chapter 2 ; the stray bird's house

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The second he picked up his head, he shuddered. For what stood in front of him was no hallucination or dream — instead, a gorgeous man whose grace knew no bounds. Such delicate blond locks of hair, flowing out in every direction yet somehow maintaining its rich look.

Joseph believed he had passed away; that this was an angel escorting him to the afterlife. Though his heartbeat told him otherwise, thumping so harshly in his chest that even considering he was dead seemed like a joke.

Because the man in front of him was real and he was breathing the same air as Joseph right in front of him.

"Can I stay here for a bit? My ride will be here shortly." With a voice so velvety, Joseph had no reason to refuse, with him already hastily shuffling away to make space on the bench.

The scent of bubbles quickly intruded on his thoughts and it took Joseph a quiet second to realize that the refreshing smell was coming from the man beside him. With eyes of green, the blond seemed to look everywhere but at Joseph. Disappointing may it be, the sight of him was pleasing enough.

Like miniature wings, he had two settled feathers on his ears — something that would look especially absurd if not for him being the one to wear it. Alike the orange and purple bandana that stretched so remarkably around his body, each of his traits became like dreamlike features.

In less than minutes, Joseph had found himself encaptured in the other male's beauty. It was the first time he could say that he found a man 'pretty'.

12 PM hit and the afternoon radio stole Joseph from his trance. Hastily scanning for anything but the blond, Joseph lastly noticed that the fishermen were docking, hauling in their catches with grins so wide that anyone could see them.

The kids had already gone for lunch, leaving behind their beloved football and abandoned shoes. It was a shame that even after all that, Joseph still glanced at the blond.

During that quick glimpse, it was as if all his worries were washed away, seemingly as though the shore and tide engulfed them into the ocean. Like a shimmering sun, he gleamed — prompting Joseph to keep himself from moving.

He felt emotions erupting in him rapidly. Yet it was different from the throbbing void he had in his chest.  No, no — he felt a type of warmth. He felt that comforting emotion cloak around him just like a heated blanket would.

It made him question if he was good enough to scoot over. But it also made him question who wouldn't, as the man next to him was nothing short of perfection.

"Ah," The man breathed out. "Is something wrong?"

"...No" Joseph casually replied, averting his eyes once more.

The blond beamed in response. "Alright, then."

Like harmony, his movements matched the ones of a dream. Even better knowing that it was all natural to the blond. All his actions pure, with a smile ever purer. Just tilting his head slightly higher, Joseph gazed at the blond angel out of the corner of his eye. His gracious smile, luscious lips, marble-like eyes — it was a challenge to even look away.

As if he were on a holiday and he had that same companion he was wishing for beside him. The man gave him that exact feeling.

'His friend.'

He wanted to be his friend, learn his name, speak about their interests, he simply wanted him. And he wanted the blond to want him back. To look him in the eye and assuredly claim that they were the best of friends.

Though Joseph doubted it mattered anyway considering soon, the man was standing up as a car pulled up close behind them.

'He's leaving.'

If he opened his mouth, spoke a word, even stood up — that would be it, the blond would turn to look at him and answer his question.

While the waves slowly pulled closer to the shore, Joseph stretched his arm out, hoping with all his heart that maybe, just possibly, the blond would sense his desperateness.

The salty water just barely reaching the shore, but no matter how far he reached, the blond plainly would not turn back.

Joseph, truly knowing it was his low self-esteem to blame, accused his distractions and hesitation on the man's view. The way he walked, which now thinking about it, was refined in its own way.

The blond shut the door behind him. And the waves finally crashed against the rocks. The tide slowly pushed back, returning to its vast ocean, right where it belongs.

But Joseph didn't ponder nor question his behavior at that moment. All he felt was the air around him move. All he heard was the distant tweeting of flying birds.

He never would and never will be frustrated by his own uselessness.

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