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You rose from your throne as the nobles slowly trailed out of the room, grateful for the early ending and to be able to get out of your chair. You had no intention of leaving the room with the rest of the court though. Unfortunately, you had a bone to pick with your father. 

You waited on the dias until the last of the nobles had drained from room. You spotted Technoblade loitering near the throne room doors for a moment, no doubt waiting for you to join him in the garden as you normally would, but you sent him off with a nod, hoping that he would understand. 

The doors swung shut and you turned to your father, coming to stand in front of him as nobles seeking his aid would - a formal position. 

He looked at you with curious eyes, obviously confused as to why you had not disappeared after the meeting had adjourned as you normally would. "Did you need something, my dear?" He asked. 

"I only wished to talk." You said, giving him a small smile. 

The gesture of affection seemed to ease his nerves and he smiled in return. "It has been too long since we last talked, my child." He said. "I'm so used to you disappearing with that young Lord Technoblade during the afternoons - the palace staff say you spend long hours in the gardens together."

So word had even gotten around to your father. You smiled thinly - you were sure it was the twins, up to no good. You would have to figure a way to get them back for spreading rumors; perhaps you would replace their wine with olive oil again. 

"He's become a very dear friend to me." You said. "I'll be sad to see him go."

Your father hummed knowingly. "You shouldn't have to worry about that for quite a bit, if things keep going the way they have been."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about." You said. 

"I know the meeting are long." Your father sighed. "And I understand if you want to withdraw from them-"

"No, that's not it at all." You said. "I feel like I'm not doing enough."

The curiosity returned to his eyes, now edging on confusion. 

"There's so many things I want to say during the negotiations, but I never know if it's my place to say them." You continued, looking at your father. "You don't say much during the meetings either."

"Y/N..." He started. 

"Aren't you worried about him?" You interrupted. "Colin's been treating this whole thing like it's some kind of game. He has no regard for life - of their kind or our own. You can't just let him threaten war like it's nothing!"

Silence echoed throughout the room as you father just closed his eyes. In that moment, he no longer looked like a king - only a weary old man, his back hunched from too many years of sitting in the same stone chair and his hands calloused and knobbly from wearing down the grip of his sword. 

"Your brother is the crown prince." Your father began slowly. "One day, all of this will be his to rule. It's his job to figure out what kind of leader he wants to be."

"Do you want him to be like this?" You asked. "A man who kills innocents and throws war around like it's a game?"

"I promised your brother that I would let him handle the negotiations." Your father said. "This is his crime, and he'll do what he sees fit-"

"You're talking like you're already dead and gone." You said. "This is still your kingdom. You don't have to let him walk all over you-"

"But I will be." Your father said, a sad sort of smile playing on his lips. "Soon enough, I'll move on to whatever comes after this plane of existence and it will just be you and Malcolinus. You'll have to advise him-"

"He won't listen to me!" You said. "He's a self righteous sociopath who doesn't care about life in any sense of the word."

Your father paused. "I'm disappointed you think so little of your brother."

"I love him, I do." You said. "But I'm worried."

Your words hung in the air - a last plea for your father to do something; anything, about the way things were going.

"He will grow out of this." Your father assured you. "I had a similar phase that I'm not proud of during the time that I was adventuring the lands. Luckily for me, there was a dragon that needed slaying and I didn't take my anger out on innocent pigmen."

"He's threatening war." You said. 

"He will see the error of his thinking soon enough." Your father said, resting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing lightly. "Put your mind at ease, my dear. You're second born, all you have to worry about is being a public figure, and that's the easy part." He laughed at his own joke, even though it wasn't particularly funny. 

You smiled thinly as your father let go of your shoulder, patting you on the head. "If you don't mind, I think I'll head to the gardens now."

"Ah yes." You father said, a twinkle in his eye. "With Lord Technoblade."

You didn't bother reminding him that Technoblade was just a good friend - you knew he would believe whatever he wanted. Still, you stooped into a quick bow out of habit and turned on your heel, striding out of the room. 

The large oak doors swung shut behind you and you paused. Your father was just as delusional as your brother, just in a different way. Doing the world a service and killing the Ender Dragon was nowhere near the same as murdering a troupe of innocent men. Did he not see the severity of the consequences of these meetings?

Emotions still flaring high, you took a steadying breath. 

If you couldn't get through to your father, you would try to get through to Colin, slim chance as it was. 

TACENDA // Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now