Part 11: Beginning The Hero Track

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Hewwo readers, I messed up the timeframe by a month so their is only 9 months of training instead of 10. Besides that, I hope you enjoy!

<Izuku's POV>

The day ends at the store and the next day begins. Writing in my notebook of the villain attack that happened before school, with Kamui Woods losing the spot light from Mount Lady's debut. The teacher walks into the class as everyone takes their seats. Papers in hand he takes his position on the podium. "Alright class, today we will be figuring out what career's you wish to do when you'll leave school. I would hand out these career aptitude tests... But who am I kidding!?! I know you all want to go down the hero track!!" He proclaimed as everyone beside Bakugo, Izumi and myself begin to use their quirks. "Alright, alright. You all know that quirk use at school is prohibitive."

"Oi, teach! Don't lump me in with these extras!" Bakugo's superiority complex getting the better of him again.

"Hey do you think you're better than us Katsuki!" The class enters into a shouting match against the boom boom boy.

"Hell yeah! I can take you all on!" Bakugo countered while laughing to himself.

"Are you sure about that angry Pomeranian?" Izumi stands up from her chair, dead eyeing the other blond.

"Ah, Bakugo and Izumi. You two are applying to UA, correct?" The teacher trying to defuse the two before they fight again.

"They are trying for the national school?/Doesn't it have 0.02% acceptance rate?..." The class enters into mummers, as Bakugo jumps onto his desk.

"I aced all the mock tests! I'm the only one who can make it from this school! I'll even surpass Graviton and become the riches hero of all time! And that all starts with UA High!!" Bakugo proclaims.

"Izuku, aren't you trying to get into UA as well?" The teacher questioned as the class enters into silence, only to break into laughter. Pressing a button on my notebook, it returns into my bracelet before Bakugo explodes my table.

"Deku! You are worst than these rejects!! Do you think that your better than me!!!" Katsuki screeched, as Izumi pulls him away from me.

"If you think heroism is some pissing match for dominance, then you are just as pathetic as the villains that you'll be facing!!" Izumi scolded as the aggressors enter into a death stare, preparing themselves to fight.

"Bakugo! Izumi! Back to your seats now!" The teacher commanded as both of them slowly return to their seats, not breaking the stare until they right next to their seats. 'So you stop them from fighting but not when Bakugo attacks me in class?' I thought to myself. "Now onto the lessons."

"Hey Izuku! Do you mind I walk with you to the store?" Izumi questioned after school ended.

"Sure, I don't mind!" I answered with a smile.

"Hey look, the nerd has a job! Have you already given up on becoming a hero?" Nagai Yubi proclaimed behind Bakugo.

"Doesn't fucking matter. I warning you, Deku. Dare even enter UA, and I'll make your life a living. You here me!?" Bakugo placing a hand on my shoulder, creating smoke to intimidate me. Before Izumi can challenge him, I hold out my hand to stop her.

"Look the quirkless nerd finally accepts his fate!" Nagai stated while chuckling to the other person that follows Bakugo.

Katsuki and his gang walks away, but stopping at the doorway. "Hey if you want to be a hero so badly, I think I know how." I look over to him, curious if he'll give some positive response. "Pray that you'll be born with a quirk, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building." As he walks away, I grab Izumi's arm.

"Izuku. Let me go! I should kick him off the roof of the building and pray that he'll be born as a fucking stink bug!!" Izumi challenges my grip, as I pull her into a hug.

"And what would dad say if he found out that you killed someone!? You would just be as bad as the villain that killed him!" I challenged, as Izumi instantly deflates from this comparison. Taking a few minutes in silence before I speak out. "Come on Izumi. Let's head to the store." Izumi just simply nodding as she hugs my arm the entire walk there.

Packing up for the day, I grab my phone and begin to text Uraraka.

Hey Babe💚, when do you want to
meet up today?

Hey Izuku! I was wondering if
we stop for a while?

Sure if you want. Can ask why?

I want to prepare for the UA
entrance exam.

Do you want me to help you?
I have some ideas to improve your 
quirk training. 😁😃😁

No thanks, I don't want any

Oh. Ok. Please promise me that'll
contact me if you need anything.
Alright Ura?

Promise. Thank you, Izuku.

See you at the exams, Babe!
Love you!💚💚💚

I sigh slightly defeated by this, unaware of the two ladies looking at me. "Is their a problem?" Shiori questioned.

"This is the second day here and I can tell somethings wrong." Jiro blustered the question.

"My girlfriend just told me that she'll be spending our time together to train for the UA entrance exam." I answered, with Shiori nodding in understanding.

"Don't you use the money from this job for dates with her?" My boss questioned, as I nod in affirmance. "Are you two trying to get into UA?"

"Yep, someone needs to keep my sister in line." I stated, chuckling to myself.

"I'm trying at the very least." Jiro answered, slightly depressed by something.

"Hey. From what I learnt about you Jiro, you are a smart and resourceful badass. Trust yourself." I bluntly informed her, lifting her chin to force her to look into my eyes. "Do you understand me? Or should I out play you on your own guitar again?"

"I-I heard you. J-just call me by my first name instead." Jiro stuttered, turning her head away. Shiori smiling slightly at us.

"Got it Kyoka, call me Izuku! Now, Shiori. Why do you ask?" I expressed with a million watt smile, as I turn to the boss lady.

"Follow me." She stated as we walk to the back of the store, stopping at a locked door. Placing her hand on a handprint scanner, as the door unlocks to show a training centre with various weaponry. "I may be a little rusty when it comes to my training, but I can still teach the two of you something."

Thanks for reading and Peace!!

Izuku. Barachiel ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now