The Red Circle

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The Red Circle

written: 22nd of March 2021


 After a late night alone in the school Jughead finally admitted that his lone wolf act was not going to cut it, especially when Toni was there when Betty patched him up. The moment I found out, through Toni's text, I went straight to the Jones trailer to talk to him about it. Before I left that night I gave him the choice either he willingly sat with the serpents or I would drag him over and make him sit there and if he argued I would hold his laptop and beanie hostage.

Needless today the next day Jughead came up to the table, like a dog with his tail between his legs, and asked to sit with the serpents before sitting next to Toni. I was behind him and noticed the few glances before sitting down next to Sweet Pea nudging him as I took my seat so he stopped looking at Jughead with a 'look what the cat dragged in' kind of look. Sweets looked over at me then back at Jughead and nodded his head in which the beanie wearing teen returned without a spoken word. To not make the air tense I distracted the tall serpent next to me by asking him about the plans that we had made to hang out Sweets actually seemed excited that he would be able to show you around the southside as a serpent and not just a resident. One of which being the Quarry.


Today was one of the few days that Julio was actually at home and awake while I was preparing for school. My older brother was in the kitchen standing in front of the stove cooking up some pancakes for breakfast. Two cups of coffee sat on the kitchen table, one of which was already partially gone, due to Julio taking drinks from the mug. I came out of my bedroom and stood in the hallway facing the kitchen. Julio looked over his shoulder at me and shook his head, "It's too cold for you to wear shorts and you are not wearing that crop top to school go change." I huffed and dragged my feet across the floor to the kitchen table to take a drink of coffee before going to change again.

With my door partially closed, I had to talk louder for him to hear me as I spoke. "Hey I'm going out with a few new friends after school." I heard a slight clang from the kitchen which was probably the pan being moved to the sink. "Who?" I didn't reply for a moment as I finished changing into black jeans and his old Led Zeppelin t-shirt before coming out to the kitchen carrying my black boots. "Uh Fogarty and Sweet Pea are the only two confirmed." Julio sat at the table and we both drank from our mugs and began to eat. "I've got business tonight. I probably won't be back until tomorrow morning. Lock the door when you get home if something seems off go crash at the Wyrm in the office, Hog Eye will let you up there." I nodded my head slowly. "Why do you seem more worried than usual to leave me alone?" I kept eating my pancakes but I didn't miss the way that Julio stiffened at my question.

Julio set his silverware down and pushed the half eaten plate away and just took a drink of his coffee. "I never had a reason to worry about you before. Not like now at least. Sunnyside is nearly a civilian or serpent trailer park. No one would bug you normally. Not with knowing our parents or me. This..what happened on the northside, that changes things princesa. There have been three attacks now and I am worried about you." Julio explains his eyes locked onto the now empty mug in between his hands on the table. I got up and moved to my brother's side and hugged him. "I'm worried too. You are one of the people basically running the serpents right now. If this maniac went after the serpents you could be one of the targets. I promise I'll be careful but I'm not going to live in fear. You taught me that when mom and dad left." Julio smiled and pushed me away gently. "Eat your food and don't forget your jacket. If you're hanging out with Pea you'll probably be on the back of a bike." I smiled and nodded at my brother. The rest of our morning continued like normal.

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