Part 17: To Be Or Not To Be Quirkless

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Hey angels, hope you enjoy!

<Inko's POV>

While the tv murmurs in the quiet living area, I painfully work through the tremendous amount of paper required for my return to teaching. 'Thank god that I kept up with my teaching licence. This would be far more difficult, unless your an idiot-.' My thoughts were interrupted by a few solid knocks from the door. "That's odd. Izuku and Izumi have a key, and I'm not expecting anyone." Small sparks from my quirk flow around me during my self monolog. Looking into the peephole, the energy fades before I open the door. "Principal Nedzu, Eraserhead and Recovery Girl. What do I owe this unexpected greeting?" Gesturing them inside, they move towards the cluttered dining table.

"Well I've been trying to contact you for the past few hours, however you weren't responding." The chimera states, taking a seat as he pulls out folder. "If you don't mind me asking, but may I have a cup of tea please?"

"I was just about to ask. Chiyo, Aizawa. Do either of you wish for a cup of tea?" I offer, using my quirk to gather everything. Besides one wanting black coffee instead, time passes with sparks of lightning around the kitchen moves closer, hovering beverages land in front of the right person. 

Pulling out a Izuku's files, Nedzu begins speaking with a cup of tea in his other paw. "Now let's get onto business. Little over a week ago, you requested me to conclude on your son's quirkless diagnoses. Yet, I've come to the conclusion that both agrees and disagrees at the same time!" 

"That's completely illogical." Eraserhead states, sharing my own bewilderment. "Sir, are you sure that you aren't mistaken?"

"Unfortunately, I agree with this rat's findings." Recovery Girl comments, as said rat sips at his tea. "The quirk examination tests conclude, even though it uses outdated testing method, that he does and doesn't have a quirk. However the points that indicate he has a quirk, could also be considered as false positives rather than proof."

"And all achievements he's done, say the complete opposite!" The principal exclaims, with either joy or frustration. "It indicates that he has multiple quirks or one extremely powerful quirk! Minor Mind-reading, Intelligence booster/Mind enhancer, Muscle augmentation and basing off one part of the examination, he's the Weather quirk user that has been effecting Japan!" 

Taking a few seconds to process this information, I sputter out a response. "What information tells you that Izuku is the one altering the weather?"

"The frequency of the electricity that was measured off him, is a perfect match to the collected measurements during the frequent thunderstorms." Nedzu informs, handing me a file open to the right test. "While this isn't complete proof, but the timing of incidences lines up to events that happen within his life. Little over a year ago, a lightning strike hit a villain attacking the same shop he works at. 3 and a half years later, All Might's death and funeral were he was at the hospital at his last moments. Lastly, the exact night of when he was diagnosed as quirkless, is the very first recorded incident of this quirk user. Additionally all the rest of events that has happened in his past that you indicated to me."

"If that's the case, then it'll be times when he's emotional." Aizawa announces, causing all of us to turn to him.

"Which would be fairly often, seeing how Izumi and her childhood friend thought bullying him would scare him away of becoming a hero." I continued, while my sadden gaze shifts down onto my untouched tea. "It didn't help that Toshinori and I were completely blind to everything happening to him, including unintentionally neglecting Izuku himself. Before either of you start yelling my ear out, we both hated ourselves for when we found out about it. Now I carry the hate for the both of us." Besides the quiet murmuring from the tv, all of us remain silent in for a few minutes. "I'm assuming you wish to do some tests to confirm or deny him having a quirk?"

"Preferably." Chiyo states, finishing her cup of tea before continuing. "I'd rather him have control, instead of unknowingly launch lightning bolts at his peers by mistake."

"Stupid Weather quirk asshole. Today was a nice sunny day! Why did you have to drop the entire ocean on me-!" The voice of Izumi shouted to no one in particular, only to cut herself off as she walks into the house completely soaked. "Oh! Hello, I didn't know anyone was home."

"So you're saying that you swear when I'm not here- never mind that. Why did you curse at the Weather quirk user?" I questioned, causing her to walk over to the tv remote and turn the volume up.

"We interrupt your afternoon broadcast to inform you about the drastic weather change caused by the still unknown Weather quirk user. What was once a nice clear day, has now become a heavy downpour with a extremely high chance of thunderstorms.-" The news reporter announces, as the forecast shows the storm forming.

"Izumi, where's Izuku?" I continue questioning, causing the rest of the adults to look curiously along.

"He said that he's meeting up with his girlfriend, to celebrate both of them getting into UA." The teen informs smiling, just for it to fade slightly. "But~. The fact she's been ghosting since the entrance exam, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's breaking up with him." Glancing over to Nedzu, I begin moving to the exit. "Mum, where are you going?"

"I'm going to look for Izuku." I state, opening the door to look at the sky. Small lightning obviously begin arcing towards a direction, only for me to turn back to her. "Principal Nedzu has reasons to believe that Izuku has a quirk and causing this weather. I'm off to ensure his safety and confirm if this is him."

Thanks for reading, and peace!

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