23 2 1

Song- go f*ck yourself- two feet

He walks down the road looking in every window possible, checking to see if he looked alright, if he was going to see Satan personally he would have to look his best, he also just likes looking at himself a lot. Vanity is a sin you know, why do you think he pays so much attention to himself. The road is wide and crowded with humans, why on this earth do humans have to be so god damn annoying, the devil thought to himself. Not only do they get in his way, they complain about every single little thing possible. You can't win with them, that's why his job is so fun, he gets to turn them into his own kind, a kind that aren't as fucking awful.

As he walks down the street a younger male, maybe 20, looks at the immortal with pure admiration and lust, well of course he would, he's fine as hell. He makes suggestive eyes towards him and slightly bites his bottom lip, which indeed, was extremely hot. In all his time on earth he has been with many people; girls, boys, devils and human so it wasn't out of the ordinary for him to think of such thing, although he had realised that he prefered males over females, just for the pure fact that they just intrigued him more, that doesn't however mean that he won't go for females, he liked them as well. He wasn't all that picky to be honest.

The devil slowly made his way over to him, keeping his composure whilst looking at the younger male with the utmost passion. He hadn't fucked anyone in days, he hadn't even made out with anyone, so he was horny as fuck. As he reaches the mortal, he stands up and his face becomes increasingly closer to his own, Taehyung could feel the shorter males steady breathing on his neck, and his scent was sickeningly sweet, vanilla and strawberry, the two smells that show he's as innocent as he looks. His heart beat increased as he snaked his hands around the others waist just above his ass, holding him close.

With one swift movement the devil pulled him up around his waist and he wraps his legs around him. All of this was happening whilst they were still in the middle of the street, so the older decided to take him down a small alleyway along the highstreet. He roughly pushed him back up against the wall as his mouth ran kisses down the younger's neck and collarbone, his breath hitched as the devil's tongue traced the side of his jaw up near his ear when he stopped and put his lips on the blond's ear. His breath was steady but his clearly wasn't, he moved his head to the side as Taehyung continued to scatter kisses down and around his neck, giving him full access to do as he pleased. He began to increase the pressure of the kisses, sucking and slightly biting down on the area of the mortals neck that seemed most vulnerable and soft. This caused him to moan slightly, catching him off guard. He couldn't help but be clouded by the thought, that was hot.

As he pulled away he saw the marks he made and after he's satisfied with how they looked, he lifted his head up and moved to the other side, giving the younger matching hickeys on either side of his neck. He was so distracted by making the marks that the devil didn't realise that he had started trying to grind on him, trying to add friction between them. He knew he had more important plans but this male was intriguing to him. A human has not caught his eye like this for a while, he couldn't let this one go. He lifted his head once more and came face to face with the male, his hair was blond but with a tint of silver across his head with darker roots, it was parted evenly in the middle with it swept to each side. His chocolate brown eyes burnt through him with fire and his lips, well they were almost perfect.

His lips were full and even in colour, he had a bit of makeup on and they were slightly parted with heavier, broken breaths escaping them, he wanted them, needed them.

That's when he decided to go for it, he smashed their lips together and they moved together in both urgency and passion, the kiss was messy and broken but it somehow worked. Once he felt the boy's mouth opening a little more, Tae licked his lower lip asking to enter which he allowed the devil to do so. His tongue, now firmly in the other's mouth, was roaming the cavern taking control of his tongue.

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