Mom looked lost for words and I just couldn't imagine the shipping going on in her head.

    "Now, is there anything else you want?"

   "Aren't you a little too bitchy to her?" Zoey spoke up eyeing mom wearily. If only they knew.

   I ignored her still looking at mom. She should just tell me what she wants already, is it privacy she needs?

    "Can we uhm talk alone?" She looked at Dean pleadingly.

    Please say no please say no

   "5 minutes." I groaned watching them all leave.

   "Now be as vague and raw as you desire." I smiled relaxing on the sofa.

    "Do you like it here? I wanna get you out."

    "And what exactly, makes you think I'd want to stay with you?"

    "Because you have bruises on your arm and I know you're a submissive here. Do you like that shit, did you ever?"

   "So staying with you is better? And these bruises shows I'm taken, so if you don't mind." I couldn't miss the look that passed her eyes, a look that said 'you avoided the question'. Like bloody hell I did.

    "Emma, you can't keep staying mad at me. I'm sorry, okay?"

   I paused as the sincerity in her voice hit me. "Where do you stay?"

   "Down town. A pretty noisy place," She beamed. Mom was pretty, I'd always known, but then, her attitude wouldn't let me compliment. "You wanna stay with me?"

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