Tire Trouble

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Tire Trouble

written: 16th of January 2021


 As agreed Reggie texted me a few days later. I was sitting in the back room of the Wyrm helping Julio with reorders and the books. My brother was better with people and his hands not the numbers. When I was done I walked outside where it was quiet, waving at my brother and his newest bartender, Toni. I went over to the Impala and hopped onto the hood before calling Reggie.

"Hey, sorry this really isn't a good time." Reggie mumbled into the phone when he answered. Well that explained why he stopped replying. "Why? Something wrong?" I asked him. I heard him sigh and could picture him running a hand through his hair. "Dad lent me one of his cars and now it's got something wrong with it. One of the tires keeps going flat." He explained through the phone. "Are you at home?" I hopped off the car heading towards the Northside of town. "Yeah. Kind of on lock down till I get this fixed." I hummed in thought and nodded my head. "Have you searched the tire for anything sticking out?" Reggie chuckled, "Does princess know about cars?" "Only a little now answer the question." "Yes. Nothing is stuck in the tire." Reggie huffed out the answer to my question. "Take a spray of some kind and spray around the rim of the tire." I instructed him.

The call was quiet except for the sound of Reggie rummaging through the garage followed by the spray. "Why am I doing this besides making a mess for me to wipe up?" "Watch for any bubbles. If there are any then well you found the source of the air leak. If so I can grab some bead seal to put on it. Although if that doesn't help then the chance is the car will need a new tire and that's going to cost you." I explained looking down at my chipped nail polish as I kept walking. "You know, I never took you for a car girl." I let out a small laugh. "My dad.. He never wanted me to rely on a man to fix my car." I bit the inside of my cheek thinking about my dad. It's been two years since he and mom left. Wish we knew where they were.

"I don't see any bubbles Yas." Reggie comments after a second of silence. "I'll be there in a few minutes and will take a look for myself. Just hang on." I shook my head and we exchanged a 'see you soon' before the call ended. I slipped my phone into my pocket before pulling my hair up into a ponytail. I jogged the rest of the way to the Mantle home, I had only been here once for a summer barbeque. The garage door was open and Reggie was leaning against a tool table glaring at the wheel that was giving him trouble. "Down boy. It's not going to roll away." I joked making him look over at me. I let out a small puff from the jog, nothing that I wasn't used to doing as a Vixen.

I looked at the immaculately clean garage and raised an eyebrow. "Dad keeps a clean garage huh? Looks like it was hardly used." I muttered not really expecting an answer from his as I moved closer to the wheel. "The lighting in here sucks by the way. Got a better light at all?" I look over my shoulder at Reg who nods and grabs a flashlight for me. I did a quick inspection of the wheel, Reggie had the car on jackstands making it easier for me to inspect the wheel. "Between you and me did you hit any curbs last time you drove?" The question was quiet as if his dad would walk up at any moment. "No. I'm always extra careful when I drive his car." I nod grab the spray he must have used earlier and coated the tire section by section so I could watch for any bubbles. "Ah ha. Found the issue. Easy fix too." I smile over my shoulder at him. "So, do you want to run to the store or shall I?" Reggie shook his head. "I can manage a store, Yas." I laughed softly and nodded my head as I told him what to get.

While he was gone I washed off the wheel and cleaned up the small mess made from the spray. Since the auto store was only a block away it wasn't long before Reggie was back with the supplies. He watched me as I showed him what I was doing to fix the wheel. "I would let it sit overnight to let the fix-a-flat so its job fully. It should be good though." I smiled standing up and grabbing a piece of paper towel to wipe my hands off with. Reggie's arms wrapped around my waist as he spun me around kissing my cheek. "You're amazing, princess! Thank you," Reggie grinned, putting me back down.

I popped the hood of the car, getting a confused look from Reggie. "Rule of thumb, any time you work on a car, always check the fluids." I shrugged off the look as I started to check the fluids of the car. "You're about a quart low on oil and it looks like you could top off some windshield wiper fluid." I informed him as he was putting things away that he pulled out. "I'll tell the old man. He's particular about the oil." Reggie voiced his understanding.

Reggie was closing the garage door when he turned to me. "I've been meaning to ask you. Where did you learn to throw a punch?" He almost sounded hesitant to ask. "My older brother taught me. My family learned pretty early on that I like to be independent and Julio being as protective as he is, took it upon himself to teach me how to fight. I mean I can hold my own pretty well if needed but I don't really like to fight." Reg nodded as we walked over into his backyard to sit and talk for awhile.

It was starting to get dark when I realized how late it was. I stood from the chair I was sitting in. Reggie stood too and I walked over to give him a hug. Our arms wrapped around each other and I stepped back, looking up at the dark haired Bulldog in front of me. I wasn't expecting it, Reggie's face lowered and his lips pressed against mine. Mint, it tasted like mint. He pulled back and I urged myself not to react beyond a simple smile. "Later Mantle." I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back far enough to make my getaway.

I remained composed until I was out of sight of the house before rushing to pull out my phone and call the only one I felt like I could talk to. "Oh my gosh, Jughead, Reggie Mantle just kissed me!" I probably sounded like I was wheezing or something because Jughead started to laugh. "This isn't funny Jug!" I pouted as I rushed back towards the southside. "I'm sorry, I just, isn't this something you should call Betty or Veronica about?" Jughead points out and I just whined. "I don't trust them like I trust you." Jughead chuckled again and I sighed. "I just... It was weird but not like a bad weird." I started to talk about it, taking his silence as agreement. Jughead sighed softly in defeat and by the rustling I heard I would assume he was getting comfortable. "Besides the fact that this is Mantle, why is this kiss such a big deal? Do you like him?"

"Jug, this is the first kiss since Jason and it was one of his best friends! Like does that mean I betrayed him? What if Reggie expects us to be a thing now? I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship. Not with Reggie, he's good looking sure but I don't think he could handle me." I felt like I was starting to ramble as I twirled my ponytail. "Yas. Yasmine, breath." I took a deep breath and nodded even if he couldn't see me. "You're not betraying Jason. He'd want you to be happy, even if it was with his friend. A kiss does not automatically mean you are in a relationship. Now why don't you come by my trailer we'll watch some serial killer documentaries or something."

So that's just what I did. I went to the Jones trailer, texting Julio on the way so he knew where I was. Jughead had things ready when I arrived. We put the couch cushions on the floor to lay on and curled up with some blankets with popcorn and watched serial killer documentaries until we passed out. 

[word count: 1482]

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