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Song - Sex, Money, Feelings Die - Lykke Li
Song - Liquor - Chris Brown (You'll know when to play it)

Many professors at the university came in at a reasonable time to set up for their lessons, 7am being a reasonable time.

Well, not for Jung Hoseok.

Although it wasn't the first day, it was the first lesson of the year, so Hoseok decided he'd get a head start on his lesson planning and get to know the student files.

This involved getting into work at 6am.

Hoseok stood in the middle of the dance studio and waited for the music to start, and once it did, he didn't hold back. He lost all sense of time and space because by the time he stopped for a drink of water, the room was filled with his students for the first lesson. The dark haired male didn't quite know what to do in that moment so instead of panicking and making a fool out of himself he stood up, straightened his clothes and grabbed his bottle for a drink. After he drank, he cleared his throat and started talking.

"Good morning freshers. I'm Professor Jung Hoseok but you may call me Hobi. I'll be your Performing Arts professor for the first year so I hope I won't have any problems and I will try to teach you everything I know to help you become performers." Hoseok smiles as wide as physically possible and the room brightened. He bowed to his students and then they all bowed to him.

"Well, if I may speak for everyone of us here, with what we just saw, we are definitely going to learn a thing or two. You're incredible." A taller, dark haired boy spoke out.

"Well i'm glad you enjoyed it. Anyway, everyone, come in and take a seat on the floor. You won't be sat for long because you'll each freestyle a performance of your choice, whether it be rap or singing or dance it doesn't matter, it's for everyone to see and for me to evaluate my first thoughts." Hobi smiles and it lights up the room, which causes all the students to smile as well and move towards the floor.

Hoseok took a register and made sure he had everyone there that he needed before calling up the first person.


Everyone replied with their names and he now recognises the taller dark haired boy to be Xuxi.

"Right then class, today you'll be showcasing your specific speciality, whether it be dance, rap or singing. I'll assess what you guys have prepared and then I'll grade the finished result. These marks in no way affect your year here, I just want to understand the levels in which we have in the group. Now, we'll go in order of the register so, Hyunsuk, you'll go first." Hoseok finished his mini speech and sat at his little table in the corner of the room, so he could see the whole room.

As the music started for each person they introduced themselves and what they were going to present. Some of them even had stage names or nicknames that they had asked to be called rather than their real names, for example; Q, Lucas and Dino swapped their names. Each student was incredibly gifted and Hoseok had a hard time to grade and place them all in order of their strengths.

Eventually, he had the grades and order down and got everyone together in a circle to exchange the information.

"Now, just because you're at the bottom doesn't mean you shouldn't become a performer. You were all incredible considering you're all first years. As far as the lists go i can't rank you for something you didn't do so i only graded you on the skill you used. With that all said, the rankings are as follows; Dance, Dino, Q, Yunho. Rapping, Changbin, Mark, Mingi, Hyunsuk. And for singing, Xiaojun, San."

An array of mixed emotions were floating around the room and Hoseok really didn't like the fact some people were discouraged about their results. He hated seeing people unhappy, so he quickly used a bit of his angelic energy to change that.

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