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Song- everything i wanted- Billie Eilish

Jungkook was currently trying to pack everything he needed for university, and it was an absolute joke. He couldn't even imagine the mission being as stressful as packing for uni. Sounds ridiculous, but Christ on a cracker it's hard work. He couldn't quite believe it though, he could finally cross off one of his bucket list ideas; going to a human university. Unfortunately the circumstances aren't great but hey, all he can do is stay positive, help his best friends and get on with his life as normal.

This was set to be the angels toughest mission to date, but he wasn't worried about it, if he worried it would create doubt and that would make his mind vulnerable to manipulation.

After what seems like hours, he had finally finished packing all of his things together and he couldn't be more thrilled to get to see Jimin and Hoseok. His two best friends. No, scratch that, his two brothers. They have been on their separate missions now for a couple of years so it has been a while since he'd seen them. He found out from Jeonghan that he won't be rooming with them because they already have their roommates but he'll either stay on his own or have a roommate. In the angel's mind it doesn't seem so bad. It could be worse, he could be in hell.


Jungkook was way more nervous than he seemed. Constant anxieties were running through his head as he went to find Jeonghan once more before leaving. Jeonghan was going to give him all the information about the devils he was going to encounter over the next couple months, maybe even a year. The length of the mission is unconfirmed as of yet because no one can put a deadline on turning devils, especially if the devil happens to have the DNA of Lust, Wrath and Pride. All three that this devil had ties to were the worst sins, they have made many humans go crazy, and have turned a great deal of angels as well. Even if Jimin and Hosoek finished their missions before Jungkook, he would still have to stay and let the others go.

Letting each other go was probably the hardest part for the 3 brothers. They never wanted to be apart, but being an angel and helping others is more important. So sacrifices had to be made every now and again, plus they were immortal so they had all the time in the world, literally.

Jungkook started flying towards the grand hall where Jeonghan said he would be. As he flew past several big monuments and all the greenery beneath him, he really started to appreciate everything he's had in the world, he's always been so lucky to live here, and something deep inside him was telling him this was the last time he'd be seeing it all. He pushed that feeling away and continued towards Jeonghan, he had to stay focused, he couldn't fail this mission.

The older angel and Jungkook met with smiles although wavering because of how worried they were.

"I would understand if you dropped out of this mission, it wouldn't go on your record and the heavens wouldn't think any differently of you."

Jeonghan is almost pleading with Jungkook, he was frightened, terrified even.

"Don't worry Hannie, I'll be fine. Just focus on the other two and make sure they come back. I can handle myself out there, you know I can. If you truly believe I need to come back then I will."

They embrace each other before letting go with sadness in their eyes. Never had they been more scared for a mission. No one would be able to tell what would happen, no one knew the future. But they would be damned if they didn't try and do anything to help the situation on earth, literally. If the angels had passed on this opportunity they would've been down to hell the first second the gods got.

The ruling system was completely different in the heavens than everyone thought. There was God, well multiple, and there was a council however the council was made up of the seven heavenly virtues and the gods well, they were just special. No one knew how the seven heavenly virtues and the gods came to exist however they had been around since the creation of the entire universe, no one knew what brought them to this earth but they were here and they were here to stay. The gods as you would imagine are the most powerful beings in the universe, as well as the heavenly virtues. The heavenly virtues guide the angels and humans to become better and to help others in the way as they were supposed to. The gods however are solely there to make sure the universe/earth doesn't go into complete chaos in case the seven heavenly virtues become corrupted by the seven deadly sins. This was always a threat but never since the Earth was born has it happened, but they did not know what would happen in the future. And who knew the earth's collapse would all be down to a few immortal beings who fell in love.


A few hours later and the young angel stood at the gate way heading back to earth. He's never been so scared to go back to earth before, it's always been his sanctuary, a place he can be normal rather than an angel. But here he was, ready to start what seems to be a war between angels and devils. Jungkook tried to never think negatively however it seems to be an issue at the moment. He's constantly terrified and always nervous to be around people.

The heavens have a good idea about the amount of devils there are on earth but they can't always keep track so sometimes one gets missed and they end up losing an angel.

He gingerly hops through the gate but as he drifts through he gets a fuzzy feeling in his head, almost like static from an aerial. When he gets to the other side he almost falls but he manages to grab onto the side to steady himself. His vision blacked out for a second or two but images flashed across his eye line, almost like memories. He had never felt like that before. Nonetheless, he stands in the middle of the small cottage he calls home and thinks about the mission at hand. He was going to get a roommate, and his own dorm room to decorate. He hoped he wouldn't have a Devil or a horrible person as his roommate.

A few hours later, he arrives at the university and walks towards the front reception. As the angel gets there he notices a small boy, looking around his age, well his human body age. The boy gave off a really positive energy, so naturally the angel can't help but go over.

As the brunette tapped the boy's shoulder he turned around in a graceful spin and widened his eyes a little, the angel was around the same height as him and now that he was up close he could tell the boy was not from the UK at all.

"Hi, excuse the forwardness but I wanted to introduce myself. I don't know anyone yet and I thought you seemed like a nice enough person to befriend. I'm Jungkook."

He didn't realise just how confident he had become until he walked up to the timid boy. The encounter was rather blunt and forward so it came off a tad bit aggressive, which was not the vibe Jungkook was aiming for.

"Urm, yeah.... hi. I'm Dong Sicheng." He smiled lightly but slightly awkwardly at the angel and dipped his head a bit.

"I'm so sorry, have I made you feel uncomfortable? Sorry, I shall take my leave." He began to walk away before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"No, it's okay, you didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I just find it weird to talk to people. I've been homeschooled my whole life so I've never learnt proper social interaction."

The brunette held his hand out to the boy and he gave a firm handshake.

"It's lovely to meet you Sicheng. Now stop me if I'm being nosey but how old are you?" He gives a little chuckle and raises his head a little bit more to meet the elders eyes for a few seconds.

"Well I'm 22 actually."

"Oh, we are the same age, we might be in the same classes then. At least we both will have someone friendly in our class,"

Jungkook gave him a hearty bunny smile and proceeded to talk to his new friend.

"So what are you majoring in then?"

"Well, unbelievably, I got accepted here because of a dance scholarship. I didn't think it was possible but I'm here and that's what matters."

Jungkook could see the pride in his eyes as he talked. The absolute admiration he had for getting this opportunity. It was quite refreshing to see, considering everyone else that got a scholarship paraded it round like they just won an Oscar. They'd be going to hell for sure unless they changed fast.


As the angel and human conversed they failed to mention the darker atmosphere in the room because of the arrival of a devil. The angels' pure aura with what seemed to be the humans pure aura as well surrounded them so they failed to spot the almost pitch black aura that entered the building.


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