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Ilbertus' body crumpled to the floor with a sickening thud, and Technoblade dropped his axe, looking down as his former partner's body with wide eyes. "I-" His normally flat voice was choked as Ilbertus' blood began to seep out onto the floor. His eyes found you. "I didn't mean... the voices-"

Deirdre sagged in your grip, and all of a sudden you were supporting her full weight. You laid her down on Technoblade's bed, looking to him, the adrenaline from the fight giving way into a fully fledged panic. 

Technoblade snapped back to reality and started over to you, helping you lay Deirdre on the bed. Her blood soaked into the sheets, staining the white linen the deep color of the night sky. Her eyes fluttered as you moved her and she let out a soft groan. 

"Deirdre." You said, voice shaking. "Deirdre look at me." 

Her eyes found yours and she smiled thinly. 

"You're going to be alright." You said, running a hand through her hair as you had done so many times before. "We'll fix you up." You turned to Technoblade, who had come to stand beside you, and was looking down at the large wound in Deirdre's side. His eyes scanned over the injury with a solemn gaze, and your heart dropped. 

"She'll live, right?" You asked. 

Technoblade grabbed onto the bottom of his bedsheets and began to tear the fabric until he had a long strip. "If we're fast." He said, fastening the makeshift bandage to hold the wound closed. "We need to get her to the physician with as little movement as possible. Where's her brother?"

"My father's quarters." You said. 

"And those would be?" Technoblade asked, starting towards Colin. Your brother tried to get away, only to wince when he put pressure on the leg he had been holding. 

"Not far from here." You said. "At the end of the hall to the left."

Technoblade grunted and stooped down to Colin's level, hauling him up to his feet. Colin squirmed as he was manhandled up from the wall. 

"Please." Colin gasped. "I was wrong, you've won, please don't kill me-"

Technoblade just hefted your brother onto his shoulder, and gestured for you to lead the way out the door. 

You hesitated, glancing back to Deirdre, breathing shallowly on the bed. "What about-"

"The sooner we get to her brother, the sooner we can get her to the physician." Technoblade said. "Moving her will only cause her to lose more blood."

"Right." You said, starting out the door, Technoblade and Colin behind you. 

In the hallway, the first sliver of the sun was peeking out over the horizon and streaming through the windows, and the first of the staff were beginning to roam the halls. You hurried along the hallway towards your father's room, ignoring the stares as you walked. Of course, it wasn't every day that you saw the visiting war lord with the crown prince dripping blood over his shoulder - but you would appreciate if they would have just gone about their business. All the looks were making you even more nervous. 

You didn't bother knocking on your father's door, pushing the heavy oak open and stepping inside to hold it for Technoblade. Technoblade lugged Colin inside and set him down on the floor (not gently at all) before turning to your father.

Your father was still in his nightclothes, perched on the edge of his bed, as Tarquin stood guard, eyeing Colin nervously. You and Technoblade began to speak at the same time. 

"Etienne." Technoblade said, voice low and dangerous.

"Tarquin." You breathed shakily. "Tarquin, Deirdre..."

Tarquin dropped his sword, his eyes flashing panic. "Where is she?"

"Technoblade's suite." You said. "You need to teleport her to the physician-"

Tarquin was gone in an instant, leaving your father in the room. 

Your father looking to Colin, focusing on the wound in his leg, and pain crossed his face. 

"Your son." Technoblade gritted out. "Your son tried to kill me in my sleep."

Your father said nothing, his gaze dropping to the stone floor underneath his feet. There was a line of tension in his shoulders, and you could pinpoint exactly what he was feeling - solemn acceptance. 

"You should be grateful I didn't slice off his head." Technoblade spat. 

Your father winced at the words, but kept his silence. You were sick of it. You were sick of him just sitting there and taking whatever was given to him - he was a king, for gods sake.

"Do you have nothing to say?" Technoblade asked. 

Your father's eyes rose to meet your gaze. 

"You knew this was going to happen." You said. "I tried to get you to do something, to remind Colin of his place, and you let this happen."

"I wanted to believe my son had more sense than this." Your father said slowly. He looked over to Colin, who was still slumped against the wall. "I was a fool, blinded by his hopes for his son, and I have paid the price dearly."

"I don't think it's fully paid yet." You said. "Father-"

Technoblade put an arm on your shoulder, squeezing gently. You stopped, letting out a slow exhale as some of the adrenaline began to fade slowly. 

"There will be time for that soon enough." Technoblade said. "I think it's best now that we get your brother to the infirmary and then you get off to bed. Once the adrenaline drains, you'll crash."

Your father got up from the edge of his bed, going to kneel before Colin and look him in the eye, running a hand through his sons hair. He said nothing, but there didn't need to be words for the exchange between them - Colin shrank back as the wave of your father's disappointment hit him, and for the first time since you were small, he began to cry. 

"You should go get that cut dressed."

Technoblade's voice called your attention back to him, and to the stinging slice on your arm where Ilbertus had sliced you. Technoblade gently pushed you towards the door, and you slipped out into the hallway, still hearing Colin's sobs as the doors to your father's room swung shut. 

TACENDA // Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now