Part 13: HOW!?!?

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy!

<Izuku's POV>

5 Months Until the UA Entrance Exam.

"Eeeeeeeeehhhhh!!!/Get Rekt!!!" We both announced in unison, as I begin to laugh onto the ground.

"Shut it!" Izumi shouted at me, kicking me at the same time.

"Ow- Stop!" I cried out, instantly throwing her into a pin on the ground. "You need the extra quirk if I can do this." She tries breaking out of the hold, failing miserably while using her strength enhancing quirk in the process.

"HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS!?!" Izumi screamed out, causing me to jump off her.

"Loud blond!" I commented, as mum picks the both of us with her quirk.

"Enough." Mum commanded, placing us back on our seats. "Now stop delaying so I can go make dinner." Izumi sighing before she grabs the piece of hair, begrudgingly eating it to much of her dismay. "Good! I'll be making Katsudon, so go get yourselves cleaned up before dinner."


1 Day Until the UA Entrance Exam.

"Ow." Izumi faintly spoke, laying on the ground of the training room at the store. "I knew you were training, but I didn't know how harsh it was."

"This is basic combat training." Shiori commented, tossing the both of us a bottle of water. "If you have power, good for you. But, if you face someone who has a stronger or even equal to you. The one who has the greater skill will win."

"Or endurance." Jiro countered, gaining the stink eye from my boss. "I'll stay quiet." Taking a step back with her hands in the air.

"Anyways. What training have you been doing for the exams?" I questioned, catching Izumi's attention.

"Exams? Isn't it just one exam?" My naive sister answered, causing me to massage my temples. "Wait. IS THEIR A THEORY PORTION OF THE ENTRANCE EXAM?!?"

"Yep. You are definitely the daughter of All Might." Shiori stated, causing my sister to huff.

"Wait, your the daughter of All Might? Like the passed husband of Graviton, All Might?" Jiro begins to slightly fangirl at the mere thought.

"Can I tell her?" Izumi looked over to me, confusing the rocker girl.

"No. Feels like bragging for something we literally had no control over." I cutting off that concept from the now deflated Izumi.

"Oh well. Yes I am the daughter of Graviton and All Might!" My sister enthusiastically answered the fan girl, while Jiro increasingly becomes confused.

"'We' and 'bragging'? You two don't have the same surname- unless they adopted you, meaning that you two are related by law!" Jiro deduced, causing my boss to smirk slightly as we remain silent. "If your adopted, then why did they choose a quirkless child? No offence, but it is a stereotype."

"Just like to point out the fact that All Might's quirk manifested roughly around this time." Shiori commented, catching Jiro off guard. "Anyway, let's put a chock onto this. I have something to give you two. Yagi, do you mind helping my grab them?" Nodding both of them walk into a storage room, only for Shiori to walk out first with two blades that has jack ports as the pommel of the hilt. "Jiro here, these are for you. I was thinking about giving you guys these when you pass the UA exam, but just in case I'll give you them now." Handing the twin blades to Jiro, while green lightning can be seen first as Izumi sluggishly walks in with a great-sword. "This one is more for decoration than useful for you, Midoriya. I originally got this to try and wield it, however it was too heavy for me. It's designed for heroes that has have superhuman strength, whoever wants a challenge when training their blade work. It was advertisement was literally All Might having trouble swinging the blade."

"Oh! I thought I recognised this blade for some reason. We have one at home that mum would normally use to attack dad with whenever he'd tried to have a snack before dinner." Izumi stated, readjusting the electricity to lighten the load. "It's highly conductive, making it the perfect weapon. "This is from the company 'Heroic Blading", righ-?!" She distracted herself, causing her to trip and accidently launching the blade at Jiro.

"That was a close one." In a blink of a eye, I single headedly catching the blade an inch away from her eye. "You ok?" I questioned, while moving the blade in front of me to get a proper look.

 "You ok?" I questioned, while moving the blade in front of me to get a proper look

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"H-HOW!?!" Shiori and Izumi in unison shouted at me.

"They did a amazing job with this blade. The one at home is practically unusable for training or even a form of decoration." I spoke completely oblivious to their shock, and in a complete enamoured with the blade. "Izumi, do you remember when I tried, and horribly failed to pick up the one at home? What's wrong with you two?"

"You caught it from the air and begin to wield it like it's no issue. I can't do that, even with my quirk!" Izumi freaked out. "Then let's talk about the fact every time you out strength me! HOW, YOU ARE QUIRKLESS!?!?"

"Get good." I answered, causing Jiro to laugh.

"Yep you two are siblings."

Thanks for reading and peace!

Izuku. Barachiel ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now