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Song- Chase Atlantic - Church


Taeyong generally had a wonderful time in hell.

Even though it was constantly crowded, he found tranquility in the confines of the Mansion of Sins. Aswell as the other Sins of course, Taeyong lives in the mansion away from the common "hell-raisers' ' as they called them. He didn't know why Taehyung didnt just come and live with him, it was a much better lifestyle choice and it would make him stand out more amongst the common-folk, but each to their own he guessed.

Taeyong often found himself asking this question of, why didnt his brother want to stay with him? He never had a straight answer from the younger so he really had no idea. He knew that the living conditions were better than the common living quarters that the devil lives in now, so he was honestly baffled as to why the younger didnt want to room with him and the other Sins.

Just as Taeyong was about to contact his younger brother a familiar face walks into the room. The beauty himself, as Ty likes to call him.

"Yongie~!" The familiar whining of his best friend wisps around the room like smoke.

"What's wrong this time, Ten?" Ty sighs out as he brings the smaller male into his arms. Ten stands beside the bed as Ty wraps his arms around the other males middle, pushing his head onto the shorter's stomach.

"Jaemin won't admit i'm prettier than him, even though I've made my point foolproof, he still doesn't give in!" Ten collapses onto the bed and curls himself around the older like a koala.

"Awe baby you know he won't do that though, you have to understand no matter how foolproof your point is he will never give in. I mean, above all else he is pride, nothing gets between him and his own pride." Taeyong gently strokes the hair of the younger and continues to feed his ego to make him feel better; "You know, no matter what you'll always be the prettiest person in the entirety of this universe in my eyes so does anything else really matter?"

Ty brings his hand to the others chin and raises his head so they are looking directly at each other. Their eyes and hair glow with the colours of their souls, a deep red to represent Lust and emerald green to represent Envy. Both Sins not being able to look away from each other, lean in and connect their lips together. At first it was slow and calm, but as soon as a small moan left Ten's smaller frame, Taeyong lost all sense of his being, he was now Lust. No turning back till his needs were satisfied. So with that, Lust quickened the pace and the kiss became erratic and passionate. Lust began to move to be on top of Ten's body to pin down the younger, forcing him to submit under him. In a flurry of limbs and panting and swearing they each manage to completely strip off their binding clothes. Ten let his limbs down and laid still whilst the older took hold of the rope near his bed, tying the younger's hands and legs to the bed posts. A sight for sore eyes, is the phrase Taeyong uses every time he sees Ten in all of his Envious glory.

Although this happened extremely often, it was always as fun as the first time they had been together. They never tired of each other or grew apart. They were always together, unless they had important business, even then they were almost always in the same meetings because envious and lustful acts were closely linked and often overlapped, much like Taeyong and Ten in the bedroom or shower, or main living room, or utility cupboard, or kitchen counter.

By this time, Tae had three fingers thrusting deep into Ten's tight hole. Moans and whines were leaving Ten's swollen lips as Taeyong smirked, knowing he's doing a good job of pleasing his lover.

"You're so pretty baby, my pretty little vixen." The lustful being whispered into the younger's ear whilst biting down on it softly, letting his breath hit the neck of the boy under him. "Who controls you baby? Who do you belong to?"

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