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After getting you cut dressed you retired straight to your rooms, tumbling into bed to make up for the hours of sleep you had replaced with a midnight escapade to save the life of the man you loved. Technoblade had been right - the adrenaline from the stress had finally wore off when you were getting your cut dressed and you had barely been able to lug yourself back to your room with how exhausted you were. Still, the sheets were warm and welcoming, and you passed out within seconds of your head touching the pillow. 

Only to find yourself in a long stone hallway, with torches spaced out in intervals. 

You looked to your left. No windows. To the right. No doors. Down at your hands. It looked almost like the hallways back home, but the stone was of a different fiber... where were you?

The rasp of metal on stone made you look behind you, peering down the hallway. Though it was lit, you saw no one, and when the rasp of metal sounded again, it was still behind you, though that was now on the other end of the hall. 

"Hello?" You called, your voice ringing in an echo down the stone.

There was no response, but the rasp of metal did not sound again. Instead, the echo became louder, until you realized it was not the echo at all, but a mixture of different voices, layering over each other so that you could just pick out little snippets of words.

...blood for the blood god...

...kill your brother...

...evil, he's evil, don't listen to him...

...drive a knife through his spine...

You found yourself unable to move as the voices swirled around you, growing louder and louder.

...we deserve his blood...

...he's awful, give him to us...

...come there myself and do it...

Your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest and you could feel the adrenaline building back up. You clapped your hands over your ears to try and block out the screaming, only for the words to bounce around your head. It was inside you, it was-

You startled from your sleep at the soft knock on your bedroom door, gripping the sheets. A dream. It was a dream. You calmed your breathing and slipped out of bed, fixing your hair and your nightshirt into something more presentable. A nightmare, that was all. Really something to be expected after a night like that. 

You opened the door to see Technoblade standing there. He'd changed out of his blood spattered nightclothes, but you could see that he hadn't gotten to rest much yet, the bags under his eyes were heavy, and he smiled weakly at you. His eyes found your arm first, relief flooding them when he saw your wound was dressed, and then found your face, only to be filled with worry again. 

"What's wrong?" He asked, his hand twitching like he wanted to reach out to you, but he was stopping himself. 

"Just a nightmare." You said, opening the door wider. "Please come sit, you look tired."

Technoblade hesitated, but then stepped inside, perching on the edge of your bed. You closed the door and moved to sit down next to him, facing the window. The sun was just setting now - it had been morning when you had turned in for bed, and you had slept the whole day away. Next to you Technoblade fidgeted. 

"How are things?" You asked, breaking the silence. 

"Messy." Technoblade said. "Your brother is being detained in the infirmary while his leg is looked at. Your father and I have been trying to smooth things over about Ilbertus, and the whole assassination attempt... it's not pretty."

"And Deirdre?" You asked, heart flying to your throat. 

"We don't know yet." Technoblade said. "Tarquin's a wreck."

You nodded, silently praying that she would be alright. The echo of her scream still bounced around your skull, and if she died... you didn't know what you would do, knowing she had taken that hit protecting you. 

You felt eyes on you and glanced to see Technoblade looking at you, almost fearful. You turned to face him fully, concerned. "Technoblade?"

"Thank you." He said softly. "For saving my life."

"I didn't-" You started. "If anything, you saved mine-"

"No you did." Technoblade said. "If you hadn't stumbled across Malcolinus and Ilbertus on the balcony, they would have probably gone through with it and I would be dead. It was only because you called the twins and sent Deirdre to wake me that I was ready at all." He paused. "Can I ask what you were doing up so late last night?"

"I was coming to find you." You said. 

Technoblade looked away, his pink skin flushing deep red. "I should apologize again." He said. "I shouldn't have kissed you, but we had been drinking, and-"

"I was coming to find you to tell you that you didn't have to run away, and please," You cradled one hand under Technoblade's jaw, the other lifting his mask from his face. "Kiss me again."

Red eyes found your own in shock as you pressed your lips to his, pouring all of the gratitude, respect, admiration and pure love you had for this man into the kiss. Techoblade melted into the gesture, all but pulling you into his lap as his hands found the small of your back.

When you pulled back, he was still red, but for a different reason. You leaned your forehead against his and smiled, winding your arms around his shoulders. "You're beet red." You said. 

"I-" Technoblade stuttered. "You... you return my feelings."

"Of course I do." You laughed. "How could I not, after everything?"

If it was possible, Technoblade got even redder and pressed his face into your shoulder. You took the opportunity to card your hands through his hair, and he sighed softly, relaxing as you ran your fingers through his hair. 

"You must be exhausted." You murmured. 

"I am." Technoblade said. 

You slid out of his lap and moved to pull back the covers, sliding back into bed, leaving space for Technoblade to settle down beside you. He did - still beet red - but you could see him relax as soon as his head hit your pillow. You adjusted the blanket over the both of you and laid down beside him, neatly tucking your head under his chin. You sighed as he draped an arm over you. 

You were both asleep in a matter of minutes, and the voices didn't bother you again. 

TACENDA // Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now