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A light chime echoed through your room, waking you from your sleep. You groaned, rolling over to press your face into the pillow - the second day of negotiations, and again the meeting started before the birds sang. 

You sat up slowly, wiping the sleep from your eyes and pulling your nightshirt over your head and tossing it aside. You slipped your legs off the bed first and then stood up to pad over to your wardrobe, where you had set aside what you were going to wear today. You changed, fixed your hair into something more presentable. 

You glanced out the window of you room to see the sun begin to rise over the mountains. Your room brightened as the sliver of light became larger, and the dew that clung to the glass began to melt away. You took a moment just to appreciate the moment of calm in the morning - you were sure the negotiations would be no different than they had been yesterday, and you would take what moments of peace you could get. 

You left your room and made your way down to the kitchens, where a fresh loaf of bread had just been taken out of the oven. You took a slice for yourself, and munched as you traveled to the throne room, where no doubt everyone would be gathering now. 

You had just rounded a corner when you felt the air distort. You stopped walking and watched as the twins popped into existence, their purple eyes finding you at the same time. 

"Hello." You said, swallowing the chunk of bread that you had been chewing. 

"Morning." Deirdre said. There was a mischievous glint to her eye.

"What's this about spending yesterday afternoon in the garden with Lord Technoblade?" Tarquin said, a smile playing on his lips. 

You laughed, breaking off another chunk of bread. "We were just catching a moment of peace after the negotiations." You said, continuing on your way to the throne room. The twins followed you, matching their steps together. 

Deirdre picked up where her brother had left off. "That's all?"

"If you must know, we were complaining about family." You said. "Apparently, he has troublesome brothers as well."

Tarquin hummed curiously. "If you say so-"

"I do." You said. "You're both being weird, stop it."

"Well, we just thought, after you danced the night away with him, that maybe, I don't know..." Deirdre trailed off. 

You laughed. "I've known him for a total of four days." You said. "He's got the makings of a friend, but nothing more."

The twins traded a glance, and then they were gone, leaving purple wisps swirling around your legs. You sighed, finishing off the bread - of course they would jump to conclusions. You weren't particularly upset though, you knew they meant no harm with their teasing. 

You brushed the crumbs off your hands as you reached the doors to the throne room and pushed one open, slipping inside. You were early now - your brother hadn't even arrived yet, and your father was just sitting down. You made you way to the dias and took your place next to him, greeting him as you sat down. 

Across the room, a flash of pink caught your eye. Technoblade and Ilbertus strode through the doors, taking the seats opposite you and your father. You smiled at him, and saw the flash of a smile underneath his mask in return.

It only after the exchange that you remembered the twins were present as well, tucked into the shadows behind your father's throne. 

It didn't matter anyway, really. Let them think what they would. 

You settled into your seat as the rest of the court filed into place. It was only a short while before the room was full - all but for Colin's empty seat.

You sighed. Of course. Of course he would be late on purpose. You knew he woke at the crack of dawn anyway (a military man to a fault) and there was no real reason he should be late, but here it was, an empty chair and Lord Ilbertus' petulant frown as he glanced up at the clock that hung above one of the windows. 

When the doors finally opened again and Colin strode in, you ran a hand over your forehead. He took his seat like nothing was wrong, and signaled to the scribe to start the session, even though that was technically only something your father was allowed. 

"So kind of you to join us, Colin." You said, the words slipping out before you could think about it. 

Your shot a nasty glance at you - a silent reminder that no one had asked you to be here, really, and that you had taken it upon yourself to sit in. He could issue a dismissal of your presence easily, and that would be the end of it. 

You ignored his look, instead focusing on the curvature of the armrest of your throne. 

"Good morning Prince Malcolinus-" Ilbertus started. 

"Skip the pleasantries." Colin interrupted. 

Ilbertus pressed his lips into a thin line, waiting a moment before speaking again. "Have you thought more about the terms we set yesterday?"

"I have." Colin said, and for a moment, there was a sliver of hope in the room. 

Just agree, your mind silently urged him. You were so obviously in the wrong here, and it's so admirable that they're being diplomatic and kind, please Colin just agree.

"After reviewing the terms you set yesterday, I have decided to make a set of terms of my own." 

The groan was almost audible as every person in the room cast looks at each other. You caught Technoblade's eye, silently hoping that he understood that you also wanted to strange your brother in that moment.

Colin wasn't done however. "I propose that we return half of the loot, and that no punishment will be given." 

Ilbertus all but snarl. "You can't honestly think-"

"And I would do well to remind you that our military is twice the size of yours." Colin finished, levelling Ilbertus with a stare.

The room fell silent, and you watched your fingers curl around the carved stone of your seat, pretending it was your brother's neck. 

TACENDA // Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now