Hooded Danger

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Hooded Danger

written: 9th of January 2021


This morning I had accompanied Julio to the Wyrm where he was opening, not to mention that he may or may not be starting to train me to work part time at the bar. He didn't like the idea but he needed a back up staff incase anything happened. So I followed him around and helped him open the bar. We were just about to open when my phone rang. When I pulled it out of my jean pocket I seen Jughead's contact 'Weirdo King' on the screen. I waved Julio off to open the bar as I took a seat on one of the bar stools. "Hey Juggie, I heard you riding off on the old bike this morning everything alright?" I laughed softly but the call was anything but positive. "Yasmine, it's Archie's dad. Can you meet me at the hospital? Maybe bring a Serpent or two?" At the hurried words from my best friend I quickly got up and walked towards the back where Julio had disappeared to. "Give me five minutes." I told him before hanging up. "Either call some one, give me the keys, or open late but choose fast." I told my brother who was carrying two cases of beer up from the basement. "Yas you're not getting the car. Last time you drove you cracked the radiator." Julio replied sternly. "I fixed it! Not my fault Sheriff Keller showed up and I had to drive like a bat out of hell so I didn't get ticketed." I shook my head. "We're getting off topic. Jughead asked for me and maybe a few Serpents to meet him at the hospital."  Julio stopped restocking the coolers and looked me in the eyes. "You should have started with that." 

Moments later Julio and I were on the way to the general hospital. Julio called a few of the serpents he knew to meet us there. We waited outside and I texted Jughead when we arrived. Tall Boy was one of the other Serpents that were called so I stayed as far from him as possible. "Got nervous when you said to meet at the hospital." Tall Boy spoke as Jughead walked over.  "I was wondering about what you said about the Serpents having my back. Does that courtesy extend to a guy who's like my brother, and a man  who's like a second father to me?" Jughead spoked looking at Tall Boy but he glanced over at Julio and I who were leaning against the hood of Julio's Impala. "What do you need?" Julio pushed his glasses back up his nose so he wasn't peering over them anymore. "Fred Andrews, my buddy's dad, was shot-" I let out a gasp and quickly covered my open mouth with my hand. "It was a robbery at Pop's. Guy was in a black hood." Jughead was mainly talking to Julio but the other Serpents were listening. "Serpents don't wear masks," Tall Boy comments walking over to the car to be more involved in the conversation. "I get it but some of those Serpents were working for Fred Andrews," Julio nods understanding the Jones boy. When the team was fired suddenly there were a few upset guys. "Some one could have went rouge, taking it personally. You know every hidey-hole in town. Some one has to have heard something about what went down at Pop's." Tall Boy looked silently resigned as he agreed to look into it. "Alright. Knock some heads and let you know." The older Serpent patted Jugs arm. 

Noticing the conversation ending I pushed off the car. "I'm staying with Jug and going to see how Mr. Andrews and the others are doing." I told my brother as he also pushed off the hood. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder for a quick hug. "Be careful. Text me if you need a ride or stay somewhere." He spoke softly before turning to get in the car. "Tall Boy I'm leaving this for you to handle." The young man got in the Impala and drove off towards the southside. 

I went with Jughead back into the hospital where I was updated by Kevin and Betty on how Mr. Andrews was doing. Veronica came back from going with Archie to clean up. She returned while he went to the station for a police line up. That is also when the fact that Fred Andrews' wallet was missing. So while Jughead and Betty decided to go to Pop's to check for it I decided to stay at the hospital. I walked over to some of the Bulldogs to see how they were doing. Reggie was standing there with Moose both of which gave me a soft smile. Reggie's arm rested around my shoulders as I stood at his side listening to the small group talk about the get togethers they had at the Andrews' place. 

Reggie was the first one to greet Archie when he got back to the hospital. "Thanks Reg." Reggie patted Archie's shoulder as he stepped back from a hug. "Bulldogs are here for you." 

"So are the Pussycats," Josie's soft voice spoke as the Pussycats walked over to the red haired boy, "We're sending your dad out prayers and giving him as many of our nine lives as he needs." Archie slightly nods his head. "Thanks Josie." I slipped passed Reggie and wrapped my arm around Archie's waist. "Hey, how you holding up? Ronnie said you were down at the station? How did that go?" Archie rubbed my arm as we did a side hug. "I'm alright. It wasn't him... he's still out there. Archie's name was called from behind us so he let me go so he could turn around. Reggie's arm went right back around my shoulders like it had before Archie arrived. "He's in room 12 you can see him now." The doctor told him and we watched as he started to head down the hall before the doctor stopped him, "Listen he hasn't woken up yet. Talk to him, coax him back. Keep it positive. Honestly that could make all the difference." I could just barely see Archie nod before heading to the room. I turned in towards Reggie, wrapping my arms around him. 

Reggie and I pretty much stayed next to each other the whole time. We finally sat down, but to conserve enough chairs for everyone I sat on Reggie's lap-- It's not like it's never happened before just not recently. Reggie and I started to talk about football and how excited he was about the new season and I told him that even though I wasn't a Vixen I would still cheer for him. Which was true, despite transferring to Southside High I still planned to attend every Bulldog game. At first I was just going to go for Archie but since Reggie and I seem to be rekindling our friendship it would be good to see him play too, he really is magnificent on the field. 

"Who's hungry?!" Jug called as he walked in being followed by Betty and Pop Tate, each carrying a delivery box. "We've got burgers and fries, and onion rings." Everyone in the waiting room cheered, I could even hear Moose clearly comment, "Nice Jugs." We all began to eat and it wasn't long after eating that I started to feel tired, blame the full stomach. My head was resting on Reggie's shoulder as I yawned. "Hey princess, you should go home. Someone will call you if something happens." Reggie's voice was soft as he whispered into my ear. I smiled softly and nod. "I'll give you a ride Yas." Kevin quickly offered. "Thanks Kev. Text me later Reg." I lightly pressed my lips to the man's chiseled jaw before getting up and leaving with Kevin.

Later that night I would get the text from Archie letting us know that his dad woke up. Archie's mom came to town just in time for Fred to be able to go home and it seemed to be slightly better but the hooded shooter was still out there and that was dangerous. 

[word count: 1366]

Welcome the the first chapter of Sins ! My goal is to update once a week (on Saturdays) but I have proof in the past to get off schedule so if I do just give me a polite little nudge. I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter and I will see you all next time little doves. Bye!

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