Part 9: Threading battle

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy!

<Shiori's POV>

3 Years and 6 months after All Might's death

The left hook was not nice, worse with the metal. Regaining consciousness as one of the villains spoke. "Oi trash, do you know anyone that has the surname Yagi?!"

"Y-yeah, she should be coming here any minute now." Izuku answered, as the mood changes. 'She doesn't come in to day, are you buying us time?'

"She? Ooh~ think how much fun we will have with her." As the sound of someone licking something echoes through the room. 'God, these guys are disgusting.'

"Quirkless brat. I know what you can do while we wait for her." One of the other guys stated before pulling Izuku, over somewhere. 'So that's how he got their guard down, he told them the truth.' "Be useful and play us something! We are in a music store after all!" The same guy stated. 'Please Yagi, play something that resonates with you.' I internally pray as he begins to play.

When the first notes flowed out, I instantly knew the song. 'Out of all the song he could have chosen, he picked this one.' Opening my eyes to see all of the thugs staring at him, completely entranced by his skill. 'If this isn't a quirk, then boy music has fallen.' At that I slowly raised myself up, building up threads from the heavenly tunes, with the one that punched me in the face turns around. "Hello there." Creating a gauntlet, I repay his knuckle sandwich with my own. Launching though the door, his crew snapping out of the trance. Wrapping them up in threads, packaging them outside. Following them, I form a tornado like structure of thread. The threads break apart as it shows me in my hero suit, the sky cracking with lightning.

 The threads break apart as it shows me in my hero suit, the sky cracking with lightning

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(I don't own this image. I just found it on google and loved it.)

"You guys fucked up." I politely stated, Rushing towards them. First the lizard guy attacks, baring his fangs at me. Wrapping his mouth shut while kicking him in the gut, knocking him down on the ground. Before I could make a cheeky one liner, the guy with elongating nails slashes at me. All of his nails get sliced off from the thread invisible to the naked eye, rage fills his eyes for a moment as knuckle sandwich knocks him out cold. "Don't stop me from making one liners, nail job." The stone villain grabs me from behind. "This is why you can't get a date, or it could be the bad breath." At that he releases hot magma from his mouth. "Thread Mimic." My body turns into random assortment of threads, as I appear behind and rush at him. "Fate Cutters." Two swords form in my hands, as I slash across his body as he drops unconscious. "Awe. Baby can't handle a little cut."

"SHUT IT WRENCH!!!" Shark tooth villain shouted as he tries to chop at me, dodging to the side as I put the swords together.

"Rocker Whip." Flicking it at the villain, wrapping around and implanting him into the Basalt roads. "Eat that!" Turning to the last boy up. "Ready to give up, soup can?" 

The music abruptly stops as my threads along with it. 'One, Two, Three- Dammit, lizard guy got into the shop.' "What's wrong? You were talking all that shit earlier. Anyway, DIE!!". He rushes at me, raising his hand in the air as metal forms into a blade. Or a conductor for the lightning, with a massive lightning bolt shoots down breaking the blade into pieces. "That won't stop m-!" Wires from the shop wraps around him along with his clothing, with Best Jeanist walks behind him. "Fuc-!" Wires cover his mouth.

"Weaver, having fun?" Best Jeanist questioned looking at me.

"Depends if my extra is alright, a villain is in their with him." I state running into the shop, seeing something that I didn't expect.

"Tell me why you are after her." Yagi seethed venom in his words as he pins the lizard villain to the ground and twisting his arm, the other arm is clearly broken. "Hurry I'm loosing interest very quickly."

"W-we just heard that a Yagi comes here once and a while, we planned on kidnapping and sell them on the black market. That's all, I swear!" Tears flowing down his face. Accepting that answer, Yagi easily moves the guys arm into a lock behind his back.

"I rushed in here thinking that you might be in trouble, but clearly I was wrong. What happened?" I asked.

"He rushed at me as I was playing, and scuff happened between us which caused him to break his arm. Pined him to the ground and just started asking questions so he doesn't pass out from the pain- oh, just like right now." He said, lifting himself off. 'This kid was literally suffocating this guy with his wait!?!' I thought as police cars role up.

"I don't think literally laying on the guy is a good thing." I questioningly stated looking at him.

"I'll keep that in mind when the next someone dares to threaten someone I care about in my presence." He countered, with a innocent smile on his face. 'Peak monster, right here. Prodigy at everything he comes across, and willing becomes a killing machine for someone he cares for.' "Oh! Do you know what's the name of the song I played? It's been stuck in my mind for months and I have no idea where I heard it from." Best Jeanist walks in with a few police.

"Yeah, it's called Victory by Two Steps From Hell. Pre quirk Orchestra song that I play when I work on designs." Best Jeanist notices that I slightly uncomfortable talking about this song. The police officers taking the lizard villain away. "It's the song that started the hero team I was in."

"Oh. Ok, it seems that I have some cleaning to do-." Yagi stated, only for me to cut him off.

"I'll deal with it, you go home after the police gets your statement." I waved off his proactiveness.

"Ok, thank you. Also, I suggest we stop calling me Yagi and switch to Midoriya for me. Obvious reasons." As he points to the villains.

"Why Midoriya?" I questioned.

"That's my biological fathers surname, unfortunately he died in a plane crash." He slightly saddens by this, but instantly bounces back. "One of the police offices is wanting me, excuse me."

Thanks for reading, peace!

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