Chapter 3

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   "Thank you sir." I smiled at the man who returned the glass before leaving.

  "Table 3." My colleague called to me handing me an order and the orders on a tray. I only served in the cafe, taking orders were lame and a bit confusing.

   "So you have a..." My words hanged in my throat as I stood in front of Greg. I wasn't expecting seeing him in my workplace and after everything that happened last night. "Greg." I muttered lowly.

    "Babe. You weren't picking my calls. Sorry if you weren't expecting me here." He apologized smiling. I looked back at the bar to see if I had any trays to deliver, none, I sat down.

   "Uhm yeah. Why are you here?" I didn't know if I should act like I don't know what he was up to last night or act like I do. I wished Mel worked here with me.

   "Baby. I'm so sorry for dissing last night, work was so tiring I had to sleep at a friend's. And I know I should have called but when I did this, you weren't picking. I thought I lost you honestly." He sighed placing his hands on mine. I stared at our joined arms and involuntarily removed my hands.

   Greg stared hard at me and I could feel that gaze burning holes in my head, my soul.

   "Greg I can't go on like this. I was at Niko Club last night." I breathed and he laughed. He stared hard at me before bringing his seat beside me, too close for comfort.

    "When were you going to tell me?"

   "Excuse me?"

   "I heard you worked in a strip club. At first it was too unreal to be true but then when a friend showed me candy's picture. I knew it was you. So I bailed last night, took my ex there with me. I was really upset I got drunk but then you wouldn't pick my calls. I came to end things Em, I can't date a slut." He finished calmly and saying I wasn't hurt now was a lie.

    I am not upset because of the break up, I have been through lots of them. But hearing him call me a slut just because I stripped was hurtful. I might be a naughty or dirty girl, but I'm also emotional, really emotional.

    I had joined the strip club majorly because of Mel. After she got disowned her other life went to the stripping. She wanted a friend there who understood her so much so I had to do it, for her not because I loved it as much as she did. Again, I do not hate her lifestyle.

    "You called me a slut." I smiled not knowing if it was a question or sentence. All I knew was it hurt coming from him.

   "I saw you and Melanie! You claim you are homophobic just so you could justify your sexual status Em! And you fucking strip! You fucking kissed a girl! For money! For dicks! For men!" He yelled and the whole cafe became silent. All eyes on us, pity eyes on him and judgments or disgust eyes thoroughly laced on mine.

    I bent my head smiling sadly to myself before standing up as I left the cafe. I had lost my job and even if I didn't, I was not going back there to feel that self conscious again. I know Greg felt bad but was yelling the best way? He cost me my job.

   I laid on my bed as I reached my room, my home. My phone vibrated and I picked it up still sad and shaken up from the embarrassment I felt.

    "Hey." I didn't check the caller as my emotions were scattered.

  "Em sweetheart. Oh love I heard what happened honey I'm so sorry. I would come see you as soon as my lessons are over. Fuck that fucking retard of an ex and the dumb cafe. None of them deserves that million bucks worth of tears baby, none! I don't care what you do, we don't care what we do as long as we are happy so fuck their judgmental assess off. And yaaas to a happy us baby. Please Em don't get all moody, I'd be done for the day in an hour. Drink, masturbate, fucking make a video of yourself stripping, sweetie give yourself an orgasm you deserve till I'm back. Do the hell anything you wish cause its you, your life, your guts baby." Her voice stopped and my smile increased. I love this girl.

   "Thanks so much Mel, it helped so much. I'd see you in an hour and damn I'm doing none of those." She laughed and I did too imagining all she said. I wasn't as crude as she was, I was quiet but that even seemed to make my dirtiness worse.

    "That's what them quiet girls always say, but then what do they do?" We laughed again. "I would get back to you later. The tutors or teachers or whatever they pride themselves as are calling for me. I don't know why the fuck they think I give a flying fuck about them compared to you. Bitch I love you and I hate them, all." She hissed and I could only imagine her rolling her eyes.

    "Yeah yeah whatever. Just learn enough recipes cos hell I can't wait to taste your baked meals. Not the ones you claim to pride yourself in." She is a terrible baker, like very terrible and the little she bakes, are her pride. Still she's terrible.

    "Fuck off." She laughed and I smiled.

   "Bye. I love you Mel, love you so much bae." I made kissing noises with my mouth and could hear her faint chuckle.

   "Love you boo." She ended the call and I sighed going to the shower. I slept off after that.

    "Em! Melanie is here!" Mom's not so pleasant voice rang in my ear. I blinked sitting up while yawning.

   "Sure. Tell her up ma!" I yelled back as she wouldn't have heard me easily from down the stairs. I closed my eyes as my bed dipped.

   "Aw bitch you sleep so good?" Mel asked and I opened my eyes smiling at her. We watched movies and soon it was time for our shift. Laughing and talking about weird things we left for the club.

   "I love you girl, you're crazy." I reasoned and she smiled at me. We were holding hands as we entered the club. Today we had bar attending before the strip dance. 

   "Hey. We have a new owner." Ciara's voice interrupted our discussion as we reached the bar. We have a new what! I hated new owners, they were often mean and full of new rules.

    "Okay?" Mel asked looking expectantly for the new schedule and rules.

  "He needs you both for a private dance. Don't ask me how he knows your name. I can't believe my dad sold this place for just  million bucks." Ciara hissed tossing the key on the bar as she walked leaving us speechless and confused.

    The man must be extremely rich to buy a place like this for million bucks, who does that? Its not even like this place is so big and famous or well known. I looked at Mel as she took the key staring at the room number.

   "Let's go see our 'new owner'." I placed air quotes on 'new owner'. We chuckled going to the room.

   I collected the key, opened the door and we entered. It was custom for the rooms to be dark when we entered. Turning to the switch I felt empty wall, with no switch. As soon as I retraced my hands the lights went on surprisingly.

   I turned as I heard Mel gasp, my gasp taking over without notice immediately. Our new owner or owners were the men from last night. The cute and sexy one but without Lil.

    "Miss me?" The cute one I'm beginning to despise asked me and I could hear the hate in it. The sexy one chuckled and hell did that turn me on so much, it was throaty and even sexier.

   "Good evening sirs. What should we do today?" Mel asked thankfully.

   "Introduction first. Real names." The cute one requested arrogantly.

  "I'm Melanie." She smiled then looked at me. I exhaled about talking when my mouth suddenly grew shut. "She's E..."

   "Let she speak for herself." The sexy one calmly stated. If they didn't know our names, how did they request for us by the way?

    "I'm Emma." I muttered lowly and they both nodded approvingly.

Hey, little a/n
First bdsm/ddlg story
Its not too good but trust me y'all would love it
Vote, it inspires
Comment, but no rude comment, you see that block option? Imma using it on any rude reader, drgaf
Except that! I love you all and the support would be appreciated
New here tho

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