Part 3: Realisation

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy.

<Izumi's POV>

6 Years after Izuku was diagnosed quirkless

As the days seem less cloudy in the past few months, something feels off about Izuku. Sneaking around, doing small jobs around the block and seeing him smile. Catching me off guard, dad flips me onto the padded floor as my body is completely sore from training. "Come on. Tell me what's distracting you." Dad said seating next to me.

"It's Izuku." I stated, confusing him for a second.

"What's wrong with Izuku?" He questioned.

"Yes. Haven't you realised that he's sneaking around and doing jobs for the neighbours?" I questioned, looking into his eyes.

"No I haven't." Turning to look at himself using the full wall mirror. Mum walks into the gym.

"Hey, Toshi?" Mum questioned, as dad flinches from probably the idea that he forgot to do something. "Did allow Izuku to do jobs around the neighbourhood?"

"No I haven't. I just found out that he does from Izumi just now." Dad said, as mum gives him a letter.

"I got that from our next door neighbour, it's a letter of you giving him permission to do that. It even has your hand writing and signature." Mum is starting to get a little annoyed as all of the weight racks begin to rise.

"I can say for certain that I didn't write this. I would remember doing something like this." Dad defended himself.

"If it wasn't you then who wrote this, and why would Izuku be using it?" Mum takes a few steps forward.

"Izuku could have done it. After all, you guys did agree that he has a read on dad." I stated, trying to make them not fight.

"Sorry, Izumi. But I don't think Izuku is capable of doing this." Dad said, with mum agreeing with him.

"Why? He gets perfect scores in academics, and sometimes correct teachers mistakes." Both of my parents enter a state of shock. "Don't you check his report cards?" I tilt my head in confusion, as mum uses her quirk to get the box she keeps the report cards.

"We do the same thing my parents did with me, which is we only look at report cards when your with us. Seeing how he's always in his room, we didn't bother." Mum stated as the box floats into her hand, grabbing Izuku's latest report card.

"I didn't know that tradition, how would Izuku know?" I questioned, making the parents look at each other.

Opening the report card, mum reads through it. "His teacher for Mathematics wrote: For a laugh, I gave the entire class a math test at high school level. Marking Izuku's test results, he managed to get a total percentage of 90% on the exam. Knowing that Ms Yagi is a teacher for maths and science, I must question what the methods of tutoring you are doing differently with Izumi Yagi compared to Izuku." Mum goes quiet.

"What were you doing differently honey?" Dad questioned, while I nod to figure out how my brother is better than me in academics.

"I don't ever remember tutoring Izuku. This is all him." Everyone is left shocked, as mum goes to a different subject. "Ok. His Literature teacher wrote: Besides acing everything I hand to him, as well as him showing me that he completed all of the course work in the first semester. I complied with his request of giving him a challenge."

"Wait, I didn't know he had a challenge." I stated.

"Ensuring that none of his classmates know about this, his challenge was and I quote 'Basing off the personalities and handwriting skill of your classmates, replicate what you think they would write for the first assessment task.' I thought he would fail this, but I was wrong. He not only copied their writing abilities and phrasing, but also their style, mistakes and the persons hand writing ticks that make them unique. Without giving any names he perfectly replicated two students that I might add, haven't even been given the assessment! For his age, I've only seen this level with students who has a quirk that relates to Literature. Are you positive that he does not have a quirk?" A few minutes passed to processes this information.

"I-I always thought he was doing average." Dad said with mum nodding her head in agreement. "W-well we now know that Izuku forged the letter to the neighbours." As he scratches the back of his head.

"But why would he do that? He can always come to us if he wants anything. He knows that, right?" Mum questioned.

"Their is one thing he started doing that I completely forgot he did." Both of them look at me. "I forgot he could smile." They were about to argue but stopped themselves after when they realised that I was right.

<Izuku's POV> 

Entering the house, I notice that Mum, Dad and Izumi are seating at the dining room table. "So, this is new for y'all." I state, walking two my room.

"Izuku Yagi, seat at this table." Dad stated, pointing to the chair right in front of them. I comply. "Can you please explain this?" Pushing a letter that I gave the neighbours.

"A letter allowing me to do small jobs around the neighbourhood." I answered.

"Yes, however it's in my handwriting with my signature. Which is funny seeing how I didn't make it." Dad said leaning forward.

"If you are wondering, yes I did forge your handwriting and signature." I admit to my crimes.

"Why me and not your mother?" Dad asked, as mum gives him a wack.

"Because she is has never written or signed anything in front of me that I remember." Both parents quiet down.

"Why did you need the money? You know if you ask them-" Sister wondered, only for me to cut her off.

"Because firstly, whenever they are not at work they are supporting you. And, secondly it's so that me and a friend can hang out." Confusing her, just about to speak until mum cut her off.

"That's not true we are always here to support you." Mum said, with a concern look.

"Really!? When was the last you had a normal conversation with me?! Asked me to help you with house work?! Or even notice the bruising that I come home with from the bullying for being quirkless and still wanting to be a hero?! Bruises that were OBVIOUS IF YOU TOOK A SECOND TO ACTUALLY CARE!!!" I shouted with raging tears flowing down my face. Leaving the three to dead silent. I get up from the chair and walked to my room.

"Son wait-." Dad called out, only for me to cut him off.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your son, and your not my dad."

No one could sleep with the loud thunderstorm that night.

Thanks for reading and Peace!

Izuku. Barachiel ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now