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Song - Close - Han Jisung

Not everyone enjoyed education.

Some people would even go as far as to say they hated it and would quit school as soon as they could.

This wasn't the case for one person, at least. He didn't necessarily dislike school, but he didn't like conforming to such specific rules teachers set out for him. Which is why he decided that he'd become a teacher himself and teach people the skills he's grown to love and so he could try to make kids like school again.

A tiresome journey that he didn't mind taking, which really paid off eventually.

Min Yoongi truly loved his job.

He got on well with all of his colleagues and all his students adored him. During his first year he didn't have many people in his class, but after he became well known within the university he began gaining students at a rapid pace. Some of his colleagues were gobsmacked with how well he got on with kids and everyone was infatuated with his abilities as a producer, rapper, singer, composer, you name it and he can do it.

The male was often recruited for talent agencies and had request lists as long as the world was wide, but he never accepted the offers and only very rarely did he complete a request.

He loved his job too much to accept any offers, even if they promised good money. He'd learnt from his mother than although money helps in more than a few ways, it doesn't bring you complete happiness. You only get that by doing what you love.

When he looked over at his clock, he noticed it was 1:08am and realised he would have to be up in 5 hours to get ready and get to work so he could set up his equipment. So he quickly logged out and turned off his laptop and put it in the case with the charger and all the other accessories he would need for the day. Once he was finished he drank a glass of water and brushed his teeth, by that time it was 1:30. He got into bed and wrapped himself up in a burrito to sleep, but as he closed his eyes all the nightmares hit him at once.

Yoongi bolted upright and threw himself off the bed in panic; his breathing laboured and his whole body shaking feverishly. He didn't realise the severity of the situation of him falling off his bed until he heard the faintest knock at his door. As he picked himself up, his wrist began throbbing and it had quickly swollen up and bruised like a peach. He raised his arm and winced in pain as the dulling throb continued but he walked to his door to see what the hell someone wanted at 1:49am in the morning.

The injured male slouched and lazily walked to the door, he didn't check to see who it was but he sure wished he did.

Yoongi noticed the younger male fiddling with his rings on his fingers and his feet were pointing towards each other, not only did he find that cute but even though he was facing down the angel-like faced male in front of his door had a small smile on his face like he was happy being awake and disturbing a neighbour early in the morning. Yoongi was just admiring the stranger at his door in full detail. He all of a sudden felt insecure because of the other male's incredible looks so he pulled his hood up and put his mask on swiftly before the other male noticed he'd opened the door. Yoongi cleared his throat and that made the other jump a tiny bit.

"Oh. Hey, I heard a loud bang a few minutes ago so I wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you okay?"

The older male was shocked because he didn't expect anyone to be awake at this time, let alone want to come up and ask if he was okay.

"Yeah, no, kind of?"

The younger male at the door raised an eyebrow and looked the older up and down before he realised his arm was held up in the recovery position for if someone has a sprain or fracture.

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