5 || Bye, Daddy

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I stomped all the way to the room. I heard my name and quickened my pace. Heading straight to the bag I managed to pack when Gerard brought me here, I shoved the rest of my things inside and slung it over my shoulder.

My eyes stung. I was seriously about to cry. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I was not jealous. I didn’t care who he talked to. It was his house, his maids, his business.

The door opened with a creak. I was halfway to the mirror to be sure I didn’t look a mess but stopped. We just finished fucking, and the next second he was flirting with a maid. I snatched my phone from the table and turned around. Gerard stood in front of the door. There was a stain in his crotch area.

Was it from our time together, or his maid gave him a hard-on? Either way, none of my fucking business. I wanted to be out of here.

“You’re leaving?” Gerard asked from the door. A lump rolled to my throat. I nodded. He pushed away from the door while I did some maths on how to leave without having to talk to him. Sadly, it was impossible. “Why?”

“Why not?” I spat out. I folded my arms on my chest, and his eyes narrowed. My chin only stuck out in defiance. I wasn’t his little slut or sugar baby bonded by a contract anymore. I could say whatever I pleased without fear of a consequence.

“You’re spoiling for a fight, Hana.”

“What?” I stuttered. I lost all control and flared up, “You were flirting with your maid and I’m the one spoiling for a fight? Come on!”

Gerard was only half impressed with my outburst. He walked further into the room, his brows drawn over dark, intense eyes.

“I was just talking to Liz,” he replied. His tone irritated me more than his nonchalance. “She wanted to hear my opinion on something.”

“On what?”

“An apartment deal,” he answered. His lips pursed as he waited for me to process that. I could hear him loud and clear, but I wasn’t satisfied with his explanation. They looked too happy talking about apartments. “I do apologise for taking so long. I’m sorry, love.”

“Whatever.” I tightened my hand around the strap of my bag. If he thought his apology would calm me down, he had to think again. “She was so into you, Gerard. I bet that talk about an apartment was just a silly excuse.”

“Come on, Hana.”

“Even a blind man could see it,” I added.

Gerard sighed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and another sigh escaped him. I liked it better when he had me bent over the table. No sighing or talking involved. Just fucking.

“Liz has been my staff for a long time. If she wanted me, she would have made a move long time ago.” But Liz didn’t because she had no competition or didn’t feel threatened until my arrival. The truth was staring him in the face, but he was blind to see it. “Liz is a good girl.”

Bile invaded my mouth. It was meant to be an innocent compliment but came off as more than that to me. If I was his maid and had to wear a uniform as sexy as Liz’s, I would also be into him. I would be a good girl.

“Have you fucked her?”

His voice lowered, and his brows drew together. “Hana.”

“Just answer the question, Gerard.”


I expected that, but his reply went through my heart like a blunt knife. If I was beside a wall, I would have leaned on it for support. But I had nothing but my bag whose strap had rolled down my arm. Gerard tried to bride the gap, but I shook my head. I didn’t want him to touch me and use his expert fingers to earn his forgiveness. I was upset.

“How many times?”

Gerard shrugged. The knife in my gut twisted again. “It was before we were a thing, Hana.”

“Too many times to count, I guess,” I said in response to my previous question. “Maybe you should go hang out with Liz then. Maybe she will call you daddy and you’ll reward her for being such a good girl with your dick.”

“Hana. But I already apologised.”

“I don’t want it.” I pushed the straps up my shoulders and tilted my chin. “I’m leaving.”

“We were supposed to leave together,” he reminded me.

“Well, I’m leaving now.”

Gerard’s swept his hand over his body—the black tank and grey shorts hugging his frame. “But I’m not ready, Hana love.”

“You would have if you were not ‘talking’ to your maid. When will the contract be ready?”

“I don’t know.”


“Fine. I’m leaving.” I took a step forward, but he blocked my path. A groan travelled to my throat but I didn’t let it out. I sidestepped to the left, and he followed. Another step to the right, and he followed. Jesus. “Out of my way, man.”

“No.” Our eyes collided. I was on the verge of an angry breakdown. Gerard covered the distance in a stride and slid the bag off my shoulder. “You’re not going anywhere, Hana. We are leaving together like we planned, alright? I told you I would take you home.”

“I don’t want you to take me home,” I said.

The fight was gone from me. I wasn’t happy with him, but I had lost this fight before it started. He was sharing an opinion based on his point of view and was failing to see mine.

His thumb brushed the under of my lips, he leaned in as if to kiss me but didn’t. Instead, he whispered, “I’m not asking you, Hana.”

“I’m not requesting your permission either.”

Gerard stepped back. Confusion rolled over his features. “Why are you so mad, Hana?”

“Because you left me here to go flirt with the maid. Her button was down. Her boobs were on display, and you were laughing like...”

I couldn’t complete my statement due to the flood of emotions that swept over me. This was so not how I planned for this day to go. We should have been at my place by now.

Gerard snickered. “You were jealous.”

“Is that the only thing you got out of this? It was disrespectful. How about I go talk to some guy minutes after we finish fucking? I bet you would love to hear me give him my opinion about cars or stupid apartment deals. How about that for a start, Gerard?”

His face crashed. “Hana.”

“Don’t Hana me.”

His hands shot up in frustration. He wasn’t the only person frustrated. I was even more frustrated than I was because he was yet to see my point. He didn’t think it a big deal.

Was I overreacting? Gerard would have been pissed if I was laughing my ass out with a random dude I had fucked in the past while he was waiting for me. His hand ran through his hair as he observed me without a word.

“Can I at least drop you off?” he finally said.


Gerard took my hand and guided me to the bed. I didn’t want to protest so I wouldn’t come off as a nagging bitch. I sat down on the edge and he stepped back. He held my gaze as he pulled down his shorts to free his cock. My pussy reacted to the sight of his thick veiny cock that I wanted for me alone.

I pressed my legs together, determined not to let Gerard seduce me into forgiving him. He pulled off his tank. He was giving me a stripshow that I would have appreciated if I wasn’t so pissed. When I didn’t react like he thought I would, Gerard’s lips puckered.

Standing straight with his hands akimbo, it was difficult to not go on my knees and beg him to fuck my mouth. I was so needy.


“Just get dressed so we can leave.”

Gerard walked away, giving me a glimpse of his fine ass. I pushed my hands between my legs to stop from reaching for him. Moments later, he was dressed. He grabbed my bag before I could, a look of warning flashing in his eyes when I tried to take it from him.

At the door, his free hand slipped around my waist, drawing me in for a hug. “I’m sorry.”

I hummed a reply, but didn’t say more. If that annoyed him, Gerard didn’t mention it. We went down the stairs, and behold, Liz was in the living room. She offered me a tiny smile and beamed at Gerard. Apartment deals my ass. Gerard should be signed up for most oblivious male on earth. Her attraction for him was so obvious it was suffocating me.

Gerard kissed me on the nose. Oh. I wasn’t thinking when I pushed myself on my feet, and claimed his lips. Gerard was off-limits. I stole a glance behind me when we broke off the kiss, but Liz was gone. She had to see it.

Linking our fingers together, we headed to his car. He was gentlemanly enough to open my door after dumping my bag in the backseat. I turned on the radio to avoid conversation. He shut it off as soon as he entered. I glared at him, and he glared back.

Without missing a beat, I turned on the radio. Gerard groaned. Maybe I was becoming too bold. Maybe I was just being a brat. Either way, he didn’t call me out. He let me enjoy this win. The car started without any words exchanged. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes.

The hand squeezing my thigh brought me back to the present. I blinked. We were parked in front of my complex. Gerard undid my seatbelt and hoisted me on his lap to straddle him.

“We are here,” he whispered.


I stretched out my arms, ducking my head when Gerard tried to steal a kiss from me.



A look crept into Gerard’s eyes, and his gaze darkened. I opened his door before dirty thoughts like fucking me in his car invaded his mind. I stepped out first and opened the backdoor. Gerard was out of the car before I could reach my bag, and he nudged me out of his way to carry it. It wasn’t a big bag, anyway.

We used the stairs to get to my floor, and he never let go of my hand. I unlocked my door. We entered, and he dumped my bag on the couch. I sat on the armrest of the couch. He came closer, bent over and kissed me hard.

“Daddy,” I said when he released me. His left eye twitched. “I think I’ll stay here tonight. To process everything that’s happening, Daddy.”


I gulped. I had told him I was only coming to get some of my things because I didn’t plan for such a long stay at his house. But given my reaction to seeing him with another woman when I had watched him fuck other girls mouths, I needed some time and space.

“Daddy, I need it. My thoughts are a mess.”

“Because of Liz?” I shrugged. There was no point denying it. But it was more than Liz. He brushed my cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Do you want me to sleep over, Hana love?”  

“No.” That would lead to more marathon sex and the purpose of coming back here would be defeated. I could never tire of fucking him, but not tonight. “No, Daddy. I’m fine, Gerard.”

“Can I do anything for you before I leave?”

“No. Wait, yes.” He grinned. I laughed. “You can meet my friend. My best friend, Cathie.”

I watched his face for a reaction, but he hid his annoyance well. “Tonight?” he asked.

“No, tomorrow or Friday.”

I would have to give Cathie a call. Calling her wasn’t the issue. Convincing her to give Gerard a chance to prove himself to her was.

“Alright.” He took two steps back, his eyes never departing from my face. “I’m leaving.”

I waved. “Bye.”

“I’m leaving, Hana.”

“And I said, bye, Daddy.”

Gerard stopped walking. “Not even a kiss?”

“Not even a hug.”

He charged towards me, sending both of us down to the couch. As I was about to protest his weight crushing me, he claimed my lips.

“Are you still mad?” I wasn’t. But part of his punishment for flirting with Liz was letting him think that I was. How could he not see that she liked him? Gerard pouted, but I didn’t change my mind. “Goodnight, Hana.”

He shifted his weight to his elbow. We didn’t disengage from the hug but I could feel his dick pressing into my stomach. “Night, Gerard.”


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