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You ended up staying on that balcony with Technoblade until the sky had lightened enough that you could only barely see the stars, just sharing each other's company until your eyes would barely stay open and you stumbled back to your room to tumble into bed, finally asleep. 

Your little midnight excursion had worked, even though it had taken a bit longer than you'd intended. It was probably for the better though - you couldn't imagine attending the negotiations meeting after what Colin had said. 

When you woke again, the sun was high in the sky. Your eyes fluttered open slowly, taking in the streaks of sunlight that illuminated the particles of dust in the air. You sat up slowly, feeling a sort of soreness behind your eyes - you knew you hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, and spending most of it paralyzed by fear in bed probably wasn't healthy either. 

Still, some sleep was better than none, and you couldn't just sit around in bed all day. The negotiations were probably still going on, but you had no intention of making an appearance today. 

You slipped out of bed and pulled your nightshirt over your head, careful to grab the orb from the pocket and slip it into the pocket of your dayclothes, running a finger over the smooth surface of the eye - a reminder that you had nothing to fear, really. The twins would be there when you needed them. 

Perhaps, if the twins weren't in the negotiations today, you would spend your newfound free morning hours with them.

You took some time to fix your hair and wash your face, as you usually just bustled out the door with minimal effort to get to the negotiations meetings on time, and cracked the windows in your room to let the fresh morning air in, wiping away all the stress and sweat from the night.

You would have time to actually eat breakfast this morning as well. 

You stepped out of your room and closed the door behind you, starting on your way down to the kitchens. The palace was abuzz with activity - nothing like the long silent hallways you had paced last night. In the morning light, everything seemed safer, and weight of the orb in your pocket only added to that feeling. 

When you arrived at the kitchens, you were able to steal a few slices of toast drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with a pinch of spice. It was a favorite breakfast of yours, that you had been foregoing in exchange for fruit for a while - it was just easier to grab an apple on the way to the morning meetings than take the time to dust a bit of spice on some toast. Still, the taste of the oil on the bread was familiar and warm as you walked about the palace, heading towards the east wing and the training grounds. 

You normally didn't visit this part of the palace, but you knew that sometimes the twins would skip the meetings in favor it training with each other, and there was a chance that they would be in the courtyard there, clashing swords. 

Sure enough, as you approached, you could hear the clanging of metal, and strange syllables of Endspeak coming from the courtyard.

Stepping out onto one of the covered porches, you leaned against the carved railing, finishing off your breakfast as you watched the twins fight. You had often thought that their dancing was a sight to behold, but it was nothing compared to the multidimensional fights their training consisted of. Of course, as your father's most trusted servants, there was an element of being a bodyguard of sorts, and the twins had been trained by only the best fighters. 

Deirdre disappeared only to reappear behind Tarquin and swing her sword at his back - but the blade cut through thin air as Tarquin did the same. It was less of a fight and more of a disappearing act for a while, but when their blades did meet, it was a sight to beheld. Faster and more agile than men, they fought ferociously. 

They only noticed you when they came to a panting stop, grinning at each other. 

Deirdre spotted you first, her eyes lighting up as she smiled. Tarquin was the one that got to you first however, teleporting to you side. 

"Hello your Highness." He said. "What brings you here on this fine morning?" 

A disturbance in the air at your other side signaled Deirdre's presence. "Yeah, aren't you supposed to be negotiating right now? Don't tell me they let out early again-"

"No." You said. "I barely got any sleep last night so I decided not to go." 

The twins traded a glance over your head at your words, and Tarquin spoke again. "Nightmares?"

"Something along those lines." You said. "It's incredible how everything in your room looks like an assassin in the dark."

"Shadows do love to play tricks." Deirdre said. 

"And so do brothers." You said. "Maybe I should start sleeping with a knife under my pillow."

"Y/N, you know how to use a sword, don't you?" Tarquin asked. 

On your other side, Deirdre perked up, evidently catching on to what her brother was saying. You, however, were one step behind. "A bit." You said. "Why?"

Tarquin disappeared from beside you, reappearing in the courtyard where he and Dierdre had dropped their swords. He picked up the blades, holding one out to you. "Would you feel better if you got back into swordfighting? Maybe put some use to that ceremonial blade you have hanging over your bed?"

You hadn't really put your hand on a blade since you were young, and you and Colin had been just learning. There was no doubt you would be out of practice, but you could see where Tarquin was coming from, and swordplay was something your muscles would remember, like horseback riding. 

"I'm not exactly dressed for it." You said, looking down at the clothes you had put on.  "But I think I will anyway."

Tarquin smiled as you came to take the blade from his hand and squared up in front of him. 

TACENDA // Technoblade X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now