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Song - Song Cry - Yeonjun Cover (August Alsina)

"Why on God's good earth did I decide to do a year of media studies, performing arts and promotion?! I can't even sleep at night. How am I supposed to do all the work for 3 different courses and work my job."

Han Jisung paced back and forth across his room tidying his ridiculously messy room whilst stressing about the amount of work he was about to be subjected to as soon as college started, which was in a few days.

"You're the one who wanted to do all three because you couldn't decide, don't look at me you overgrown squirrel."

His best friend, Lee Felix was laying across the stressed boy's bed on his back whilst scrolling through instagram and liking all the memes he could.

"Ya! I'm still older than you, you little shit, respect me."

"We both know I won't do that but seriously, there's no need to stress about it. Not only are you actually so talented, you could do this in your sleep, you know, if you actually did sleep."

Felix didn't manage to catch the look on Jisung's face because he was too busy looking at an attractive male's instagram, but it was one of pride. As much as he was freaking out, he knew that he could do it. But having the reassurance from his best friend was just what he needed to calm down, stop his incessant tidying and go lay down with Felix on the bed.

The slightly older boy slid underneath the younger's arms and lay his head on the blond boy's chest just underneath his head. His body was between the aussie's legs and his arms were wrapped around the others waist. The younger male let this all happen and subconsciously started to stroke the olders hair to calm down his pacing thoughts, whilst still scrolling through his phone.

"Felix?" Jisung mumbled with his eyes closed, even breaths leaving his lips.

"Yeah, Ji?"

"I'm glad we became friends, I don't know what I'd do without you." Jisung cuddled more into the aussie's chest.

In all of the years they've known each other, Jisung had never been this sentimental. Not only was he being more clingy than normal but he was complimenting the younger, which only happened on the very rare occasion he would go and get high with Hyunjin and Yeonjun when he thought that Felix didn't know.

Felix, of course, had a bit of an issue with the whole marijuana smoking thing but it's not like he could do anything about it. When he found out Jisung smoked, he had read all about it and its side effects and what its health benefits. He found out that cannabis helps with reducing stress and helps him become more talkative, which helped him open up about certain topics, this is how he found out that Jisung was gay. Although he also found out it can affect your mental health quite badly with increased use. Luckily, Jisung only managed to see the older two once a month because they went to an elite boarding school and they were only allowed one day out a month.

Felix peered down to his best friend and smiled.

"I'm glad that you feel that way because I feel the same. As long as it's me and you, no one can tear us down or get in our way of greatness."

At this statement, Jisung looked up and placed his chin on his crossed hands that were placed on the younger's chest. His head slightly tilted as he gazed into the other's dark orbs.

"You really think so, Lixie?" A stray tear escaped his eyes, not realising how much he needed to hear those words.

Felix noticed how emotional Jisung had gotten all of a sudden, so he wrapped his arms around the older and slightly rocked him like a mother would with a child.

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