chapter 6 ; by the tides of the ocean

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With a warm lustrous face, a gleaming notable grin, and such a flawless body, there was no way for Joseph to avoid thoughts.

He'd forever resent the sudden eruption of heat in his chest every time he saw the blond. For witty Joseph Joestar did not make attachments easily, and he surely didn't collapse in the presence of some mere angel.

As he passed by the benches, the sun still hours away from rising, he secretly glared at them but was silently grateful that there was no one sitting on them.

With not even the morning radio playing, Joseph had no regrets about leaving earlier than necessary. Because Joseph was going to avoid that same angel he dreamt of at any cost.

He couldn't care less for his name nor his looks, all he yearned for was for him to leave his mind. Nothing more and nothing less.

As Joseph walked along the road, he peered down at the beach with a longing look, and at last, he saw the fishermen beginning to move around for the day. He took note of their exhausted postures and worn-out faces, almost anything to get the blond out of his head.

The fishermen didn't look back up at him while they continued to set up their equipment.

Joseph, looking down at his boots, thought for a moment. Strolls weren't something that he often did. Usually finding himself lost and ending up in the police station for his parents to pick him up, Joseph quite disliked strolls. They always resembled trouble and caused mishaps. If Joseph was told he had to take a stroll, he would assume it was for his health and well-being, not to avoid some chummy hotshot who took the breath out of Joseph's lungs with just a glance.

Shaking his head softly, Joseph exhaled a cold breath into his hands. He stretched, glad that the sight of the beach was finally escaping his sight. With the long road ahead of him, he was sure he would have a multitude of options to choose from for his next stop.

"Ah! Joseph!" He closed his eyes gently as if nothing was wrong. "I didn't know you were up this early." Because Joseph knew he was alone. "Were you going to the benches?" Joseph wondered why he nodded. "I just came from there, in fact." But he couldn't help but look. "I was just gonna go to someplace cool."

Caesar Anthonio Zepelli. The name that could roll of anyone's tongue and it would still sound more angelic than anything else. Of course, he had to be standing there in front of Joseph, more alive than ever with a grin so wide that it would put actors to shame.

"You found...someplace cool?" Joseph repeated gingerly.

"Uh-huh, I was just about to go there to see the sunrise," Caesar stated confidently. "So, you wanna come?"

"Sure, I guess."

"Let's go, then." With a grin, he leaped away and started leading Joseph to wheresoever he wanted.

His snarky comments, illogical curses, cruddy insults, all of them crumbled faster than snow. The snotty Joseph Joestar that was deemed undefeatable was defeated as soon as he saw the blond's smile.

"You said you were coming from the benches, right?" Caesar asked, tilting his head to the side questionably.


Avoiding the blond, getting him out of his head, ignoring all confrontations, he overlooked all of them in an instant. Like they ceased to exist, they didn't even have the value to live in Joseph's memories anymore.

"You must've walked a long way, then." Caesar looked at him in awe, then in front of him. "Ah, it's just up these steps. Be careful, I don't want you to trip."

With his cheeks painted in red and his heart beating every so swiftly, Joseph followed behind him warily, making sure to trace every single one of Caesar's steps with precision.

And after those few painful minutes, they managed to haul themselves up the steps with Caesar looking more enthusiastic than a child on their birthday.

Joseph looked around with dismay. "This is...the lighthouse,"

"I know it is. But come here, look." Caesar jogged to the ledge. "You can see the ocean from here, even the beach!"

On the edge of the lighthouse, it was a view much more breathtaking than the one from the benches. With a full view of the ocean, the beach, and the road, Joseph truly felt like he was in heaven. And Caesar there only assured him of that further.

"We have to wait for the sun to rise. It's a must." Caesar affirmed.

"O-Of course." Joseph silently badgered himself for the stutter.

With a gleeful expression, Caesar sat down on the grass and looked at the ocean. "I've never seen the sunrise before."

Joseph made a confused noise before sitting beside him, legs crossed.

"I did try last time but you never know when Italy's sun is gonna rise. But I got here early today, so I'm really glad." Caesar didn't even glance at Joseph, too focused on the drifting water beneath him.

Joseph hummed and shifted his gaze from Caesar down to the ocean. With the pale moon glimmering onto the blue shores, Joseph stared deeply into the depths of the ocean, the reflection of the ledge wavering slightly as the waves rocked back and forth.

"You know," Josep started. "I always wondered, wouldn't it be nice to live at the bottom of the ocean?"

Caesar looked at him strangely, the usual response for such a strange question. But then he snickered and Joseph felt his heart skip a beat. "Yeah, I bet it would."

Joseph slowly looked at Caesar, shudders going round his entire body.

Though the sun wasn't out yet, shining its comforting warmth onto the sea and into Caesar's eyes, that didn't bother Joseph one bit. Because seeing Caesar smile was like watching the sunrise for the second time.

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