Chapter 13

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Dialogue and language
Tw: homophobic slurs and death threats

John was rocking Philip in his arms in his rocking chair that was placed in the nursery and build by his fiancé, Lafayette, and Hercules. Took the men an hour to put the pieces together, the reason why it took longer was because Alex didn't want to read any instructions just like any other cocky arrogant man would do.

He hummed to his newborn son, Alex was laying on the door frame with a slight smile on his face. "Hey, Lexi..." Laurens whispered while still looking at his son, "hey, Jackie..." he walks over to him with a bright smile kissing him on the forehead.

Domestic life was never in Hamilton's mind at all, nor was it his style. When Philip came into the world and heard his first cry it broke his heart, "I promise I'll take care of you and provide everything for the both of you..." Hamilton said standing behind his lover, who is holding their baby.

John hummed in response as he lift his head up to kiss him, Alex bend down and kissed him softly. Hamilton's hand traced over Laurens' cheek, jawline, neck, and down his chest. Distracted by the heat of the kiss, John grabbed his hand, "Uh uh, we're not having sex right now..." he said before placing Philip in his crib as he sleeps peacefully.

He walks over the dresser where the baby monitor was at, turning it on. "Come on, you've been teasing me all this week. And I missed touching you!" Alex silently whines as he wraps his arms around John's waist, John rolled his eyes playfully and slipped from his embrace as he left the room.

"How am I teasing you?" John asked his aroused fiancé, "when you're wearing my shirts like this." He said pointing out that John was wearing one of Alex's button-up shirts to sleep in. "Well it's comfortable, I can't be comfy without you getting hard now?" He chuckled, "you won't even let me hold you!" Alex dramatically exclaims.

"So you can grope my ass? Yeah, no, not a chance..." John said as he makes a cup of coffee, "I've been working all week, non-stop. And it's cold," he gets behind John as a smirk danced on his face, "not my problem." He said before he turned around and see Alex in front of him with his hands out.

"My hands are cold, baby. They want be warm, so maybe..." he trailed off as he stepped closer to his boyfriend, "your ass is the only thing that I can keep warm, so come here!" He said pulling John from his ass groping him and laughing. John was laughing at Alexander's antics and pleading for him to stop, "stop you're really are cold!" He said trying to get away from Alexander and his freezing hands.

"Okay, Okay.." he put his hands up in defense, John gave him his cup of coffee as he drink his. "My god, you're the worst," said John, "but I love you..."

"I love you too, peaches.." John blushed from the name and kissed his cheek before sitting down on the couch watching tv.

Alex kisses him on his neck and jawline, making John shiver at his touch. "God damnit, Alex you want to make another one!" He scolds jokingly, "maybe..." he said tracing his finger on his thigh. "I just gave birth to that sweet crying machine up there, and you want to have sex?"

Alex tighten his lips and nod his head, John scoffed and said, "no." Alex groans, "keep it up, because of you do that again and after I heal you better become good friends with your hand because that's the only action you'll ever get, Okay?" John snapped sassily. That almost scared Alex, "how are you just gonna threaten me like that?" He asked laughing, "like I just did." John retorted.

Him and Alex laughed their asses off and maybe had a make out session, little did they know that George and Peggy came in to bring another gift for Philip.

"Really in the living room? You're baby's upstairs and you're fucking in the living room, here's some more of our gifts for Pip, hope you like it..." Peggy said as she hands them a bag with baby blue decorations on it, "guys, he's only 5 weeks old. I'm sure he doesn't need all of these gifts." Alex said as he gets off of John and sits the bag down.

"Well, I am a grandpa, and you know Martha couldn't help herself to stop buying more presents for Philip." Washington say as he holds both of his hands in front of him. "Well, thanks anyways Mr. Washington." John said as he looks at the toys they've bought Philip.

George waved his hand dismissively, "it's fine, ur welcome. Alexander is helping you with pippy isn't he?" He asked John while he chuckles lightheartedly, "he helps, but he'd be caught up with so much work it was difficult to do take care of him when he's crying nonstop." Nonetheless he's be quite helpful but he would always have his work shoved in his face and it'll be after 12 when he's done.

"Aw, Alex remember to take good care of your husband, he gets tired too, you know..." George says before standing up and getting ready to leave, "I have to go, Martha's having dinner around 3 so I have to hurry off." He said as he walks out the door.

Peggy stands up and walks over to John and gave him a hug including Alex, "Take good care of him, Lex." She pats his hand and then look back at John, "And John puts some fucking clothes on!" She said jokingly making the tired man laugh.

"Bye Peggy..." they said as she waves them goodbye, "now, Mr. Laurens-Hamilton, what do you want to do today?" Alex asked his fiancé, "I don't know, maybe cuddle or maybe..." John dragged out the word as he trail his tongue on Alexander's lips as he brings him to the kiss.

They slowly kiss and Alex's arm wrapped around his waist, he brought his lips down to the Nape of his neck making John giggle in return. "You're so cute..." Alex said after he pull at his man's waistband of his underwear. The short one gave in as he pulls him in for a kiss wrapping his legs around the tall one's waist, before they could go any further they heard something broke upstairs and Philip crying.

John's motherly instincts kicked in as he pushed Alex off of him and jumped up to see what was going on, panic ran through John and Alex ran upstairs as his heart start beating out of his chest. They bust through the door and seeing their son crying and the window broken with a rock on the ground with a note attached, "oh, Philip are you okay? Did something frighten you?" John said in a calming voice and cooing at their weeping son, the baby whimpers as he slowly stops crying.

Alexander looked at John calming their son down, then looked back at the rock with the note on it. He picks up the stone and take off the note and read it as the following words say: "Dear Hamilton, you and your kind are a disgrace to this earth. The world doesn't need more fags like you and your fiancé , I promise to the day I die that I will tear you from limb from limb, and force your husband to watch you being tortured to death and I'll beat John and your son till they call me father and begs for the sweet lord's forgiveness." This made Hamilton fear for his and his family's life, "what does it say?" John asked him.

Alexander turned around and hid the letter, "oh, nothing just a note from one of the kids out there, nothing too serious." He lied, John knows that he's lying but wasn't going to say nothing else about it. Philip coos as his father takes him downstairs to the living room to show him his toys.

But Alex still wonders who was this person, and where could he find him?

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