Part 7: Legacy

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy!

<Izuku's POV>

2 months after All Might's death

Izumi and I are sitting in front of TV watching in a interview of mum entering the hero profession. "Thundering Hero: Graviton the wife of the recently passed symbol of peace All Might, can you tell me why you decided to continue being a pro when your husband gave his life for it?!" The reporter questioned.

"Simple, in this harsh world we must make a choice to either protect what we hold dear or watch it die. I'm remaining a pro to keep my husbands legacy alive, and in a sense him alive. His shoes maybe a little big on me, but I'll wear them till the next generation can take them off my hands." Mum stated.

Another reporter spoke. "Ms, Are you stating that the pros are incompetent to fill the gap that All Might once was?!"

"It does not matter if they can fill it or not, it matters that we have the generation to fill his legacy. It's the heroes job to protect the people, and in turn they protect the next generation to take their spot. That's why when I got my hero licence I became a teacher, to nurture the next generation. Now their safety is threatened, and I'll make it my goal in my husbands shoes to protect them with everything I am."

A repeat of what happened again, as a reporter questioned. "Do you know how All Might became so powerful?"

"If you want to know a magical way to get stronger, then no. He worked hard, supported by peers and mentors that showed him how to turn his weaknesses into strength. Forging his hopes and dreams for a better future into a drive, that only wilters during the final goodbyes to his children on his deathbed." Mum began shaking off her emotions. "If he didn't do what he did, he would be a low ranking hero that most people will forget. That's why he announced 'As long as you have the passion to do great, then it doesn't matter where you came from or what you have. It's hard work that defines you.' in a interview. Now if you excuse me, I have to prove those words into reality." Flying away like it's no bodies business.

2 Years after All Might's death

With seemingly ease, mum took the number 1 hero title and tripled dads numbers with no one daring to challenge. All while this happens I continue my business of doing small jobs around the neighbourhood, using the money to hang out with Uraraka. "Hey Izuku?" She asked.

"Yeah Uraraka?" I replied, whilst giving her a million watt smile.

"We have been doing this for years now right?" She questioned, looking into the moving leaves in a tree.

"Yeah we have, I can still remember the we first met. One of the best choices I've ever made." Ensuring I keep my smile going, while she begins to blush.

"I-I was wondering, i-if we could become more than friends?" She stated, confusing me slightly. She noticed. "Izuku Yagi, would you be my boyfriend?!" Shocking me slightly.

"Y-yes! I would love to be your boyfriend!" I joyously claimed, pulling her into a hug. She reciprocates the hug. 

We continue walking in the park until she spoke up again. "Hey I've never asked this about you, Izuku! What's your quirk?" I slightly flinch when she asked.

"I'm quirkless, to much my teachers surprise." I chuckle to cover up the fear she'll reject me for it.

"If you work harder than anyone else, it doesn't matter right?" She stated with her smile flickering slightly. "It doesn't mean I'll treat you any different." My smile returning back. We continue the day like normally do, besides the goodbye where we kiss.

In the first time in a very long time, I felt like the happiest man in the world. It was a cloudless day, and yet their is still an outline of a cloud.

3 Years after All Might's death

As the months went by the amount of money needed for Uraraka and I's dates kept growing, along with her asking for money to buy stuff which I happily comply. The inconsistency of doing odd jobs aren't cutting it anymore, and with the permission of mum I began my search for a actual job. With the minimum age for working being reduce to 13, I began my search with over 100 places! For all of them to turn me down. The funny thing is, everything goes absolutely great. They all say that I have promise. They all see that I excel in academics. They all notice that I've been dong odd jobs and helping the community for years. But when they talk about my quirk situation, they cancel the interview or refuse to hire me. Walking home, I come across a music store with a note on the door that says. "Looking for employees, if you are then please talk to the manager." Taking the chance I enter the store, ensuring I look prim and proper.

Walking up to the lady that's roughly the same age as my mum, who is sitting behind the counter. "Excuse me, is the job position that's on the door still available?"

"Yes it is sweetheart. My name is Nakatomi Shiori, I'm the owner of this fine establishment." Raising her hands to present this place.

"I'm Izuku Yagi, pleasure to meet you." I announced whilst giving a bow, causing her to slightly giggle.

Handing over my resume, she ponders over all the information on it. "Straight A+ student. Have been doing odd jobs and community service for over five years. However on your resume it does not state what your quirk is, why is that?" I slightly deflate after hearing that.

"I-I'm quirkless." Looking down at my hands, as she simply nods.

"What is your goals in the future, because I have the feel you don't want to be clerk at a random music shop." She questioned, kind of shocking me that she's actually continuing the interview. "What cat got your tongue?"

"N-no. I'm aiming UA and becoming the best hero I can be. Most people will call me stupid, others would push me down and not give me a chance. But if I can save just one person, then I made a meaningful change to the world. I know that'll difficult, but you can't get anything in life if you don't work for it." I stated with a flame of determination lit in my eyes, as she places the resume down.

"You truly are that idiots kid." A confused look plastered itself on my face. "I went to junior high with a Toshinori Yagi, who even though he was quirkless at the time believed that he can be a pillar of hope. If you simply share the same family name then you would know as All Might, I won't judge you because your quirkless. But you better prove that your not a waste of space."

Dad. You are supporting me more dead than alive.

Thanks for reading, also I hit a slight writers block for this one. Peace!

Izuku. Barachiel ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now