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The throne room felt like an entirely different place, even though nothing had much changed since the last negotiations meeting. The seat underneath you was the same, and the same court was gathered. Your father still took his place on the throne, crown weighing heavy on his head. The only real difference was that Colin and Ilbertus' seats were empty.

And that every time you made eye contact with Technoblade, this soft sort of smile would play at the corners of his mouth.

You tried not to get too carried away looking at him - though it was hard, with the sunlight hitting him just right so that his hair looked like silk and his eyes glittered. Today was an important meeting though, and it required your full attention. 

It was going to be the last day of the negotiations, and after this, everything would end one way or another.

"I'm dropping the original terms." Technoblade said, speaking directly to your father. "The gold that your son stole doesn't matter now, not after everything."

Your father nodded solemnly. "And your new terms?"

"I want Malcolinus out of line for the throne." Technoblade said. 

Mutters broke out amongst the court, and eyes darted between Technoblade and your father. It was unheard of for someone outside the royal family to make such demands, even in the current situation. To disrupt the natural order of things as an outsider would be unheard of. 

"I agree." You said, looking to your father. 

Your father's eyes found yours, and you could see a watery sort of sadness pooling behind them. It was obvious that he had taken Colin's fall from grace to heart the most. You were unwavering though - Colin could not be allowed to take the throne. 

"The past few days have made it excessively clear that Malcolinus is not fit to rule." Technoblade said. "He's easily irritable, impulsive, and has no regard for his reputation or sentient life - all qualities that would make him a horrible king. I know that it is much to ask as someone who isn't part of the royal family, but it is the only term I will set."

Your father bowed his head for a moment before lifting it back up to look Technoblade in the eye. "It will be done."

The court broke out into whispers again, only to be silenced when your father lifted a hand, signaling the scribe to start a decree.

"In meeting Lord Technoblade's terms facing the slaughter of twenty six innocent pigmen and recent assassination attempt by Prince Malcolinus, I, King Etienne, am hereby removing aforementioned crown prince from the line of succession." Your father's voice broke slightly, as he watched the scribe take down his word into law. "Instead, the line of succession will fall to my second born, Y/N."

Nerves fluttered through you all of a sudden, and your eyes darted to Technoblade. He nodded faintly a silent message - don't worry, you're more than fit for the throne.

Your father laid a hand on your knee, squeezing gently. "I'm sorry, my dear." He said. "But someone must carry the line."

Technoblade nodded respectfully to your father. "Thank you, your Majesty. I understand that an outsider requesting such a change is unheard of-"

"But necessary, it seems." Your father said. "I have realized too late that my son is unfit to rule, despite all my trying to shape him into a respectable young man, but is seems I have failed, both as a father and a king." His voice broke again, and he sighed, smiling thinly. "I am so sorry for what he has put you through."

The room was silent for a moment before your father rose shakily from his throne. You rose as well, taking him by the arm to help him stand. 

"That will do for today." Your father said, waving a dismissive hand to the court members. "We are adjourned." 

You made to lead your father out of the room, but he shrugged you away, leaving with the rest of the court. It was obvious that he would need a moment to fully come to terms that the pride and joy of his son was never going to take his place, and that his plans had changed. You would give him his space then. 

Technoblade was waiting by the doors of the throne room, and you made your way over to him, watching as the last of the court members filed out of the room. 

"So." He said. "Crown heir, huh?"

"It doesn't really feel real yet." You said. You had spent your whole life being told that crown heir was a title that belonged to your brother, but now it hovered over your head, circling. It would take a while to get used to. 

"I think you'll be good." Technoblade said. "You're much more peaceful and compassionate and friendly than your brother. And it'll be good to have someone with strong morals on the throne after your father - you're more understanding of peoples outside your own." A small smile came to play on his lips. "And of course, somewhere down the line perhaps, a marriage alliance between the Nether and the Overworld would be beneficial-"

You cut him off with a laugh, taking one of his hands between yours and squeezing it gently. "You'd like that too much."

"Well, the political aspect would be really beneficial." Technoblade prattled on. "There would be increased gold trade opportunity, and the combined power of our military would be great for protecting our new joined state-"

"You know," You teased. "All of a sudden it sounds like you're using me."

Technoblade mocking gasped, looking down at you with joking shock. "I would never, how dare you suggest such a thing-"

You tugged on the hand that you were holding, pulling Technoblade down so that you could press your lips to his. Technoblade sighed into the kiss, his other hands coming to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. You squeezed his hand again, your other arm coming to wrap around his shoulders, and you smiled into the kiss.

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