1 || No panties

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“He treats you like shit,” Cathie groaned into my ear. We were in her car chewing gums like two little sluts waiting to be picked up.

I spared a glance at myself in the sideview mirror and adjusted my gown so more of my cleavage was on display. My hand ran over my pink hair. Nikki Minaj was the inspiration but I was starting to rethink my choice of hair colour. Gerard hadn’t seen it. I look like a unicorn threw up over me.

Are those creatures even real?

Cathie tapped me. “I’m serious, Hana. You can do better.” I sighed. We have had this fucking conversation too many times for me to count. “You deserve better than Gerard.”

“I know.” I chewed the gum rapidly, making a balloon out of it until it popped and ruined my lipstick. Cathie passed me a paper towel. “Honestly, I like to be treated like shit.” She choked on a cough. I shrugged. “His shit.”

“You’re sick.”

Very much so. Only an insane person would keep going back to a man who treated her like gum on his shoe. “For him.” And his dick.

We stayed that way while her fingers rapped on her phone’s screen. I hadn’t fixed my nails yet because the last time I did, I scratched Gerard’s balls and he didn’t like it. I didn’t like it either.

Cathie’s phone rang out, startling me. I threw her the fuck you sign, she did the same, then picked her call. “Hello?” she said.

I glared holes into the door of the house we had been watching. Gerard was supposed to meet me out here but he was nowhere to be seen. No point calling him, he would never pick.

Phone calls were out of it. And our texts mainly involved him telling me what to wear, when and where to meet him so he could fuck me like the slut I was. Everything was on his terms.

Today, he chose a free, short gown that barely covered my butt. I liked it because it meant a quickie in his truck before the main fuck at one of the hotels him or his rich friends owned.

“Bitch. I gotta go.” Cathie pointed to her phone. “Steven just called me.” Steven was her sugar daddy. He funded her baby girl lifestyle. Bought this car for her. She honked again like she did fifty minutes ago when we first arrived. But no one came out. She offered me a contrite smile and I patted her shoulders. “He needs me.”

“I’ll find my way,” I told her and stepped out of the car.

“You sure?” I replied with a nod. “Love ya.”

“Love you too,” I answered, walking ahead to the house.

Gerard stepped out of the bungalow at that moment with two of his friends. He stood tall on the wooden stairs, regale and confident in his sexiness. I waved at him, he eyed me from top to bottom and looked away. No surprises.

Setting the flute of wine on the coffee table in the mini balcony, he took a step down and another until he was at the foot of the stairs. He motioned for me to come with a crooked finger. Without thinking twice, I rushed to him.

He held a hand to stop me from touching him. I stomped my feet on the ground like a kid denied her favourite candy. He snarled. He kept me waiting for more than thirty minutes. The least he could do was let me hug or kiss him.

“Baby,” I whined.

The distance between us seemed too much but I dared not bridge it. He would send me home without letting me come. I hated that.

“I’m not your baby.”

I shot a glance in Cathie’s direction. Her car was gone so she couldn’t have witnessed our interaction. Lucky her, her sugar daddy was only twenty years older and he treated her like diamond. Bought her everything nice.

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