Part 1: And That's How I Met Your Mother

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy! (I regret everything including this title)

<Toshinori's POV>

"Dad! How did you meet mum?" A girl with blondish green hair jumping up and down with a giant smile plastered on her face.

"Yeah! I wanna know!" A boy with blackish green hair vibrating with excitement and an equally giant smile as his half sister.

"Well Izuku, Izumi. Your mother and I met on a mission." I said, leaning forward in my chair. "The mission was to take down a group of bad guys, who took kids from their parents an sold them to  other bad people." Both the kids inhale in shock at the same time. "Do you know what they did wrong this time?"

"No. Tell us! Tell us!" Both of them saying that at the same time, giving me a slight chuckle.

"They took a child from one of your mum's students."  Their eyes light up with excitement. "She joined me, and a few other heroes to find and capture them. With days of her joining us, she found their base planed the raid. We manage to save hundreds of children and stop them from running ever again." A few "Yaaay" and jumping around, the kids finally calmed down. Inko simply standing and watching the two.

"Dad, I have another question." Izuku said looking serious as possible. "Why do I look different from Izumi? And not that she a girl!"

'Damn this kid has me read.' I thought, as I scratch my chin.

"It's because he isn't your dad by blood." Inko stated, both the kids turn around noticing her. Izumi running up while Izuku stood their confused.

"Honey, do you think he'll understand?" I asked, with a questioning look on my face.

"Well he definitely got you read." I flinch while she continues to chuckle at me. 'S-she noticed.' I thought, while she walks up to Izuku and kneels down to his level. "Something happened to me while you were inside my stomach, which made stopped your aging. I've waited for years to give birth to you, and Izumi here is the cause of you being here today." She stated whilst patting her on the head.

"B-but that dosn't explan why dad isn't dad." He said, trying to say big words.

"Before I met this dad, I was with your dad by blood. He left to go overseas, and he didn't come back." Her expression saddens slightly.

"But you don't need to worry. Because I am here." I said picking Izuku up and turning him around to see my eyes. "No matter of blood or not, you are my son. And I care for you, don't forget that." Tears begin to form under his eyes as he gives me a huge hug.

"O-ok!" A flood tear.

<Izuku's POV 1 Month Time-skip>

After completing all the tests the doctor asked, we wait till doctor calls for us. "Hey, Izuku! Who's going to get the better quirk?"

"As long as we get a quirk, it doesn't matter. We will be on the path of becoming heroes!" I said, punching my fist into the air.

"YEAH!!" Izumi copied my movements, by far louder.

"Izuku and Izumi Yagi." The doctor call out, mum grabbing our hands and walked us into the room. "The results are in, and I just need a bit more information on Izuku's parents quirks."

"Ah, his father's quirk is fire breathing. And my quirk is a form of telekinesis, that uses Electrogravitics that I manipulate with my mind." Mum states, as the doctor add some notes.

"Sorry, but Izuku Yagi will not manifest a quirk." At that moment, time practically stood still until he spoke again. "A majority of tests that we did for were main to see if he was possibly a lucky case." As he shows two foot scans. "These two are Izumi's and Izuku's x-ray's. Besides structure, the only difference between the two is that Izumi's pinkie toe is fused together, Izuku's is not. Their have been cases were someone with a unfused toe manifesting a quirk, but only two cases in the entire world."

"Then why did you do all those tests?" Mum questioned.

"Seeing how Izumi has a quirk, we needed to do them for her. Those tests are the same tests we would do with Izuku, so it's better to do two birds with one stone." He said handing the report that says my name, as she looks through it.

"Seeing how you stated that Izumi has a quirk, do you know what it might be?" Mum questioned, as she closes the folder. 'Mum, please don't give up on me.

"May I know her parents quirks." The doctor asked.

"Her father has a form of body amplification, and my quirk." Mum stated, with nodding.

"I can't say this with 100% certainty. However the most likely outcome is that her quirk uses the same Electrogravitics of your quirk and uses it to amplify speed, strength and reflexes. I can say for certainty is that it definitely going to relate to Electrogravitics." He said, handing her the folder with Izumi's name on it. "For her age and rate of increase, she will have a powerful quirk nonetheless."

"Thank you doctor. Come on kids were heading home. Today we're having Katsudon." Mum said, as we walk away.

"YAAAAAY!!!!!" Izumi exploded with joy, whereas I stayed quite.

The drive back seemed dark, as a small cloud covered the sun. "Funny, the new forecast said it wouldn't be cloudy." Mum said.

Entering the house to see dad is seating on the couch watching a newly formed boxing championship based on quirks as he folds recently cleaned clothes. "I honey. How was the appointment?" He asked.

 "Slightly good, Izumi has a quirk that is similar to mine." Mum said, whilst giving him a kiss.

"What's with the slightly? Your quirk is amazing, and Izumi is going to be great with anything similar." Dad said, as Izumi gives him a bear hug. I simply walk into the study and go onto the computer, playing the video that Dad premiered as the symbol of peace. Losing count of how many times I played the video. "Izuku." I turn around to see mum and dad standing at the door way.

"C-can I-I still be a hero?" I questioned, as tears fall down my emotionless face.

Both of them walk up and hug me whilst saying. "I'm sorry Izuku."

That night was my first thunder storm.

Thanks for reading, peace!

Izuku. Barachiel ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now