Chapter 8

141 5 3

Dialogue and language

Tw: homophobia

The ride back home was quiet, not a sound nor a peep from anyone, but John decides to say something. "We're having a baby..." he held his stomach, "how should we tell our friends?" He asked the quiet Alexander who's steadily focusing on the food road, he was thinking about himself being a father. He seemed excited and ready but his father walked out on him when he was 10, causing him to have no one after his mother died from the same illness and his cousin committed suicide and leaving him penniless.

"Lexi? Are you listening?" He asked him, snapping him out of his thought, "y-yeah, I am. I'm just, adjusting to this baby thing." He said shaking his head while looking at the cars ahead of him, the traffic in front of them look like it's not going to clear up anytime soon. John asked him this difficult question of all, "do you want to keep it?"

Those words circled his head when he said that, and it caught his attention immediately, "what? I mean, I- you want an abortion?" He asked him with a concerning look on his face, "no! No, I don't! I just-.." he pause and sighed for a minute. "I'm saying, do you want to keep it as in taking care of it like any domestic family would do or you want to give it up for adoption, that's all I'm saying. I'm not killing a life that was or is growing inside of me!" He said with tears tempting to come out of his eyes.

"Peaches don't cry," he said using his free hand to caress his face, "I know you don't mean no harm, and I know you're dad walked out on you and your mother when you were 10. Ever since my mom passed my dad has been caring about himself and he still does, but that doesn't mean I'll love you any less, and neither will this child." John said as he rubs his growing belly.

Alexander sheds a tear and smiled softly at him, "let's go, shopping babe, I think we can find a few things we'll need since our baby will be born into this world." He said as he kissed his boyfriend's freckled hand.

As the light turn green, they drove to their destination, Target. Alexander parked the car and unbuckled his seatbelt as John did the same, "woah, peaches, slow down. Let me help you out of the car." He winked at him, resulting in John's face to turn into a rose red.

"Okay," He said as he let Hamilton get him out of the car, they walk into the store and Alexander got the shopping cart and walk into the aisle, "let's get some groceries, Lexi," John said to Alexander while having his arm locked around his, the two were giving weird and uneasy stares.

This is kinda common, especially when you've gotten a higher status for marrying a popular actress when you didn't have anything and also screwing your best friend who he has now knocked up.

"Honey, isn't that?" A random lady asked her husband, "yes, it is. I bet that his assistant fucked him just have a higher status quo," he responded, John of course heard it and breathed annoyingly while trying to pick out the food for a supper that he and Alexander will host at their home.

Alexander looked at the people staring and whispering words involving them in it, "Peaches, don't worry about them. They're nothing compared to this child that we're going to have..." he wrapped his arms around him while holding his small baby bump, making the young man smile lightly, "well are we going to let the chiefs off for Christmas, I believe that everyone should have a break for Christmas, Lexi. I mean, with everything going on I feel like people should see their families." John said while looking at the food products.

"You know what, you're right," he said while putting food in the buggy, "am I always?" John joked making Alexander laugh.

They walked over to the dairy aisle and bumped into Thomas and James, "oh boy..." Alexander trailed off as he rolled his eyes at them, "Alexander, stay calm..." John soothes him with his soothing voice as he puts his hand on his arm. He looks back at him and breathed as he focused on something else other than the two pricks.

"Hello, Hamilton," Jefferson said to Hamilton.

Alexander bit in the inside of his cheek and waved, trying to ignore him and his antics, "I see that you and your little boy toy is an official couple now," he said to him, pressing every button there is, it doesn't take much to piss Alexander off and make him be on top of you.

"His name is John Laurens, Jefferson." The aggravated man said to him and went to the fridge, "John, how does it feel like to be a little gay home wrecker?" Thomas says as he circles around the ashamed man.

"Thomas!" James said as he hits him in the head with the back of his hand, "listen here, Thomas! I'm not like your fucking little employees or friends that'll let you talk to them any kind of way! If you want respect, you're gonna have to earn it!" John snapped.

Everyone in the store got quiet after John's angry outburst, Alexander, stand in front of him, looking straight at the two Virginians as his eyes went pitch black and James knew that they need to leave before Hamilton murders Thomas, "we're leaving, Thomas..." Madison said as he pulls Jefferson out of the aisle.

As soon as they left the store, Hamilton look back at Laurens, "Jack, are you okay?" He cups his freckled face.

John looked at Alexander and place his dainty smooth hand over his huge rough hands, "I'm fine, Lexi..." he said as he kissed his chapped lips, "I've told you thousands of times to put on some chapstick, and yet you still don't listen." John scoffed, "you know you love it," he kissed his cheek, "Yeah, the feeling of dead skin cells is so satisfying." John said sarcastically as he picks up some Christmas cookie dough ice cream including butter pecan, rocky road, and cookies-n-cream.

"Wow, that's a lot of dairy babe," Alex said as he grips onto the cart, John shrugged at his comment and went back to his side. "We need some more Christmas decorations, and more clothes because I'm starting not to fit in my clothes..." John reminded Alexander as he went to the decoration aisle.

A strange man stares Alex and John down, very intensively.

"Fag," a man whispered-yelled at them, Alexander only heard him but before he could do anything he hears a thud, "if you want to say it, say it a little bit louder so we can hear you." A familiar voice said, the Caribbean and Carolinian both look at the man and the voice that belongs to, Hercules.

"Herc!" John said before hugging his best friend, "hi, mate! I heard about what happened on the news but not to fear, I got a bottle of Sam Adams we can take two shots of it but I know you'll be working on three." He winked at him, John forgot he was pregnant but he also wants to keep it secret enough because he wants to tell them at dinner. "So, what'd you say?"

"Uh, that seems wholesome, but I'm not in a drinking mood right now, maybe another time." He said dismissing his friend's request, "Okay, suit yourself." The Scottish friend shrugged and walked off.

Once they made it home, John immediately went to the kitchen and found the chef, "hey, June I was thinking after you're done cooking dinner for me and my friends. You're off for the rest of the month."

The chef looks at John like he was a mental patient, "w-what?" Alexander walked in with the bags of groceries, "Yeah, you're off, just cook for tonight, and tomorrow we'll just heat the food." Alexander explains as the chef jumped for joy.


After the food has been cooked and put away, Alexander draws little circles around his stomach causing him to flinch and giggle, "Lexi..." he said cutesy, "You're so cute, peaches.." he kissed the crook of his neck, making more cute giggles come out of him. "I'm so ready to tell them about the baby..." he said while raking his fingers through Alexander's raven-brown hair, "same here." He said while holding his legs over him and still having his head in the crook of his neck with his lips touching his soft skin.

This is where John belong, and this is where Alexander belong too.

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