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Shane P.O.V.

I sat there in darkness. Where was I? What happened? I started to here a beeping noise..wait, I heard? No it's just my imagination. "Please wake up. This is all my fault." I heard a male voice croak. Holy shit, did I just hear someone talk?! I tried to open my eyes but it didn't work. I tried again and again until I gave up. I tried to move but my body wouldn't. I tried to open my eyes only to be blinded by bright lights above me. I hissed at it. I heard my self hiss.! Holy shit, can I hear? I opened my eyes fully. "Shane your up.!" I looked over to see Ryan. His voice was cute. I went to speak but I kind of forgot how so it kind of came out funny. " i h-h-hhheard y-y-ouuu sp-sp-speak." I stuttered. Ryan looked at me in shock. Katie walked in and smiled and started sign language with me after engulfing me in a huge hug. "Youu do-do-don't have to u-ss-ee y-y-your hand to sp-sp-speak to to me." I stuttered again. Katie turned white. She turned and left outside. "Can you speak full sentences?" Ryan asked. "Your Ryan." I said slowly. He smiled and nodded. Katie came back inside a few moments later with a doctor. "Can you here me?" He asked. I nodded. He turned to Katie. "When the car accident happened her eardrums popped and there was glass inside them so when we pulled the glass out we must have fixed her ears because now she can hear." The doctor cheered. Katie hugged him. "We've been friends for years and this is the first time you can hear me.!" She exclaimed. "The doctor stood there with a smile on his face. "She will of course need therapy with learning To speak normally. She might always carry the stutter, but she might not. I'll do the paper work and then she can go home." The doctor said and walked out.
"Screw that t-t-th-therapeutic help-p-p." I said. Ryan was quiet after that. "Are you o-ok?" I asked him. "My band leaves for tour tomorrow..." He said. I never knew he had a band. "Wha-t-t is y-our ban-d n-na-am-e?" I asked. He smirked. "Falling in reverse." He said. My mouth dropped. He chuckled. "How long will you be gone?" Katie asked him. "Six and a half months." He replied slowly. I sighed. "W-w-Ill you b-be back?" I asked. He smiled and left with Katie to talk to her. I felt hurt and jealous. Ryan was the only person besides Katie that actually didn't leave me because I couldn't hear. A few moments later Ryan and Katie came back inside. Ryan had the biggest smile on his face. "Shane, I know that you may not think your ready but I was wondering of you'd like to go on tour with us?" Ryan asked. I was shocked but I thought and I smiled and nodded. He ran up to me and hugged me. Katie signed some papers while I got dressed and then we left back to the house. Ryan would be by later to help pack for tour...I'm going to tour with Ryan...and now that I can hear him, god it just makes him more perfect...I'm falling for him, I know it...

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